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Posts posted by MoonDog

  1. Hey, its not as easy as it sounds and it would be much simpler if someone told me that way I can learn it better. Besides, do you know how long that would take? Longer than it would to make my own. I doubt I can find all the info I need from digging into other maps. That's why I posted here for help. I learn from others not from files. I learn by asking questions and that makes you a stronger modder.



    It took my roughly 2 weeks, working a couple hours every other day to learn to do all that and more.

  2. Hey! It still requires the user to put things in a logical, correct syntax which dictates the need for variables, parameters, and other global properties. Sure, the vehicle of the language may be accessible via a "drag and drop" interface, but it still requires amble amount of skill and knowledge. Also, I suppose you could write it without Behaved, but that would be silly! Why use an inferior tool (for example: MS Paint) when you have a more user-friendly one (GIMP). Especially when you get into complicated, nasty, nested loops and such, having an easy to use program to sort it out for you is a lifesaver!


    I never said you should make Icarus scripts in notepad. The drag and drop model may be a "lifesaver" but Icarus is an extremely weak scripting language.

    eezstreet likes this
  3. Oh, well then I'll answer with I'm not an architect. However, its a just a station sitting on a waste of a planet. Its utilitarian and not going to be designed for every square foot to be some awe inspiring view. Its just a pre-fab-esque station that serves its purpose for what these people use it for. 


    Most level designers are not architects. Most level designers haven't taken any architecture classes.




    Let me help you iterate. Ask yourself some questions and then add as you see fit.


    -How is power transfered? Wires, pipe runs, embedded transformers, etc..? If there are wires and pipes, how are are they ran?


    -Clearly this environment should have allowances for the human element. How is fresh water/sewage/waste water routed? Are there latices on the floor that cover pipe runs? Does your ducting have logical end points? Are these elements consistant?




    These are simple questions you can use to enrich your environment.

  4. I'm still going through floor textures. Its just easier to put the same stuff everywhere. The hallways are going to have the floor texture that is in the first & second shot. Same with the basement. The warehouse will have a different one as with the areas of interest or rooms or whatever. I'm actually trying to find textures to add online but most of the free usable ones I've come across are very clean looking. 


    I wasn't entirely referring to the texture.

  5. Well, theres a lot of features of newer games and engines that obviously are fantastically superior to JA :D


    I know. I used to use GTKRadiant and make stuff for JKA. I like to rattle JKA mappers cages from time to time by reminding them of how inferior the mapping is to newer stuff. :)

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