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Status Replies posted by spior

  1. I miss MUG ;(

  2. I'm digging my new avatar

  3. I'm digging my new avatar

  4. I haz returned from my trip!

  5. I hate skype so much, staying with windows messenger until the end.

  6. It seems that eezstreet is as hooked on GTA:SA as me O_O

  7. It seems that eezstreet is as hooked on GTA:SA as me O_O

  8. Anyone else notice how MUG disappeared?

  9. *sigh* I have to go back to school tomorrow, seeing as my Easter Holidays are now coming to an end...

  10. Just thought I would say that tomorrow I leave the house at 7 AM in the morning, to compete in shooting competition. Wish me luck! :)

  11. Just thought I would say that tomorrow I leave the house at 7 AM in the morning, to compete in shooting competition. Wish me luck! :)

  12. Can't believe there's 6 people in a makermod server.

  13. Disappearing until 13 April!

  14. I miss old #jacoders ;_;

  15. I miss old #jacoders ;_;

  16. Remember kids, if someone offers you 2D arrays, RUN AWAY - RUN FAR AWAY! AND POSSIBLY STAB THAT PERSON!

  17. Remember kids, if someone offers you 2D arrays, RUN AWAY - RUN FAR AWAY! AND POSSIBLY STAB THAT PERSON!

  18. Would be amusing if we had pulled some kind of site-wide April Fools joke.

  19. Would be amusing if we had pulled some kind of site-wide April Fools joke.

  20. Looks like I was chosen to go playtest for Ubisoft Redstorm again O_o

  21. I want to like Windows 8. I really do. But it's really hard when the default apps suck and there are no good alternatives. Can't even find a decent Music and YouTube app. Not to mention IRC...

  22. I want to like Windows 8. I really do. But it's really hard when the default apps suck and there are no good alternatives. Can't even find a decent Music and YouTube app. Not to mention IRC...

  23. So Win Blue leaked apparently.

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