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Everything posted by Lamented

  1. Oh hey Chalk, maybe you could help with my icon...
  2. @@Barricade24, do you think that in your spare time, you could make an icon for my secret project? If so, we'll discuss it over PM...
  3. I'll never have what it takes to compete with you. XD If you ever figure out the shader, could you help me with it sometime?
  4. Lol I didn't udnerstand what he was trying to relay, my bad.
  5. Yeah... It's the only blue part of his robes @@Circa
  6. XD. Dunt tell anyone.
  7. Remember, it's a v1. Just gotta wait until I'm done with my other secret project I told you about.
  8. Hey guys, my first official skin is out. It's kind of basic and clearly a first version, but go on and give it a look--I could use some constructive criticism. http://jkhub.org/files/file/1717-darth-sidious-clone-wars/
  9. Did you even change the .txt to .shader?
  10. Well it seems a new discussion on how people should pay more attention to this as standard game-graphic procedure has began... Why should we?
  11. Let's keep this on topic, shall we?
  12. Thank you for your help, my game looks much nicer now.
  13. Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.
  14. mb2_dagobah? Since when did they have a Dagobah map...?
  15. THEN GET HIS ASS OUT HERE. #deviancerage2013
  16. Hey guys. Before I send my message, I'd like to say that I am really proud of all the creativity that releases through JKHub. Now, what I mean by Graphic Enhancement is... For example, look at Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It looks really well done and it doesn't look so pixelated. What if we did something similar with JKA? Like, I just hate seeing every work of art I play with being outlined or edge-sharpened. Also, in Kualan's Tales of the Clone Wars, you can tell he does graphic enhancement, even though the edges were clearly softened because it was photoshopped or something. I would just like to see JKA pushed up a bit in graphics. The engine and its abilities have come a long way, and I'm not sure what could prevent this kind of much-needed update. This would be a major improvement, I'm not really sure what it would take, which is why I submit this topic as a request.
  17. Lamented


    Nice work Circa!
  18. This would be awesome!! Maybe I could give it a try...
  19. Really nice, man!
  20. @@CaptainCrazy if you could do that for me, that'd be really awesome of you, so thanks in advance if it happens!
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZCwB9yaDNc I know requests aren't normally made in these kinds of sections, but... I was wondering if someone could take this video and remove all the vocals, and leave only the soundtrack there--then convert it to mp3 and post it. Lol. I know that's probably asking too much but... I just love that dark theme, and I really want it.
  22. Gah. Still doesn't work... @@AshuraDX the problem is that the glow effect simply isn't working. It also seems the front-side of the skin is always darker than the back.
  23. ...I am such a dork. Thank you @@Circa
  24. I actually posted the shader... models/playes/DT_Stormtrooper/Armor_D q3map_nolightmap { map models/players/DT_Stormtrooper/Armor_D blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen lightingDiffuse } { map models/players/DT_Stormtrooper/Armor_spec blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE detail alphaGen lightingSpecular } { map gfx/effects/chr_inv blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_SRC_COLOR detail tcGen environment } { map models/players/DT_Stormtrooper/armor_glow blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE glow rgbGen wave sin 1 0.25 0 8 } }
  25. Guys, sorry I've been inactive. Been busy and all. I'm gonna try to get back on track with this, but @@AshuraDX I could use some help with the shaders.
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