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    Debian Linux

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  1. Oh yes, that would be the problem. I saved it on 64-bit Windows, I wasn't aware that saves were serialized. Is there no way I can convert the bytecode into a file that's usable on OpenJK linux?
  2. http://pastebin.com/ieyYgPux here's the terminal output ^ It looks like it's caused by it looking for the shared object files in the wrong directory. (It's looking in `~/.local/share/openjk/base/` instead of `/usr/share/local/JediAcademy/base`) I tried both hard-linking and soft-linking those two directories and the same exact output still occurs Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance, installgentoo
  3. The players can't just download these models upon joining? What's the whole purpose of auto-download, then?
  4. Thanks for moving my board. I should have taken time to read the sticky. No I'm not using OpenJK, but I have it installed.
  5. Let me just get straight to the point. I'm on windows 8.1 currently and hosting a non-dedicated server via my jamp.exe. Despite me enabling pure server and auto-download, the player models in my GameData/base folder just don't appear to *some* players. Why is that? Is there somewhere that I should put the models .pk3 files that isn't in my client's GameData/base? I tried extracting them into my assets1, but that just restricted the players from joining completely. Thanks in advance, InstallGentoo
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