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Status Replies posted by spior

  1. I have confirmed that calling send() in 2 threads at the same time is bad ju-ju.

  2. I have confirmed that calling send() in 2 threads at the same time is bad ju-ju.

  3. I have confirmed that calling send() in 2 threads at the same time is bad ju-ju.

  4. Wanna know how to break out of a while(1) with no break; ? Use threading. It somehow magically seems to do that <_<

  5. Sure is fun when Winsock decides to randomly close itself. Who else but Winsock?

  6. Oh JKHub. Your HTML's grown since the last time I messed with it. They grow up so fast.

  7. Wellp, my favorite word is banned.

  8. master.jkhub.org might be a bit rough right now. Amazon EC2 is having some problems, and it's even brought Minecraft's central databases down. I'm watching the console though, and it looks fine apart from some servers disappearing off the list even though they're still up.

  9. master.jkhub.org might be a bit rough right now. Amazon EC2 is having some problems, and it's even brought Minecraft's central databases down. I'm watching the console though, and it looks fine apart from some servers disappearing off the list even though they're still up.

  10. So #jacoders were thinking, what if I made SpiBot notify us when a new post is posted on JKHub? Would you mind if I did that? It won't post, just crawl.

  11. I hate cold weather

  12. I hate cold weather

  13. I need a new sig. Sadfrog is just too sad for a sig :(

  14. today I hit 26, and it feels like a normal day, still jobless, lol

  15. What's with the influx of spambots lately?

  16. Motherfucking C on my German test, fuck yeah. Grade fits me so well.

  17. Motherfucking C on my German test, fuck yeah. Grade fits me so well.



  20. JA+(+) seems pretty harsh. MUG probably got banned from like, 3 servers in a couple of days.

  21. Currently viewing shoutbox? Ohshi-

  22. Currently viewing shoutbox? Ohshi-

  23. Currently viewing shoutbox? Ohshi-

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