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Status Updates posted by AngelModder

  1. R.M.S. Titanic to be released April 10th 2014

    1. Merek


      is that when the titanic sailed or sank?

    2. leadarc


      No its when the ship set sailed.

    3. Circa
  2. Running a full light compile of JH3 tonight. >.> Might be done by the time I wake up LOL!

  3. Sick as a dog today! Can't keep any thing down. :/

    1. Bek


      Stay hydrated and make sure to get plenty of sleep!

  4. So trying to set my server up to host JH3 for Alpha, it's been so long since I've messed with this server shit, I cant even remember how to restart it to refresh my server.cfg XD HELP!?!?!

    1. Stoiss


      exec server.cfg in the console is a good start :P

  5. That moment when you .cfg goes randomly crazy and you spend an hour ripping apart your base and map thinking it's some thing in one of those you messed up. Oddly enough I havent changed any thing in my .cfg in months, why it randomly went crazy I can only guess that JKA hates me...

  6. This hull texture has so many portholes O_O!

  7. Uuuuh oops I fell asleep at my desk!

    1. Bek


      Happens to the best of us.

    2. DT.
  8. Well a little update. JH3 and a few smaller maps will be my last JKA pieces. While I will remember my time with the community it's sadly that time when we have to face she's quickly dying and theirs not much in the ways of options to truely save her and bring her back to the glory days. With that said. I am moving off to my original roots once more the Unreal Engine. There I will begin work on a JK styled sim. It will take time, I will keep you folks posted as I go. Hopefully we can b...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DT.


      Doesn't really seem dead to me. :P

    3. AngelModder


      Have you seen the servers lately mate XD?!?! Theirs hardely any traffic. I don't know maybe I'm playing the wrong mod or some thing. MBII is dead as hell, using JA++ normally but even then it's just 0's 99% of the time on most servers. :/ KR get's some traffic and a few others but it's just a bunch of noobs 90% of the time who wont even listen to simple rules. :/ Meh not gripping just not sure where the traffic is HAHA!

    4. AngelModder


      LOL Btw I am back to JH3, just finished the primary build of the prisons and student eating hall.


  9. What does every one use to edit/save audio music/sounds for JKA and what was the format, I cant seem to get it right. Noob moment.

    1. Daedra


      audacity, wave mono pcm 16 bit

    2. Daedra


      or mp3 instead of wav. up to you.

    3. Smoo


      I like Adobe Audition v3.0 but dont have a legal copy :P

  10. What does the fox say?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MoonDog




    3. Futuza


      Rarp Rapr Rarp

    4. Onysfx


      We're Starfox!

  11. What was your favorite map of all time? Mine was Jedi's Home and ofcourse the Academy V3...

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. ensiform


      mp/ctf4 > *

    3. AngelModder


      I always liked quick tripp for its textures XD and the swoop!

    4. Daedra


      I love the Coruscant Jedi Temple. Why? See for yourself..




      I may actually request this Map to be fixed, since the boundaries could easily be expanded for more epic gameplay.


  12. Will be uploading JH3 Demo tonight! :D

  13. Yea no, this is exactly why I will not finish or release it. This sensation of entitlement so many of you are showing over this is exactly why I'm done. Rather then support or some one trying to talk to me you act like I owe you some thing. I've given and given for years and I've just had enough.

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