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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. did you ever hear of the quad chamfer modifier by Marius silaghi ? it's a very nice tool
  2. @@Cerez watch out for those n-gons, the mouth sides could use an edgeloop or 2 more aswell does it have UVs yet ?
  3. made a woven cloth kind of thing : Substance Designer again
  4. as I understood him they are not fleshy enough
  5. no clue what he wants to do with a push modifier here but about these bevels, make them "fatter than yo momma" check out @@Psyk0Sith's earlier post that should make it clear
  6. no issues, you just imported a very high poly mask model for this it's tri count is actually that high - it's not a display issue as you seem to assume you need to get another model of that mask or better make it yourself
  7. some pinching at the back plate, if you show me the topology I could probably offer suggestions how to fix that
  8. Is that the Xenomorph aka "Alien series" alien tail you used ?
  9. what did you name your new shaderfile like ? they re loaded in a set order afaik and if the old shader file is loaded after your new shaderfile it will overwrite the information from your file with the original file information
  10. @@DT85 after examining some of his shots it's quite cleear that he's using mostly quads around the mouth, or atelast I could not spot any triangles but I have to agree that the corners of her mouth are very sharp right now - too sharp the corners could also use a slight lift as @@Cerez pointed out If I remember correctly you're going to have a bad time fixing this up though @@Archangel35757 You are not working with a subdivided mesh here, are you ? if you don't then you got a very high density mesh at your hands and therefor a few hundred vertices to tweak by hand - I'd recommend using soft selection in this case combined with clever use of the relay tool you might be able to get the alterations done quite fast an alternative would be using the paint deformation tools in max (which max 8 doesn't have afaik) or importing the mesh into mudbox and using the grab + smooth brush to reshape those areas. EDIT : if you are not working witzhj a subdivided mesh I'd recommend doing a retopology of your current mesh, focusing on topology, not shape and then use a turbosmooth modifier to smooth it out if done correctly you should be able to retain the shapoe of your current head - with a lot less vertices to tweak and also : if you keep your initial retopo low in vertex and tri count you could technically use it as a basis for your lowpoly I never did retopo in max 8 but I think there's a very nice script called "WrapIt" somewhere, for retopo I'd move the scene to a newer max version that offers Graphite Tools, alternatively you could use mudbox 2014 and above or 3d coat for quick and easy retopo Also : why even bother using max 8 - you made working in newer max versions entirely possible ?
  11. I'll gladly to a covnersion from rend2 to base JKA if you need me to all I'll need are your bakes and the model in .obj
  12. @@DT85 his head shape seems quite off... is this an orthographic shot without perspectivic distortion ? without the suit and the general idea of who he is supposed to be I wouldn't recognize him there 8still hardly do that) getting good likeness to a person can be quite difficult when modeling Edit first thing i'd say is thicker lips, push his cheekbones slightly outward and the ears a bit inward, wider chin his nose is actually not perfectly horizontal and the nose tip should be pushed a bit upwards I think http://assets.cdn.moviepilot.de/assets/store/33cb18421662cb2de124283e443c52a9e5776e39138d2af2271b564d21a5/john-boyega-01.jpg
  13. Only Game related to Metal gear solid I played was Metal Gear rising - not reall comparable but still a lot of fun (to me)
  14. also most likely a driver related issue
  15. I like the drawing, reminds me a lot of the dark wraith armor from Dark Souls The model rendition is not too close to the drawing, maybe you'll consider adding his battle outfit aswell Keep it up ! Allways nice to see new people pick up modeling for JKA
  16. Congrats ! She's beautiful, keep it up - who knows what you mgiht surprise us with next ? Congrats ! She's beautiful, keep it up
  17. neat ! looks like my rayman gets some friends to play with
  18. oh nice ! I'd reduce the darkness inbetween her shoulder blades a lot more though, right now it's shaded like a very deep "hole" in her back - which it's not so go a bit lighter there
  19. about kicking with a gun : you could try editing weapons.dat first before thinking about a code mod
  20. okay so I can keep trieing to sell that old thing nobody seems to want
  21. @@Veosar take a look at the end of scope, and the 2 scope mounts for example you will notice that some triangles don't show the reflection at all @@Xycaleth would you be interested in that Nvidia Card for debugging ? If you pay the shipping costs I'll gladly send it over
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