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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Yeah that's great. Now just get gmax and follow that tutorial.
  2. You really should check out this website yourself. It's not very hard to navigate. Here. In the modeling section. http://jkhub.org/tutorials/
  3. I agree. Getting the saber made a lot more sense with timing in DF2. Outcast was all about revenge, which is fine, but wasn't as impactful.
  4. It's not a product. It's a method used to make movies using a video game. He's saying you should make your idea a machinima project, instead of a mod. So now that you know that, go back and read our reasons for that.
  5. It doesn't cost anything but time. What would you need to spend money on?
  6. Oops. Yeah. I thought that's what he said.
  7. It's not footage of the game's story. You script it or act it out in MP as your story, with new models/skins, voices, and possibly maps.
  8. I have nothing to do with this so I'm not sure if I should... Darn peer pressure... Also, now the word "sign" look super weird...
  9. If you put it all together and everything, I might be able to.
  10. It sounds more like a request then if you have nothing to contribute other than the idea for it. Which is totally fine. Maybe you'll get some people that will want to take you up on your offer, you never know. Sorry to rain on your parade and everything! I hate doing that.
  11. Well that's a different story then. I suggest downloading some mods and learning the ins and outs of it all. You need experience before starting a big project like this. We love helping people out with this stuff. Ask questions. Someone showing you how to do things is exactly what tutorials are. We can't meet up with you in person and walk you through it. Tutorials are the next best thing.
  12. This is for SP and for melee. First person melee doesn't exist anywhere else as far as I know.
  13. No. Only draw things that will help describe what you want. That's what I would do. I'm not a mapper but I'm sure if I was, then I would want to see specifics. Even just describing them in words would help. This won't guarantee people will help you but it will increase your chances.
  14. That would help us envision your project with you. It would also let mappers know what you want and to get them interested. Maps are the main focus of a mod like this.
  15. I won't commit to it yet. Voices should be one of the last steps you take in making this. Level design and concepts should be first. Let's hear about some of that. I don't know what you should call it, I'm just saying that naming it something that conflicts with an official existing movie is not a good idea. But it's up to you. Just my two cents.
  16. I figured that's where he was from. I guess I never made it that far in ME2. I loved it, but sort of lost interest. Might start again soon. Inyri hasn't been on in a few months.
  17. Why don't you just call it something else? Not sure why you'd have low expectations for Disney. They've done great with Marvel movies, I have no doubts that they'll prove qualified. I'm all for this project, just not the name of it. I'm willing to possibly voice act if need be. I can also cheer, as long as I'm led by @@therfiles.
  18. Looks like a Mass Effect character. I could be wrong though.
  19. Agreed. Other than that, it looks great!
  20. Welcome! I too enjoy playing SP and never really played MP until recently. I'm assuming since you have the Steam version, that your JA is up to date? It should be 1.01. You can see in the bottom right corner of the console. That could be one problem with not seeing many servers. This could help, if you can get it to work: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1408-the-jka-all-seeing-eye-server-browser-mod/ Another thing could just be the settings you're using to search for servers.
  21. Alright. Worked on the SP pack. If DT approves, it will have his 2 models, and my skins to go along with them, plus a new one. I figured since it had all of these in it, it should have a ROTJ one as well. So I found a good reskin of the default Luke, worked with it a bit, and included it. It turned out alright. As for the SP species menu: Due to the 2 different models, there has to be two sections.
  22. I'm sure some people wouldn't mind doing it but everyone is so busy with their own projects.
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