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Posts posted by MoonDog

  1. Dunno why, but everything works great except I cannot see other players or bots in the duel area. How do I fix this?




    You need to have your misc_bsp in portal'd void. 


    I'm not sure how that happens tbh. All the external volumes are supposed to be carved away after BSP.



    IN ANY CASE! You can fix this a few ways. Noclip around the void with your saber out. When you hear your saber humming, you are in portaled void. Write down the coordinates.


    You could also get on top of the skybox for the map so you are on solid ground, spawn an X-wing and then just fly around shooting until you see the animations and hear the shooting. Write down the coordinates and use them.

  2. Are you talking about misc_bsp entities inserted into a level?



    Q: How do I make teleports without using Ysalimari's or Force Boons?
    A: This concept is a little complicated, but not overly so. However, you may not understand it at first. I like to use 4 entities to do this, however you MAY use less.
    First we need a "trigger_multiple". Now, depending on the map you are modding, the bmodels will vary. If you have Boba Fett's UU, type !bmodels to get a list. Try to find one that's physical, and small. !modelshader works good for this(Tells you the textures a certain model uses. If its something like a trigger it will say, no shader/texture found. Meaning, this is an invisible entity. Usage: !modelshader *8) . This is important because you MUST specify a brush model for this entity, or you will get an error when you load the map. Let's look at an FFA3 example.
    "classname" "trigger_multiple"
    "model" "*8"
    "target" "exampletele"
    "origin" "1646 -1364 292"
    "spawnflags" "2"
    "angle" "90"
    As you can see on FFA3 I like to use *8. It's part of an elevator, so it's originally a func_door. However, since we are using an entity that is invisible, the model will likewise, be invisible. Now origin can't just be whatever you are looking at in the GPS/getcoords. We are cloning *8 for this. So, the position of the ORIGINAL *8 is treated as 0 0 0. So, you either have to do some math, or use Boba Fett's ultra utility(Highly Recomend!). Stand at the spot you want the trigger to be(Where you step to get teleported) and type !brushmoveorigin *8. It will give you the coordinates you need to use for the origin of the trigger. You may have to raise or lower Z depending on the Bmodel/position. *IMPORTANT* You are NOT changing the original *8 coding. You can leave that alone. Simply specify the "model" as *8 and you will have cloned it.
    Now for the other parts of the entity. I like to make it so you have to FACE the entity to use it. (I.E. you can't walk backwards through the tele and still use it.)
    To do that I simply add the spawnflag "2". (2 is facing). Since we added the facing spawnflag, we have to add the angle you need to face to use it now. "90" happens to be the direction I want people to face before they can use it. (If you need to get angles use Boba Fett's UU. Type !openmenu and navigate to the GPS. It will tell you the angle.) If you want to see other spawnflags I'd recommend downloading GTKRadiant and using the Entity List(N). It will calculate spawnflags for you if you don't have them memorized.
    Alright, let's move onto the other 3 entities we need. My "target" is "exampletele". So, let's keep that in mind when writing the next ents.
    Now we need the entity that actually does the teleporting. "classname" "target_teleporter". It need's to have the targetname specified in the trigger_multiple. Also, it will be targeting a "target_position"(Where you will be teleported to). So, let's write it out.
    "classname" "target_teleporter"
    "targetname" "exampletele"
    "target" "exampleposition"
    Well that was simple. Let's get the position. Go to where ever it is you want to be teleported to and use the GPS again if you have Boba Fett's UU. Note the origin and yaw(Angle you face when it spits you out at the position specified. Specify this with the "angle" key.)
    "classname" "target_position"
    "origin" "20 20 20"
    "angle" "270"
    "targetname" "exampleposition"
    Now this next part is completely optional. I like to print some text to tell people where they just ended up. To do this, you need a "target_print". It needs to have the same "targetname" as the target_teleporter. We want it to be triggered by the trigger_multiple at the same time. smile.png So, let's write it out and take a look.
    "classname" "target_print"
    "targetname" "exampletele"
    "message" "You in the Ghetto neow"
    "spawnflags" "4"
    Looking over it, its pretty self explanatory. In the message field you can use ^ color codes just like you do in game. Also, if you wanted to make a line break you'd use \n. Again we have a "spawnflags" key. On this entity "spawnflags" "4" makes it so only the person who triggered the Entity see's the text. If you left it out, everyone would see the text regardless of whether or not they teleported.
    So, here's the finished deal: (Let's use // to comment the entities, so we remember what teleport it is)
    // Trigger multiple for my first tele ever
    "classname" "trigger_multiple"
    "model" "*8"
    "target" "exampletele"
    "origin" "20 23 20"
    "spawnflags" "2"
    "angle" "90"
    // Teleporter for first tele
    "classname" "target_teleporter"
    "targetname" "exampletele"
    "target" "exampleposition"
    // Position - first tele
    "classname" "target_position"
    "origin" "20 20 20"
    "angle" "270"
    "targetname" "exampleposition"
    // Text for first tele
    "classname" "target_print"
    "targetname" "exampletele"
    "message" "You in the Ghetto neow"
    "spawnflags" "4"
    Also, for added effect, you can place a fx_runner over the spot the teleporter is to indicate its there. I like to use force/kothos_recharge to indicate the position of my ports. All the effects can be found in assets1.pk3 in your base folder. Just open up the effects folder within the pk3. Indicate the fx with "fxfile" and make sure you include the subfolder. You should end up with something like this:
    // FFX for first tele
    "classname" "fx_runner"
    "fxfile" "force/kothos_recharge"
    "origin" "0 0 0"
  3. I have some issues with what I see in some of the screenshots.


    I feel the playspace is too dim. Your non traversable geometry is better lit. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but there are some good solutions that are fast which would realistically and artistically light the play space.



    The floor and ground textures are too repetitive. You need to break up the monotony. Grates with steam effects would be an easy solution.


    Also, I think you could successfully juxtapose rich opulence and sterile industrialization pretty easily with some garish lights to create a more rich environment.


    My 2 cents. 

  4. Problem solved! The problem was the separate installation folders, just like Zack said. Thank you so much, Zack! Now, if I could just get it to save properly...



    WIth GTKRadiant running, open preferences (P). Go to Layout under the Interface drop menu. Turn off  "Use win32 file load dialog".




    Also, GTKRadiant doesn't automatically tack the .map designation to a map when it saves. Go to saveas and make you sure you add the .map at the end of the file name.

  5. @echo off
    title Entity Recompiler - Wrapper made by BobaFett
    echo q3map2 entity recompile wrapper
    echo by BobaFett
    cd C:\Program Files\GtkRadiant-1.4
    q3map2.exe -v -game ja -onlyents %1
    echo Compiling finished, press any key to close this window



    Make the above text into a .bat file. Save it in the same folder as q3map2. (Usually your gtkradiant installation.) If you don't have q3map2, acquire it or just download any version of gtkradiant and install it.





    Now, get the BSP of the level you'd like to modify. If it's a stock map its going to be located in the jedi academy assets pk3's. I cant remember which, it's been a long time since I modded JKA.



    Open the BSP in notepad, search for the word worldspawn. You'll see a syntax structure looking something like this:


    "soundSet" "city_outdoor"
    "angle" "225"
    "soundSet" "city_outdoor"
    "classname" "worldspawn"
    Copy everything from that opening bracket to the closing bracket of the very last entity in the list. Paste it into it's own file. Save it as mapname.ent. (Must have the same filename as the bsp)
    Follow the proper entity syntax and create new info_player_starts with the origins you want and angles. 
    With both the BSP and the .ent file in the same folder, drag the .ent file onto the .bat I had you create. The new entities will be repacked into the BSP.
    Place this BSP in a fresh PK3 following the folder structure it had in the original PK3. Name your new PK3 something alphabetically senior to the original assets pk3. I usually just add zzzzzzzzzzzzzz's to the beginning.
    And there you go.
    Futuza likes this
  6. I do not see a ja.game in my folder. I do have a jagamex86.dll, but when I open that, I just get a bunch of random symbols.



    No no. Go to the directory you installed Radiant into. Like Program Files\Gtk-Radiant 1.3.12\games



    The ja.game file should be there.

  7. I have two program files folders. Both contain LucasArts folders. The files in question are in the other program files folder. The one not shown in the video. Could the separation be the problem?



    Yes. Also, you checked that your engine path was   enginepath ="C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData/"          in your ja.game right?




    Whatever directory your Radiant is loading into, make sure the full installation is there.

  8. I am actually using 1.3 because it is the only one that could get past the read-only files.



    It should be the same thing. Go to your installation folder and check out the ja.game file in the games folder. It screams that your paths are not set correctly.

  9. Did you even change the .txt to .shader?


    No. Am I supposed to?




    No. Your shaderlist is not supposed to be a shader file. Leave it as a .txt. Shame on you Deviance....






    What version of Radiant are you using? Which ever version it is, navigate to it's installation directory and find the games folder within. ex: GtkRadiant-1.4/games.


    Open ja.game in notepad.



    Check the enginepath line.


    It should look like this:

      enginepath ="C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData/"


    Obviously change it to reflect the location of YOUR gamedata folder.



    The .game files differ a bit between 1.4.0/1.6 to 1.5, but the path line will still be there.

    Lamented likes this
  10. Make a shader for the texture you are applying to the patchmesh and make sure it has the polygonOffset keyword.



    See if that solves your z-fighting.





    Also, if you want a little bit of blending off, try some alpha volumes on the outermost vertices of the snow pile mesh. Might make it a little better looking.

  11. Good....GOOD....GEWD!!!!!!!!!!


    UNLIMITED POWAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11...and skiffs


    Are you under the illusion that if you continue to repeat this along with the JEDI ARE TAKING OVER shit, that it will magically transfer from being annoying to funny? Repetition is not helping you.




    Been a while, but here we go:


    - Structure & textures: 90%

    - Details: 75%

    - Lighting: 65%

    - Doors/lifts working: 100%

    - Item placement & NPCs: 90%

    - Ambient Sounds: 50%

    - Level Music: 100%

    - Secret Areas: 0%

    - Vis: 90%


    I've also added:


    - goodie crates throughout the level, mostly contain useable bacta like JK2.

    - skiff flies towards the player, stops and NPCs attack you. Then upon killing all NPCs, the skiff will slam into a wall and explode.



    There are some cool things that I could show off, but I'm going to hold off until they are in a more finished state. ;)


    The goodie crates in jk2 were awesome. The bactas were great pickmeups for later on.


    Do you have any cutscene work done?

  12. I realise. The rails scream brush work, but UDK can use brushes too (I should know), but the lighting and models, and the textures are so well made, I would've easily mistaken it for UDK for a short period.



    But..... that's the point I'm making. The textures, models and lighting makes it certain at a glance that this shouldn't ever be mistaken for UDK work at all.



    And I'm very familiar with the use of bsp brushes in the UDK. It's a very outdated practice, unless you are rapidly prototyping, and let's be honest, you can rapidly prototype in Maya way more quickly. The only thing I'd use bsp brushes for at all is to quickly perfect series of scripted events before importing static meshes.



    Let's just forget you said anything and move on. That's certainly what I want to do at this point. :P

  13. What do you mean?



    Sorry. It was a very short statement that means the following:


    Every single screenshot and video showcased in this thread absolutely screams BSP brush based Radiant work. UDK projects are so starkly different that mistaking this for one of them is a ludicrous notion to me. :) 


    There are a number of other signs here given away by the use of doom3 textures. For instance, the diffuse maps he lifted out of the D3 assets, (Or the d3 high quality texture pack?) look really funky in some cases because those textures are meant to be accompanied by a normal map texture and specular map texture.


    The geometric surface detail isn't painted into the diffuse map because in D3 the normal map is meant to interact with the light to create the geometric surface detail. Thus in JK3 where that shit just doesn't exist, the use of these diffuse maps looks really fucking funky.


    (Sorry szico)











    eezstreet likes this
  14. Steam or retail? Did you run the shortcut with +set fs_game japlus? (In your .bat or at the end of the target field for a shortcut.)


    You could try making a text file, and paste this:


    start jamp.exe +set fs_game japlus



    Save it as whatever.bat


    All file types.




    In your gamedata folder.

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