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Posts posted by MoonDog

  1. Bullshit, Omicron! CWA only has that Grievous-legged Maul and Khameir made Maul in Blender.

    Also, thanks for bitching about Savage again, a character nobody is willing to model. But I don't need JKHub's ****ing sponsorship to make him public -_-

    And finally, a Grievous that's better than a cartoony booger-ized version. Of course you have to throw that under the bus too


    F*** JKHub. Thanks for removing my downloads, @@AshuraDX.


    Sorry isn't enough to reduce a lie that made one of my Christmas presents go to waste.


    It's been a pretty good discussion so far, let's just calm down a bit. Doesn't need to turn into an attack on the JKHub staff or other members. I like it when the discussions let reason prevail and good points are communicated on both sides. Lets just try to keep it like that for a bit.


    I can concede pretty easily to these constraints.


    I already brought it up in this thread: fully ported content (duel music packs, 100% ripped models with no new textures/sounds (NEW, -not- base), 100% ripped maps, etc) would be bad, wheras content with some ported content and some not (ie the New Vegas trooper, which had new textures, the multitude of models with ripped sounds, maps with SW music etc etc etc) would be okay. Fully ported content is okay with -written- permission from the copyright holder.


    All legal responsibility for content falls on the shoulders of the uploader; JKH cannot be responsible for 100% of its files because it might not know where they're ported from, same as how YouTube operates.


    Get rid of this "Acknowledged Rules" crap on files, it's annoying and makes no sense.


    This seems to me to be the most reasonable discourse regarding rules about ports. Technically, my entity mods can be construed as ports, but I've sufficiently altered the original BSP structures to create a work very much different from the originals while retaining that I did not make the original levels. Situations like that I'd be okay with. A ported asset, original flare, 110% acknowledgement of source material with no claim whatsoever to have had anything to do with's creation. Pretty much the definition of modification right there.

  2. I was just some what irked by the knee jerk reaction to delete a bunch of mods based solely on the ambiguous "rule" mentioned previously. It confuses that it's okay, but it's not okay depending on some sort of untenable point of view that each moderator is apparently entitled to have.

    Staff have the final say

    Users are welcome and encouraged to question staff decisions if they feel these decisions are incorrect. That said, please understand that our staff has the final say when it comes to moderating threads and enforcing our rules. We reserve the right to edit or remove any content on our website for any reason we deem necessary.

    Maybe this policy specifically is a problem. Being as there are no apparent ceilings for how heavy handed a moderator can choose to be here, and there have been some extremely heavy handed moderation in the past here. I don't think it should be surprising if the rules are approached loosely by random people, when it is so ambiguous as to how they are being enforced. It's also confusing that, like I previously mentioned, the behavior of porting is acceptable in certain cases, but a bunch of models get deleted as soon as brought to attention.

    therfiles likes this
  3. I'd recommend using one trigger_always and then a bunch of target_relays instead of a huge amount of triggers.



    "classname" "trigger_always"
    "target" "shader_relays"
    "classname" "target_relay"
    "targetname" "shader_relays"
    "targetShaderName" "textures/shader/shader"
    "targetShaderNewName" "textures/shader/thisHasToBeAShader"
    "classname" "target_relay"
    "targetname" "shader_relays"
    "targetShaderName" "textures/shader/shader"
    "targetShaderNewName" "textures/shader/thisHasToBeAShader"
    "classname" "target_relay"
    "targetname" "shader_relays"
    "targetShaderName" "textures/shader/shader"
    "targetShaderNewName" "textures/shader/thisHasToBeAShader"
    "classname" "target_relay"
    "targetname" "shader_relays"
    "targetShaderName" "textures/shader/shader"
    "targetShaderNewName" "textures/shader/thisHasToBeAShader"
    "classname" "target_relay"
    "targetname" "shader_relays"
    "targetShaderName" "textures/shader/shader"
    "targetShaderNewName" "textures/shader/thisHasToBeAShader"

    Other than that I'd check the files on your server. Do you have two versions of the bsp in the same pk3? Do you have a different version of FFA3 in a different PK3 that is alphabetically senior?


    If so, get rid of them. Place your version of FFA3 in a fresh PK3 following the correct file path to reflect the original. maps/mp/ffa3.bsp.


    Ensure that your pk3 is loaded last by adding a bunch of Zs to the file name. I usually just do z_myMapMod.pk3. (You really only need to ensure it's loaded after assets*.pk3 to overwrite the original ffa3. You could do b_fileName if you wish.)

  4. If you had to make the final decision, what would it be. Explain. I'm curious. You can PM me if you'd rather.


    @@Laisum I'm sorry for the messy thread. I'll move all this argument to another thread if you want.



    It's a discourse of opinions and a discussion about the morality of blatantly ported assets until some one cries, or using all their lives and must use a continue. That is when it becomes an argument.


    Might be easier to just split the thread into a new discussion.

  5. The rules clearly state: Do not post illegal or harmful content. Ports are illegal.


    This rule does appear to be selectively followed. Example: The JK Outcast rip thread is lauded and acceptable, because apparently it has a "cool" factor that justifies overlooking grossly ripped copyrighted content.


    As eez pointed out, there are models and or maps that use ripped sounds and or clips from movies. Another example of something being okay if it's "cool" enough, or held up on a pedestal by the sycophantic masses that occupy the JK scene.. 

    eezstreet and katanamaru like this
  6. If you need to have a piece of brushwork and patches be able to be a modular asset that you can rotate, it's best to compile that object into an ASE and use it as a misc_model.


    You'll create a lot of clip brushes with autoclipping. It's best to clip the object as simply as possible manually, using as few brushes as possible. Autoclipping will take every triangle in the model and create a clip brush.

  7. Are those cylinder brushes detail or structural ??


    A patch mesh is not a volume. It is a plane that has no effect on vis either way, and therefore it does not matter whether or not it is structural or detail. Unless you mean he has taken a brush and clipped into a cylinder of course.


    Damn... Again. I think it is because i rotate too many cilinders D: Because i made a senate platforms , Copy two of them and I was rotating them.


    Be careful with free rotation. Also, do not touch CSG subtract. Ever. Like Szico says.

  8. I wouldn't just send it out to anyone, just people who can offer valid input, mostly people who are familiar with mapping or at least a good amount of modding knowledge to be able to spot certain things.


    Maybe for mapping specific visual errors and inefficiencies. I wouldn't worry about testing with strictly other mappers otherwise. About anyone can tell whether or not something is fun. You just have to worry about them being able to articulate as to why. (Isn't as easy as it sounds most of the time.)

  9. Ewwwwwwwwww, so many comments lol and it's just beta version.

    But yeh, I don't mind creating a big ass buildings with curves just for looking better etc. It's based on gameplaying and players doesn't really care about that it has to be exactly like in movies ^^


    Will see.



    Then you should get a test pk3 going around asap before you start doing any detailing. Gameplay --> Feedback on Gameplay --> Iterate on feedback --> Test again --> Repeat as many times as necessary --> Detail, art and lighting


    Don't want to have to go back and try to modify a ton of brushwork when something turns out to be "not fun". 

    Tempust85 likes this
  10. If you have a test pk3 available, I'd be happy to give feedback from a play perspective.


    From the screenshots, I'd say the following problems are:


    -Texture alignment

    -Texture mapping on the patches( Looks stretched on some )

    -Everything is really blocky. I'd do some patchwork on various buildings to replace the brushwork.



    If you plan on keeping those very angular faces on your shapes( the buildings ), I'd recommend providing vertical aesthetic geometry where the planes meet, both to break up the textures and to provide some aesthetic diversity to the architecture. 

    NumberWan likes this
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