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Posts posted by MoonDog

  1. This thread isn't about ME its about the recognition these modders earned, if you LOSERS can't see that then there is no point for you to be posting in my threads. I have been around for about a year, you should know me by now I don't take garbage like this nicely.



    I think you are taking it all wrong. You created a poll, sort of encourages discussion in of itself. Something like this is going to be subject to a huge amount of personal opinion. Top *insert* lists are always a source of a LOT of debate. Not sure why you are taking the insult and offense road. Not a good way to hold a discussion.

  2. Good gawd man. ASK permission. And again:  Its Star Wars: check. Its the original game: check. It's much easier to port over: check. 


    I'm glad you understand the concept of permission to use and or modify mods. I'd give you a cookie, but I don't think it will improve the situation. NO COOKIE.


    Other than that, I'm not sure what you are trying to prove. I don't agree or condone the practice of porting. Especially with something like this. I'm not going to act impressed when someone decompiles levels, converts them for use in UDK, rips base assets like textures, animations, models, sounds and slaps their name on it.


    But if we are going to pretend thats an acceptable practice, whatever.

  3. I would definitely use patch meshes for this and keep them .25 from the main brush . . .



    Why even do that? If the if is a flat billboard texture with no need for transparency, just make two patchmeshes. If it does require transparency, or being flush with another plane simply give it polygonoffset in the shader keywords.

  4. A quick note to people unfamiliar with json, The format would look something like this:

        "admins" : [{
                "user" : "MoonDog",
                "pass" : "YourMom",
                "privs" : -1,
                "message" : "MoonDog has logged in"

    P.S. /connect z3n.jk3.in will now be on JA++ 24/7 for full testing.(with openjkded)


    That depends on what you feel is necessary for your map. For years, I have mapped for a different game (and even made a map especially for an RP modification) and the demands there are/were different then what JA's RP segment will or do need. My maps have never featured an over-abundance of interactivity. I rather spend more time implementing all kinds of detail and diverse environments throughout the map and let people's imagination take over where I left. Take a look at some of my screenshots or take a stroll through my Aurelia map for some idea's and inspiration. :)


    I'm very good at planning a level before I start it, so I never NOT know precisely what I'll be making.


    It was an opinion question for RPer's in general. It's interesting to know which direction they go in. If I were to actually make an RP map it would probably feature a good deal of both. As I have never RP'd and never will, I felt having a couple opinions on the matter would be cool.


    Again, the point of the question is not what I feel is necessary in a map, ideas or inspiration. That happens in the planning process for me.

  6. I had considered constructing an RP map at one point in my JKA mapping time, but trashed the idea. My recent consideration is making one final project in the JKA scene before moving on completely. If I chose to do an RP map, I'd like some quick feedback from a few RP'rs.


    I realize that levels can contain both of the following, but that isn't the point of the question. As a roleplayer, if you had to choose between a level that had a large degree of interactivity with scripts and entities, or a map that is packed with detail and has diverse environments which would it be? Which way does the scale slide in your opinion as roleplayers? Why?

  7. I highly doubt they will care a slightest bit about this, but you never know


    Most publishers will defend any of their properties quite jealously at times. You never know.


    Does anyone know where he distributed his source code to if at all? I'm just confused how one could legally sell a port as well as have unreleased code based of the source release.

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