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Posts posted by Ramikad

  1. My mistake, it's not the .glm model, it's the .md3 model of the bomber.


    Checking out the code (the related code is in g_breakable.cpp), if the misc_model_breakable uses the TIE Fighter and TIE Bomber models it's supposed to play the correct tie explosion effect. Also, apparently it's a check on the model it uses. The TIE bomber is hardcoded to have a set of effects and to trigger the bombing run, which seems to start from the model_root, directly to the ground, a bit forward, whenever the player is in range, and to take damage by heavy weapons only.

    Asgarath83 likes this
  2. I changed absolutely nothing with the textures, I used the ones you packed a few posts earlier. As for the shader, I simply copied the shader code from the base tree branches:


        q3map_vertexScale 0.0125
        cull    twosided
        clampmap models/map_objects/plants/elmleave01
        alphaFunc GE128
        tcMod turb 1 0.01 1.0 1.0
        rgbGen vertex
    //    rgbGen lightingDiffuse


    Feel free to ignore the rgbGen lightingDiffuse, it's a fix from another experiment with misc_model_static foliage.

    Langerd likes this
  3. Deformvertexes with those plants? It may be pretty heavy. In case it is, you can change the code a little like this:


        qer_editorimage    models/map_objects/Plants/oakleaf
        q3map_material     GreenLeaves
        cull    disable
            clampmap models/map_objects/Plants/oakleaf

            tcMod turb 1 0.01 1.0 1.0
            rgbGen vertex


    That turbulence will emulate the leaves and branches moving (play around with the parameters for slower or faster turbulence), without causing as much FPS-drop as Deformvertexes likely will. Good luck!

    Langerd likes this
  4. Rogue One will deal with the theft of the Death Star plans, and the very first mission in Dark Forces was to steal those plans from the Imperial base on Danuta.


    For what it's worth, I consider the whole DF saga (up to JK2) special because, first and foremost, Kyle is Kyle. Secondly, I especially like that in DF2 and MOTS Kyle and the Dark Jedi are depicted as the Jedi were in the Original Trilogy: normal human beings, with all of their weaknesses, that are capable of using various powers, not super-sonic Force abusing kids with the characterial depth of a puddle - and that's something that was lost, partially, in the Prequels, and totally in the last games.


    Also, they came first ;)

    Cerez likes this
  5. The real problem with flight in this game is the level size, it's just way to small to be enjoyable. You'd have to scale everything down to the size of a ammo pickup just to get a large enough map to be playable.


    This, unfortunately. Still, considering the largest map size available, and shrinking down the fighters to 1/10th of their normal size (along with the speed) you could have maps 36 x 36 km wide. Not taking into account all the other limits.

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