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Everything posted by afi

  1. Thanks for the input so far. I will add both SP and MP (strafe) jumping depending on the maps.
  2. Hi, I'm currently working on a standalone puzzle/jump (and run) singleplayer game. It will be first person only and won't have any kind of weapons/force/enemies etc. For this project there is no urgent need for any kind of animations or (player/weapon-) models. I didn't start on the actual maps yet (except for some concepts) but what I did so far are some simple but necessary code edits and the complete menu (from scratch). So the only thing that really needs to be done now are the maps which will obviously also be the most time consuming part. The code is based on the openJK JA-multiplayer btw. Anyone who wants to contribute, even if just with ideas is welcome. I will show you some of my map ideas soon cause you probably don't really know what I'm about atm. But if enough people are interested I'd like to make this some kind of open project where everyone can contribute stuff. It's not meant to be a complete game with a story but more of a collection of fun levels.
  3. Is there an easy way to set all animations to some random placeholder? I'm working on something where I don't need any animations (and I can't keep the original animations cause it's gonna be a standalone) but at the same time I can't just delete them cause the game wouldn't like that.
  4. You can make them stop jumping pretty easily. I had the same question some time ago and some guy on jacoders told me.
  5. Risen, one of the best RPGs of all time imo after Gothic is currently on 2€ on steam

    1. Ping


      Of course, same devs. I absolutely adore Gothic, so I might give this a go.

    2. Sithani


      The first Risen definitely has a Gothic feeling

  6. Jedi Academy runs on openGL, I don't believe that this is possible (without having any clue about this subject at all)
  7. That's how I did it. Is there a different way?
  8. afi


    That's a seriously awesome tool
  9. Ja+ is horrible and always was horrible. I have no clue why anyone would play that
  10. Hi, is it possible to rotate models or animations within the code? What I wanna do is replacing the wallrun animation with a walk animation but obviously the angle is wrong so I would need to shift the animation by 90 dregree. I know I could just create a new animation but I'm still hoping for an easier solution.
  11. Dang it actually figured it out myself
  12. Is there a way to scale down a whole map in GTKRadiant 1.4? I realised that my proportions are a bit out of place and I don't want to build the whole map again.
  13. Thanks! I'm currently trying to do some animations but it will take ages to get gud D:
  14. First very early alpha video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1aXrqGanHU
  15. afi

    Promode Alpha

    The balance works actually pretty well. Used to play this mod a couple of times with some mates in CTF. Was quite fun
  16. I've uploaded the latest promode build btw which should do the trick. http://jkhub.org/files/file/1937-promode-alpha/ Just install and exec onlynosaber.cfg. You can still make your own code mod though, it's basically just one line that you have to change
  17. Thanks a lot, this actually was the reason (didn't change all instances of default model/sabers in the code while already had them changed in the assets)
  18. Personally I've always used uiScript RunMod "xxx" which is also used in the original setup menu For example: action { play "sound/interface/button1.wav" ; close all ; uiScript RunMod "total-tffa"; exec "map mp/duel3"; }
  19. Spawning with the saber is hardcoded in g_client, that's why g_weapondisable won't work.
  20. 80 downloads

    I made this mod in 2012 and since then I didn't touch it anymore. The reason why I release it now is cause even though it's unfinished there are still a couple of nice features that some people might find useful or fun. The goal of this mod was to make the game faster and to bring some more features to full weapon CTF and TDM (instagib for example). This mod is based on the old MP-sourcecode but contains a couple of crash/security-fixes (not nearly as much as openJK though). Some features are not finished or don't work completely. However, pretty much every new feature got a command (g_***) so you can disable/enable whatever you want. For example you can play instagib just like in the original instagib-mod or you can disable the sabers and leave everything else as it is on base. The .pk3 also contains some cfg files which should make it easier to set up the mod. This is a full list of all commands and new features: (However, if you dig you will find a couple of more features but those are not finished and might not work) Key Features: - Instagib mode - New weapon- and gamebalance - Wallrun and roll with weapons & wallruns from air - Increased aircontrol - Instant weapon-switch - A lot of new commands, for example no selfkill, no selfdamage, disallow spectators to follow players etc - Drop weapons with /drop - Drop the flag in CTF with /dropflag - Pause and freeze the match with g_pause - Set team-tags before the name and replace "Blue" and "Red" via server-cmd - New Votes (for example for g_maxgameclients) - Kill-streaks Commands: - g_instagibmode to enable/disable the instagib-mode - g_allowthesaber to enable/disable the saber - g_noselfdamage to enable/disable weapon-selfdamage - g_allowblacknames to allow/forbid black names - g_aircontrol to enable/disable the extreme-airspeed-mode - g_instantweaponswitch to enable/disable faster weaponswitch - g_noitems to enable/disable all items - g_allowweapons to set the spawn-weapons - g_wallruns to enable/disable wallruns - g_airaccelerate to set the airaccelerate - g_disruptortime to enable/disable fast weapontime for disruptor - g_superwallruns to enable/disable wallruns from the air - g_forceinstaregen to enable/disable the instant refresh of force - g_wallrunshoot to enable/disable the shooting while wallrunning - g_dropflag to enable/disable flag-dropping - g_dropitem to enable/disable weapon-dropping - g_basehealth to enable/disable the old spawn-health/armor-amount - g_allowtaunt to enable/disable taunts in gametypes except duel/pduel - g_killstreak to enable/disable killstreaks to be displayed in the console - g_precachweapon to set the precached weapons. "1" precaches all weapons - g_jumpheight to set the jumpheight. "0" is higher - g_fastflagreturn to set the flag-returntime. "1" is faster - g_allowsaberdebugbox to enable/disable the debugsaberbox - g_nospec to allow/forbid spectating players - g_moreheadshotdamage 1 for more headshotdamage 0 = default - g_nolocationBasedDamageforDisruptor for no locational damage for disruptor - g_jkpmvote to enable/disable the new votes - g_noselfkill to allow/forbid selfkills - g_teamred, g_teamblue, g_teamspec for tags before the name - g_paused pauses the game New values for old cvars: - g_speed 450 as default - g_spawnInvulnerability 0 as default - g_forceregentime 0 as default - g_gametype 8 as default CFG-Files: promode.cfg instagib.cfg onlynosaber.cfg This is an ALPHA mod which will not get any updates or fixes as I'm working on my new project now. Use at own risk! Thanks go out to JACoders.org and all their members. Credit for the killstreak messages goes to eezstreet.
  21. I did that for my promode-mod back then. It's not really hard to do. Might upload the old promode files at some point
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