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Everything posted by eezstreet

  1. Only $10? That's a pretty good pop-up book, I would imagine it would be higher.
  2. Seems to have some severe baggage under the eyes. What about the eyelids too?
  3. I only have 186 GB on my desktop (1TB on second external harddrive), so I don't see the issue here
  4. Or just have the modmakers do it, because I cbf to deal with that (SP mods are excluded from my "cbf to deal with" list)
  5. The JKHub API won't be too intrusive when it comes to achievements. Probably will be like Steam, but in the middle lower quadrant of the screen, since few mods use that bit of screen retail space.
  6. Odysseus requiring me to recompile q3map2.exe with extra sprinkles on top.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Astral Serpent

      Astral Serpent

      Oh, I said that in a way that implied I knew what he was doing.

    3. Astral Serpent

      Astral Serpent

      But I do know that it is a massive hook.

    4. eezstreet


      Has nothing to do with networking or safe_malloc, but I want to fix safe_malloc at some point anyway

  7. $4000?! might as well buy a mac with that kind of cash
  8. It just fails to load the DLL outright. which doesn't make any sense considering: the DLL is loaded the exact same way as JAMod.dll the DLL has only one function, which basically just does math
  9. Source code repo: http://code.google.com/p/jamod-plus-plugins/ All works, except for plugins, which currently aren't working (would appreciate some help as it pertains to a secret santa thing :!: )
  10. ah, you are correct @@redsaurus. That is an interesting point.
  11. i made it into a cvar more or less
  12. Not unless you hack the game, as I did here.
  13. Extra health probably comes from difficulty level.
  14. Cameras are exactly the same between the games. The only (major) difference is that the script_targetname for the player in JK2 is "kyle", while the script_targetname in JKA is "player". So anything that affect()s "kyle" will need to affect "player" instead. EDIT: I'm talking about cinematic cameras and ICARUS, specifically
  15. When people are completely incapable of using a .bat, it's a good alternative. Side note, if one hacks Windows to some extent, one can get the launcher to play the game for Steam AND CD version, something which is impossible under a .bat file. And what @@Caelum said.
  16. If you're using the MP3 as a sound effect, it will have to be 44100 hz, mono. If it's music, 44100 hz, stereo.
  17. And? Launchers help make mods easier to install, since that is beyond some people's comprehension. It's not specific to JKG either. Proof: MB2, JKG and GSA all had or are getting launchers.
  18. I think that reposting files or sending PMs to links of files is okay. Doesn't seem like there's any real issue there.
  19. What's wrong with it?
  20. I don't follow. If you have a problem with someone spamming recruitment messages, then you could always just have a word with them in private.
  21. I think he means people spamming /saber and /model. Try turning on flood protect (sv_floodprotect 1)
  22. No word on this? :L
  23. Looking for this? This thread was created prior to the Filefront Network being shut down. The purpose of this thread was for people who had no access to Filefront to ask for those files from other people who had access. Filefront irrationally chose to block all people from certain countries (Italy, Portugal, Netherlands, Russia, et al) from accessing their files website in 2008. This is not a thread to ask for a re-mirror to JKHub. Remember the rules: You need to contact the original author to upload files unless explicitly stated in their readme. Figured I might as well make a thread about this. Ask, and ye shall receive one fresh file from Filefront.
  24. that head is so flat inb4that'swhatshesaid
  25. JAMod has an API which allows for external DLLs to be loaded, but the code won't really be accessible unless you have some reverse engineering experience.
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