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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. @@Langerd end me a version of the statue in .obj I'll cook something up for you to improve those textures
  2. hmmm indeed, I may make some variations for all saber colors then had intended to use an alphamapping system to get the different color glows
  3. allready removing some of the glow effects not gonna add any more tris, it allready sits at a whooping 1666 vertices
  4. the saber will now be called Vathius @@Kalmar I linked the concept art in the model description on sketchfab that guy made a few cool sabers
  5. if there are no incoming suggestions for names I'll name this hilt "Guilty Pleasure" inspired by @@Langerds first post in this thread
  6. textures are mostly done: just some minor tweaking left @@Kalmar it still needs a name, any suggestions? texture maps: http://imgur.com/a/2Z1cx
  7. nope, no displacement displacement in game engines is mostly used in conjunction with tesselation, which we won't get for JKA, since a displacement map needs something to displace and therefore a dense topology to support it
  8. I was referring to the head, which is the only piece ported from TFU @@ChalklYne which is what 3dripper could have messed up if it was used the rest works fairly good in JKA as it is - it's the body from Kobras old starkiller model
  9. that's bullshit! it's triangulated but the polyflow is intact, all essential loops are in place and the mesh is structured quite nicely so it could deform perfectly fine. quadrangulating and reducing the polycount without messing up the UVs and normals would also be possible. so yeah, this part of your post was bullshit.
  10. you once again tried to merge everything into one piece and used way too many sides for your cylinders. use a maximum of 10-12 sides for each cylinder and use overlapping sub objects instead of extruding things like those "side boxes" try this: [sharedmedia=tutorials:tutorials:177]
  11. ^and old, somehow reminds me of prof Farnsworth
  12. haha, looking not too bad otherwise, give me a wireframe pic once you deem it ready
  13. is the ear just a seperate model you stuck on there xD? sure looks like that
  14. no scoping and just going for headshots or body shots with a rage buff... good old times
  15. a quick and dirty texture test: dirty might not be the fitting term since this thing is currently completely clean, not a single scratch nor the slightest bit of dust can be found here atm I plan to include color variation for the glowy things, so you can have it match your sabercolor I tried to setup my sketchfab material to resemble JKAs renderer as close as possible, meaning no normal maps and a fixed glossiness value, not too happy with the specularity but oh well, can't have everything
  16. game mesh done I had tagged you, was a typo which I fixed in a later edit ^^U
  17. tiny update top is old, bottom is new
  18. I needed to see soemthing different than pictures of Clone armor... decided to take a stab at a Lightsaber Hilt @@Rooxon wanted me to tackle @@Kalmar, this should please you:
  19. now zoom out until the model's size onscreen is about the same as it's onscreem size ingame - can you see those changes clearly? could you tell wether it's a texture or modeled? consider this when adding detail if it can't be seen - leave it out
  20. yeah, noticed that aswell since I oculdn't get a good angle that clearly showed the seams and detailing on the shoes from "official" sources I had to base mine at a few pics of cloneboots someone makes (he even sells them) http://www.thedentedhelmet.com/f45/leather-clone-shoes-my-own-pair-progress-36985-post519155/#post519155
  21. I think you just need more practice most of these last changes required very little to no work and I use the Graphite freeform tools in max a lot, try them
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