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Posts posted by Ramikad

  1. Hopefully you can ask Jeff's permission to have these and use them in your mod:




    Also, the old MOTS mod team had some Rebel Troopers and Officers.


    Ultimately, check out DT85's Stormtrooper model (if you plan on setting the mod post-battle of Yavin) and Hapslash's Stormtrooper (if you plan on setting the mod during the time of Episode IV). They are GREATLY improved models from the base one.

    Also, maybe you have a chance at getting your hands on this beautiful model:



    Kazokas likes this
  2. I suppose you could convert a JKA model, if you made sure to weight everything correctly to the JKO skeleton.


    As for your first request, there are a few posts about frankensteining now.  Even though they focus on JKA, they'll work in JKO.


    Didn't importing JA models directly into JO cause monstrous aberrations, due to the absence of a few bones in the JA _humanoid skeleton that JO uses?

  3. Ehi Folks. check the intro icarus script script of T1_rail and the scripts of map t1_rail itself...

    you remember? there are dogfighst when cargo ships shoot the train with projectile and explosion.

    there is also a part when a cargo ship is upon jaden and can Dmg in with explosion and Kyle arrive with raven claw by the front side of the map blasting and destroying the cargo. also, kyle speaks "too easy!" and the raven go over.

    you can use the t1_rail map as example for make shooting air battles using ship models, fxrunner, tags, triggers,  and icarus ;)


    That's probably just a misc_model_breakable or func_breakable that plays that specific effect - no shooting, except for the 3 rockets at the beginning, is present on the map.

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