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Everything posted by Lamented

  1. And you may yet have it, or I yours.
  2. Started experimenting and tried to add red strands to the Shadowtrooper's boot. Clearly this is not how I'm gonna leave it--gonna edit it and move it to the sides a bit more. Just thought I'd share this with you guys
  3. Through the Force I can make my simple staff more powerful than any lightsaber.
  4. XD That profile picture And I'm glad you do! I'll do my best to give you a glow-worm experience lol
  5. Now, this part of the skin was a real biatch. But I'm glad I managed to get it perfectly!
  6. Also, you might notice how the black on the shoulderpads is gone. I decided to start completely new and I got that skin
  7. This may be the most accurate I can get it to. Like, I compared with the shadowtrooper's real skin numerous times before submitting it
  8. Actually, I managed to find a direct Shadowtrooper skin texture and my darker skin was closer to what we're looking for. I think I have it this time, though.
  9. Oh crap just saw them. Btw sorry for accidentally double-posting. This thing is glitched
  10. Thanks, yeah I was beginning to think I should make the skin darker so I'll do that right now. Also, I don't know the trick to making a glowing blue yet. AshuraDX documented one of the tricks of the shader, but I have no idea how to add blue while fading the rest of the skin out so that the trick will actually work. Reference shots would be fine, btw.
  11. Thank you! Honestly, this isn't my first skinning project, just my first public one. But it'll be harder--I gotta experiment around and find a way to make him actually glow. Also, another update on the shoulderpads:
  12. I used to believe that being a good soldier meant doing everything that they told you. That's how they engineered us. But we're not droids. We're not programmed. You need to learn to make your own decisions!
  13. Hey, all. As you know, on one of Barricade's view-releasing of his lovely works, I commented that I was working on a shadowtrooper. Well, this is what I'm starting with: Just darkened the skin to what I think is the right Shadowtrooper armor darkness--feel free to give me constructive criticism! Also, I gotta add black lines down the shoulder pads. As soon as that is over with, the only other thing I need to learn is how to add blue glow to the spots where I want it. Like, say I want to fade the rest of the skin out on its jpg and leave a blue glow on the area I need it. I think I understand the shader part, but... If anyone has the answer to that, it'd help a lot.
  14. This Luke model looks like Jim Halpert from the Office in a rebel pilot suit. Still nice though! xD
  15. Okay someone PM me bout this if you want kthxbai
  16. I never said I wanted it publicly online, just that I wanted it...
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