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Status Updates posted by Flynn

  1. (Late) Merry Christmas! I got a MIDI keyboard :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lamented


      MIDI-chlorian keyboard?

    3. Rayce


      I got a 1 TB external hard drive, which I put JKA on. SO... MUCH... SPAAAAACE!!! :D

    4. Flynn


      Nice, nice

      Chalk what happened to yours?

  2. *sigh* we had a good run...it's over now though

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flynn


      Yeah, USA got knocked out today :/

      Go Deutschland!

    3. Onysfx


      I tuld you it would come to this!

    4. Flynn


      Tim Howard for defense secretary


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Circa


      What's that, "Life Pulse" in Latin? Sounds cool.

    3. Circa


      I'm assuming this is a "house" style alias then?

    4. Flynn


      You are correct, and yeah it's just kind of a generic electronic alias, I'm not trying to do any specific genres

  4. Aaahhhh yeaahhhh, just got my KRK KNS6400 model headphones...

  5. About to get parts to start my first (co-op) PC build!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DT.


      co-op PC build? What's that exactly?

    3. Ping


      He has someone else helping him out.

    4. Flynn


      Yeah my brother and I are sharing it, since he's paying for all of the parts :P I don't have enough money to build a decent one on my own. As for the specs, I don't remember exactly what we picked out but the total cost (minus peripherals) is about $1000

  6. Ahhh, feels good to have ideas yet again.

  7. Any news on JKHNotif? Spior?

    1. Circa


      He would have to be a registered developer for it to work now. Probably not going to happen.

    2. Merek


      This is simply retarded. F*** You Google... and erm... Chrome too!

  8. Anyone gotten the Dirty Bomb Beta? Thoughts?

    1. Ping


      what is it

    2. Flynn


      It's a F2P class-based FPS, basically like TF2 with a bit of CS:GO and the class system of a MOBA (idk which one they're all the same to me xD)

  9. Anyone here play CS:GO? Looking for some friends to play with so that I don't have to solo queue and deal with idiots

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Flynn


      Silver 1 sadly, 22 wins

    3. Sentra
    4. z3filus


      silver 2 only, I got 3!! 7days cooldowns in a row, because I had just joined and survived the first 2-4 matches, but I just wasn't good enough for someone :) Counter-Strike kids can be a hole lotta fun...

  10. Anyone know how to enter a password for a server when using the /connect console shortcut? My server browser hasn't been working for some reason so that's pretty much my only way of connecting

    1. afi


      /connect ip;password pw

    2. eezstreet


      /set password "password"


  11. Anyone know of a way to start the Korriban level in SP as if you chose the dark side?

    1. Bek


      Go to the previously level and kill Rosh. Or, if you don't care about the ending, you can type "playerteam free" into the console.

    2. afi


      You could use a savegame

  12. Apple or Android?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sentra


      iOS for me, and I'd say it is better long-term solution. Previously had two Android phones. I like them, but after some time I got tired of the everyday 'Lego playing' (sometimes smth stopped working, some crashes, phone restarts, app freezes and so on). Current droid flagships cost like iPhone 6/+, so money won't be an argument today. iOS is stable and flawless-running system. Wanna customize - use Android, wanna be sure that your phone will work when you need it - use iOS. T...

    3. Sentra


      ^ That's the thing I've chosen for myself.

    4. the_raven


      apple is pissing me off with their market >.<

  13. Artist's/Musician's/Producer's block sucks...

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. MoonDog


      When I find myself in that situation, I close down all editors, 3D packages etc... and start looking at lots of art or real life reference. An exercise that I find helps me, is taking an image, looking at it for a long time and then making up a story about the environment in the image.

    3. spior


      MoonDog sounds like the kind of person you could talk to about /anything/ all day.

    4. Flynn


      Lol well I now have an idea, so I'm happy!

  14. Attempt #2 at logo, comments welcome again

    1. Ping


      Ok here's some constructive criticism: The elements are too disjointed and the shape of the P does not fit the modern vibe an ECG graph gives off. It looks more like something you see in an ancient inscription, which again, is rather misplaced.

    2. Ping


      The black background is also very 2000 and makes it very hard to place logos anywhere outside of your avatar. Imagine a black block on the top right of a website or something. The thing crayon streaks tip it off. I'd suggest doing a complete reworking of the entire thing.

    3. Flynn


      Thanks! Yeah, I'm still getting the hang of GIMP, so there will likely be many more attempts after this. BTW this logo is for my electronic music work, the name is "Pulsis Vitae"

  15. Calc is fuuuunnnnnnnnn :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Barricade24


      I wouldn't be so angry with the "Math" we are required to take if it actually had some use aside from specific professions.

    3. Ping


      Education is not all about utility though.

    4. Flynn


      I'm in i guess the equivalent of calc 2 this year (calc B/C), skipped the first year so I could take it and take differential equations next year :D

  16. Can I finally start summer now? Thanks

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flynn
    3. minilogoguy18


      Hmm, it has been over a decade for me since I was in school to have time off to just do whatever, enjoy it while you can.

    4. Flynn


      I will do my best to actually be productive and not just sit around on the internet...ehhhhh, maybe tomorrow

  17. Concert 2: The sequel. This time...it's jazz

  18. Could someone explain how walking around a corner and shooting a Traitor right after he had already shot someone else is RDM-ing, and apparently a slayable offense

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flynn


      Oh hahaha no ttt

      basically as I remember it: the other guy had just killed someone and I saw it (and his health was low) so I killed him and he was a traitor. He then reported me for RDMing saying "you can't just walk around a damn corner and shoot someone", and I was auto-killed the next round.

    3. Ping


      what's rdming?

    4. Flynn


      "Random Death Match", as far as I know it's killing someone without sufficient reason, or just shooting people randomly...which is kind of what the whole game of TTT is based on in the first place

  19. CS:GO community - "Cloud9 needs to improve their Mirage, they get rekt by EU teams" Cloud9-beats the best team in the world (EU) 16-7 on Mirage...WHAT UP NOW SWEDES

    1. Ping
    2. Flynn


      (Then they got beaten 16-2 on the same map by a Danish team in the grand finals...shhh)

  20. CTF with drunk internet friends...top notch :D

    1. Cerez


      :D Sound like fun! ^^
    2. Syko


      They probably haven't even touched alcohol IRL.

  21. Currently embarking on the massive task of...cleaning my room.

    1. Bek
    2. Flynn


      Lol, it's not THAT bad XD I just need to clean it and organize it before I can rearrange it

    3. Bek
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