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Status Replies posted by spior

  1. Bah. 'Bout time I start working on my secret santa. Now all I need are some ideas. Curse you, vague person.

  2. JKHub Master Server is moving to a new machine. If you're using it, you might see a lack of servers for a while. Also make sure your sv_master is master.jkhub.org and not a hardcoded IP address!


  4. My life's work is almost complete. Hold me, Pinkie Pie, this is what we've been waiting for...

  5. My life's work is almost complete. Hold me, Pinkie Pie, this is what we've been waiting for...

  6. Holy shit Inyri liked MY post. How much more awesome can you get!

  7. I wonder how long I can stay here before I get banned....

  8. I wonder how long I can stay here before I get banned....

  9. I just made SpiBot even more bandwidth friendly than fucking ever. Seriously if it was any more bandwidth friendly it'd have no access to the internet. God damn I need a hobby.

  10. Cael is 4 posts away from 1234 posts. That is all.

  11. who resurrected the spibot? it was better off dead

  12. It has come to my attention that SpiBot can now parse quotes, likes, @mentions and pretty much everything. I should find something else to work on, this is getting weird.

  13. hm, SpiBot on the JKHub IRC is suprisingly extremely helpful. Especially if you have your highlights set to its name. It makes sound whenever there's a new post on the forums :D

  14. hm, SpiBot on the JKHub IRC is suprisingly extremely helpful. Especially if you have your highlights set to its name. It makes sound whenever there's a new post on the forums :D

  15. hm, SpiBot on the JKHub IRC is suprisingly extremely helpful. Especially if you have your highlights set to its name. It makes sound whenever there's a new post on the forums :D

  16. hm, SpiBot on the JKHub IRC is suprisingly extremely helpful. Especially if you have your highlights set to its name. It makes sound whenever there's a new post on the forums :D

  17. lol, this JKHub bot business is really handy. I get to make fun of people who screw up their post and are too slow to edit it

  18. hm, SpiBot on the JKHub IRC is suprisingly extremely helpful. Especially if you have your highlights set to its name. It makes sound whenever there's a new post on the forums :D

  19. lol, this JKHub bot business is really handy. I get to make fun of people who screw up their post and are too slow to edit it

  20. lol, this JKHub bot business is really handy. I get to make fun of people who screw up their post and are too slow to edit it

  21. lol, this JKHub bot business is really handy. I get to make fun of people who screw up their post and are too slow to edit it

  22. lol, this JKHub bot business is really handy. I get to make fun of people who screw up their post and are too slow to edit it

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