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Everything posted by eezstreet

  1. I wasn't saying I could, I was just saying it'd make a good base mesh for it. The facial stuff seems like it would be spot-on.
  2. /sign if you want an #OpenJK IRC channel, instead of hijacking #JACoders. The reasons that I feel the need for the channels to be separate: 1. It doesn't really make sense, for starters. JACoders IRC channel has always been about coding help in general with JA's constructs, not helping random people build the game. 2. JACoders is awfully clustered with different conversations. It will help to keep cross-conversations to a minimum. 3. People won't be daunted by fluent coder-talk in the OpenJK chat channel for the most part. 4. The community in the IRC channel was quite honestly better prior to OpenJK existing /sign
  3. could do a rosh reskin
  4. Server owners: please ensure that you set sv_master2 to "master.jkhub.org". This will future-proof your servers.
  5. Try looking at MapTorsoAnimToWeaponFrame (I think is what it's called?) in cg_weapons.c[pp]. You'll need to add cases for the melee anims (not sure what those are right off the top of my head)
  6. Could try it with QEffects and tweak the graphics to your liking.
  7. J-Mann is returning to Mushroomhead. this is what people in thrift stores call "fucking awesome"
  8. @@Pande might have some.
  9. We'd need new first person weapon models for that to happen. and OpenJK isn't meant to add mod features, the whole point of it is to serve as a stable base (and not in the same fashion as OJP) I've been highly considering putting in the GLM first person weapon models in JKG. The support already exists for them I believe there, just no real usage of any skeletons there. What I'd really like is for a modeller to come along and restructure everything so that it makes sense. JKG is also pretty much pure C++ now, so we've been able to have more features ripped from SP than MP can (like for instance, individual control over segments of an .efx file, which allows for cool things like lag-free laser sights)
  10. Right. As I've noted, it's ps->inventory/s->inventory causing problems. They're both of type Inventory. class Inventory { private: std::vector<InventoryItemInstance*> items; } I think one possible solution to this problem would be to overload the = operator and properly copy the vectors (instead of them apparently having different iterators, which makes no sense at all because they're exactly the same type). I think technically speaking this is one way to reproduce it: std::vector<int> blah; std::vector<int> blah2; ... blah2 = blah;
  11. right, well the animations are in JKG but honestly it feels like prone might break the flow of gameplay, honestly. There's been some disagreement as to how fast the pace of the game should be. I've always upheld the belief that the game should be fast-paced and require a lot of skill. There's arguments to make the game more realistic though.
  12. There's something...off? about the dialogue. It just struck me as kinda corny.
  13. Got another one for you... Game crashes due to an assertion failure: Checking the lines, it's in SV_Baseline, right at the end: sv.svEntities[entnum].baseline = svent->s; The confusing part of this is that they're the exact same damn type, so how could the vector contained within be of a different iterator type? Confusing. Hitting ignore on the assertion leads to another one, which says something along the lines of "C++ standard library undefined behavior", hitting it again results in a "jkgalaxies.x86.exe has tripped a fatal error", which I noted as having odd text compared to the regular unhandled exceptions.
  14. Yea, that was mostly for test purposes, I didn't think it would really do anything (then again, Raven includes .cpp files, so anything is possible!). Just being extra cautious. #ifndef header guards are gcc compatible, therefore compliant with unix. #pragma once is MSVC-specific. Like I said though, that was mostly for test purposes and will be removed at some point.
  15. Oh, right. Yes, I forgot about that.
  16. Okay, I will look into it when I have the time.
  17. JKG's inventory system is now running on OOP C++. Fun times.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Onysfx


      Glad to see JKG is still in development. I find the best way to keep a game going, is to release some kind of alpha or demo. The players help keep the motivation of the developers ya know? xD

    3. eezstreet


      There's a slight hold-up atm. We are encountering an issue in regards to saber code and haven't had the opportunity to correct it yet due to the complex condition required for it to occur.


      I'd have to explain the way JKG weapons work in order to really explain how.

    4. Onysfx


      Ah ok. Look forward to playing it :).

  18. Yeah, it should. If it doesn't, just let me know and I'll work on putting them in properly.
  19. That, and why they made bactas into medpacks for no apparent reason...
  20. This issue should be fixed in OpenJK. It's a fault with the code.
  21. I figured you'd offer a response like that, seeing as how you'd already deleted the like... seems provocative. EDIT: I think I have made a mistake. I was referring to this post. I just realized that I've been confusing posts/threads due to the similarity in posts.
  22. Note my syntax: "No, but making/participating in/liking a whole thread devoted to tagging me specifically, knowing that said action pisses me off, would be one." Just because you removed your like doesn't erase the fact that you were involved. Just sayan. Sxx and Scooper have posted very excellent alternatives. Where have I heard this before...? I didn't make it a big deal, not initially. In fact, it could possibly be construed that I was joking. However, what others decided to do was make a thread about it and provoke me, and you have decided to provoke me as well in the form of a quote. So, I hope you're happy (more or less).
  23. No, but making/participating in/liking a whole thread devoted to tagging me specifically, knowing that said action pisses me off, would be one. I never implied that you were trying to be a dick, I just don't particularly enjoy getting tagged all the time randomly.
  24. Yeah, I know. Coming home from a 10+ hour school/work day to judgmental as fuck people in my house, and then jumping on an online forum to find "eezstreet, you specifically help us out because you're entitled to help us. Oh, but YOUR WORK FUCKING SUCKS GO AWAY AND DONT YOU DARE COMPLAIN <sneaks off to post "hate messages" about you on other forums (note that it isn't real hate, because you're the only person in the world who could possibly hate anyone else) (btw, don't bother trying to reply because your facts are automatically opinions, you have no chance to explain yourself, and everything you say is invalid because we're cooler than you, you don't even have a mod team, you're a joke, etc)> Yeah, I guess you could understand why I might be a teence pissed off.
  25. Technically, OpenJK mods are still compatible with base (to my knowledge, unless the playerstate was changed again), it's just not recommended that you use them with base because you can only have one SP code mod installed at the same time on base. And even then, all you have to do is make a fork of OpenJK and pull for updates, it's not like updating the OpenJK version is a huge deal (unless you have a huge codebase already established)
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