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Posts posted by MoonDog

  1. Yeah, place the sound line in the task.


    This is what it'd look like:





    Just make sure you have it setup to the right path. If it doesn't work there is probably an issue with without sound file you are using. Which the console will tell you. Always run your level with developer 1 and devmap mapname. It helps to run sv_pure 0 as well. That way you can make changes to scripts on the fly and do map_restart. It also makes sure that if you placed the files in folders in base instead of inside a pk3 the game will read them.




    It should be .wav not .wave in the photo. Whoops.

  2. Thanks, now it works  :)



    As for the "developer 1" thing, I've had it enabled when debugging it myself but I didn't see any error messages in the console or could it be an OpenJK thing/bug ??


    You should see information about what is happening with triggers and scripts. For instance before I even looked at the script I ran the map with developer 1 and walked into the trigger. I saw that the scripterrunner was triggered and that it rotated the target brush model to angles 0 0 0. That told me that it's was only doing that task each time. Saving me the time of picking through a script to know what is wrong.

  3. Few things. You don't need the multiple key on the trigger. You aren't going to need multiple entities triggering it in one frame. Not a breaking issue.


    Second problem. Both rotation tasks had the same exact name. The script was defaulting to the 0 0 0 rotation, thus making it appear like the script is not doing anything.


    Third problem. When you have a task like that involves a single func_static movement that doesn't need anything else to run, make the task dowait instead of just do. dowait runs the task and waits until it is finished before continuing the script flow.


    Fourth problem. I made your origin brush smaller and moved it to the edge of the door, where it would logically rotate from.





    Running your map with developer 1 told me all I needed to know in 2 seconds. Try using it when you have scripting issues. Can save you a load of time.

  4. Sounds about as much effort as just making a separate PK3 and importing sound files of your choosing into it, using the same default names as the sound files shipped with the game. If you are going to have to pack a bunch of new sounds and go through the trouble of ensuring that other people have them, might as well be a straight up replacement of defaults. Just don't see the benefits.

  5. Send me a link to all the source map files and related graphic assets so far. I'll look at the state of it directly in Radiant, if I like it I could help with your design and scripting. You can go back in and art the level as you see fit.

  6. Here, have a look at the two way 90 degree rotation script from my secret santa submission last year. I'm going to be busy the next few days, so this is the best i can do for now.


    Here's the .map file. https://www.dropbox.com/s/992wiwq5xgzzejy/winter_retreat.map. You are gonna have to pick through the two of these on your own. I'd help you more if I could, but I'm swamped. 

    Boothand likes this
  7. https://www.dropbox.com/s/wi97ftpxsqwii8s/ovenmap.pk3


    Here you go. Your script was running on nothing basically, because it wasn't reading that it should activate on the trigger and use the variable that stores the string for the func_static. So I deleted your scriptrunner and made the trigger run the script directly. I also fixed the parm for the movement time to be on the the trigger and reflect the correct parm number from your script.


    I put the fixed .map file in the PK3. Enjoy.

    Boothand likes this
  8. No, and at this point you are sounding more like a jerk than a modder... that said let's leave the past behind so we can plan for a better future



    Great argument bro. I can see how this statement completely countermands everything I just said. What a masterful point of view, steeped in a deep understanding of debate and science. Well done sir.

  9. Dude, that was not what happened. And by the way I can too map at the time I could not okay? I am a visualizer more than I am a maker for some stupid reason. Just don't bring that up again. You can nicely say I did the work for him because at the time he could not map.


    So do not tell everyone that I did all the work and I am unmotivational.



    What you wanted to do was relatively simple stuff. I (we) suggested you take a little time to learn it yourself. GTKRadiant comes with source files for a few maps. It has a full entity list (obviously. Its a mapping program.) You can download the JKA and JKO SKD with BEhaved and all the source scripts. There are quite a few community made maps out there with clever scripting in them. There's nothing wrong with decompiling those maps and their scripts to learn how to do certain things. So long as no copying is done. A lot of guys learned that way, and they can do much more for themselves a lot faster. All the information was there, I promise you.


    My point was that you clearly didn't come close to exhausting the resources available to you before coming here. Even when you did come here and where told where to look and what to do, you really did just ask to have it done up front. 



    Do you honestly think you'll learn something better if it's done for you, or if you'd figure it out yourself. There's a process to entity chaining, scripting etc... that you'd actually develop a much better feel for by going through on your own. Don't use the limited time excuse. I know people with 3 kids and long hours at jobs. that are excellent modders in the COD community, and several different UDK side projects. I think there are a few people here on very limited time that are nevertheless quite talented because of the work they put in on their own.



    I can read just find. I didn't barely notice you until your latest posts, and I don't see you working on any mods, so why don't you stay out of the way if you're going to act like this?


    You have a silly point of view. That is all. Good luck with that.




    If you want the longer answer to that here it is. Because it's infuriating when people don't make an effort, yet seem to think they are entitled to having things done for them.


    This attitude basically:

    How come whenever someone asks for help nobody grants it, but oh--they'll give you a load of suggestions.
    I can if it were something genuinely complex, there might be a need of assistance. However, suggestions and points/hints in the right direction are way more helpful in the LONG RUN when it comes to solving a beginner problem. It's very much rage inspiring when people take good suggestions, source material with examples, and an extreme number of tutorials and throw it all out the window because they can't be arsed with spending a little extra time building their own pool of knowledge.
  10. How come whenever someone asks for help nobody grants it, but oh--they'll give you a load of suggestions.



    How come people go straight to a forum for support on very basic design aspects when figuring it out for themselves would make them more knowledgeable and capable modders in the long run?


    If you read, I eventually wrote him off as unmotivated and did the work for him. You can read right?

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