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Everything posted by Lamented

  1. Ony, you can be so disturbing sometimes. XD
  2. I could test it for you later if you want.
  3. Looks amazing! Should be used for the Asset Recreation project! It's... funny. The modelers and skinners that are fans of JKA are better than the original skinners and modelers of JKA. This is such a display. No, not funny--odd. Anyway, I really love your work on this.
  4. The texture was really well done. I wish it were modeled, though. Or skinned on a remodel of Shiftee's Sith Stalker. Anyway, nice enough that we have this. Thank you
  5. Just upgraded from a crappy 1440x900 Dell monitor to a High-def 1920x1080! Feels great

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MoonDog


      My laptop is a 14 inch screen capable of an insane 1280 x 800. It's also held together by extremely stylish duct tape and will only turn on when plugged in.


    3. MoonDog


      I did use it to get a job in the industry, so i guess theres that.


    4. Onysfx


      My laptop is 15.4 inch and is 1280x800. Nice upgrade though!

  6. Can I be a staff member pls I'll pay you 50 dollars or more
  7. V2 of Imperial Captain Rex has released. Lend a hand for DT85 and Barricade24 for constructive criticism and assistance! http://jkhub.org/files/file/1719-imperial-captain-rex/
  8. CIRCA, I'VE HAD IT. I AM NOT TO BE TRIFLED WITH!!!! Lol, just kidding. I shall keep that in mind. Thank you for your advice.
  9. I love how my Imperial Captain Rex release thread has 69 views right now. <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lamented


      My god I used to be such a loser. Now I have JKHub swag.


      Jk. SWAG = Secretly We Are Gay

    3. Onysfx


      Oh shoot wait, I just realized, 69 views oh I get it lol. Wow...how did I not see that before...must have been tired...

    4. Lamented
  10. Oh man >_> Yeah Barricade, idk. It's extremely difficult to get that big symbol in that crammed space. Maybe in v3, I'll somehow manage to do it.
  11. I'll see what I can do. Made success on the blue surrounding the visor
  12. Also, I'm not sure how well I'd do trying to get that symbol on the top of his helmet if that's the "eye" mark you refer to. The texture allows for too little space to put something of the sort on there. As for the color around the visor, should be do-able.
  13. Define "eye" marks?
  14. Was WAY better than my crummy Darth Sidious. I was hoping that this no-longer Secret Project would get good feedback and surprise people.
  15. Right. Remember that this is a 1.0 But thank you for the feedback, my friend.
  16. If there's anything I've learned today, it's that if your mind is really set to something you want to accomplish, all it takes is two hours. I also found out that skinning by yourself is better than begging for other people to do your work for you. Lot more fun too. I'm having a great time, I'm privileged to be a member of JKHub. You are all awesome!

    1. Jango40


      My mind was really set to dual-boot Ubuntu with windows 8, I wasted 8 hours, and didn't manage to do it :/

    2. katanamaru


      Kill joy.

      Good to hear you being successful with your projects Deviance!

    3. Lamented


      Thank you, Katanamaru. It's been quite an adventure.

  17. Hey everyone, my second skin so far has been released. Hope you like. My thanks to DT85 and Circa! FYI pay attention to Circa's Sound Effects thread please, I think it's important. http://jkhub.org/files/file/1718-imperial-captain-rex/
  18. Nemeth, XD. Dunt spam instigation of a Starkiller model on a great-looking Vandar creation download. Best way to get those requests granted is by doing it in the Mod Requests/Suggestions or PMing other good modders.
  19. Excellentè! Thanks to you for offering your assistance.
  20. Secretive because showcasing my skins are so... ugh. It's easier and I get to invest less time when I work with someone privately. I also like to surprise people. And yes, I want a guy that can make model icons.
  21. Attention, everybody. I've been working on secret projects and I need a trustworthy companion who won't leak images of my work before its released, and I need them because of model icons. I haven't an idea how to do that kind of thing, but surely there are a few in JKHub who can help me out. On the bonus side, my humble thanks and promised credit in my secret projects are guaranteed.
  22. Uh... Okay. I'll PM you. @@ChalklYne Is your message-box cluttered...? Because I can't send anything
  23. Like, an icon for a model... @@ChalklYne
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