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Posts posted by MoonDog

  1. Everyone develops their own habits, watching someone else work might not be all that beneficial. I think at best you might see creative ways to manipulate patches, brushes and general shortcuts that cut production time down.


    A lot of the "thought process" takes place long before the editor is open. Drawing top down sketches occasionally, but mostly making lists of gameplay elements and how they interact with each other. What you can do to improve these elements and then add to them by creating your own dynamics. I'm just saying, the video would be 90 percent commentary explaining what one is doing and why, rather than mind blowing brush manipulation.


    Might be cool. In any case, this book is fantastic and can help you see the craft you practice in a new or different light.





    Also this:



    Circa likes this
  2. Structure
    Aliases: @Seto
    Area of skills: Coding, Entity modding
    Brief list of accomplishments: Friendly and approachable about coding/entity related issues. Contributed to the ent modding tutorial widely used by people starting off. Creator of the SoW plugin on the entity coding and scripting side. Putting up with Pyro.
    Examples of contributions: The FFA3 plugin at the School of War server.
    Had I not been inspired to take up entity modding, and then later addicted to it, I would probably never have picked up mapping. It all lead to me getting my dream job in the game industry, and having a place where I can point and say, "There is where the spark happened", is awesome.

    h643, Smoo, Link and 6 others like this
  3. Well heres an example. The creator George started it all, correct? So now RAVEN (or whomever is making STAR WARS themed game Product etc.) is now plagiarizing? We take ideas and improve on them. There are no eggshells. Just points of view. Yes? Because the last thing we want to do is offend or be offended. So we talk about it and work it out with more clear explanations. Maybe we should revise the actual word or idea? Because if someone made an idea or product and put VERY little work into it and tried to pass it off as their own, or even make money on it: That's unethical.



    What the actual fuck?

    Darth_Bothersome likes this
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