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Posts posted by Ramikad

  1. Man.. I guess this means that LODs are never a good thing.


    Are you kidding? LODs are a blessing, IF and only IF they're made properly. They improve performance when viewed from afar at the cost of some details - which, I may add, can barely be seen at that distance.

  2. The most likely bugs you may encounter decompiling are the hand-placed lights completely missing and the textures completely misaligned - except the ones on patches. Even still, decompiling is not "generally" seen as a positive thing. But since there's no other way...

  3. One reason for the Stormtroopers bafoonery & bad aim in Ep. IV is that Vader wanted them (heroes) to escape with the tracker installed on the ship. But in my opinion these animated shows and later movies take it too far to the point of idiocy.


    Quoted for the truth.

  4. Hm. I think Yun's escape spot is not the same lift, so the two events can coexist. Yun is lifted up much closer to the opposite end of the room, where Kyle starts: in the cutscene Kyle turns (theoretically, to the lift from where Yun came) to face the stormtroopers. I believe the Stormtroopers used the same lift Yun used at the start, descending from above, and it's not the same that Yun uses in the escape.


    Level 7:



    Level 8:


  5. On topic:

    Star Wars: Rebels is significant based on the fact that Disney/Lucas seems to be investing heavily on it. One of the script writers, Dave Filoni had this to say Season Two:


               "If Season One represents A New Hope, Season Two is very much inspired by Empire Strikes Back."


    So im guessing... that in S2, Ezra has learned a lot from his master and that there will be more action involved. Concidering that in New Hope Luke and his friends already knew of the rebellion,

    and the Empire was also well aware of them, infact, they were already dealing with guerrilla warfare. So I'm thinking -- Maybe S2 will show the very first ATTACK against the Empire, on a larger scale.


    If we can expect at least some of the "recurring themes", then there may be an asteroid field involved, the consolidation of a romance, a bounty hunter, and some arm cutting... and a broken droid? But we'll see :P



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