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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. @@Asgarath83 This is for you
  2. Yup, the max space for md3 models is from [-256,-256,-256] to [256,256,256] so unless your objects fits into a 512x512x512 cube you'll get messy results.
  3. Not exactly. Have you ever used the material editor in 3ds max? (the menu that opens when you press m) Rename the materials to match the shaderpath you need.
  4. For md3 models exported with this exporter it works like this:
  5. Are you exporting to ASe from 3ds max? Your materials are most likely set up the wrong way.
  6. My plugin is not a model to map converter in any way. Q3map2 also doesn't give a shit about misc_model entities with more than 1000 verts on a surface iirc.
  7. feel free to supply me with screenshots and I'll put it up
  8. That's not going to happen, atleast not when it comes to stuff from the dropbox as it's from an old Minecraft themed TC and pretty much nothing in there is finished. And aside of the models I just extracted from there nothing is my work. @@Lord Of Hate since I can't bother myself to go around and take screenshots of all this poop for a proper JKHub submission: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y15yhy5p4zicttq/MinecraftModelPack_unfinished.zip?dl=0 hope you enjoy that pack.
  9. Don't worry, I didn't forget about this - it just turned out that I'll have to do some cleaning up here before I push this stuff out. I have to take collect my stuff from an old shared dropbox folder with tons of stuff I did not make.
  10. Oh. Poop! Yeah, I totally forgot about this. I'll try to remember this when I'm back home on Monday.
  11. misc_models do not count as entities, they are emrged into the .bsp tree on compile as far as I know. Other misc_model_* entities however do count as entities.
  12. That is something that I do not know for sure.
  13. Xnormal and substance Designer can alkso convert back and forth between world space and tangent space normals
  14. @@ChalklYne - do you have smoothing group breaks along those edges by chance?
  15. @@ChalklYne - did you uplaod the correct model? The tris on the back are still there
  16. weld this loop or downsize it to fix this cylindrical indentation - a dish shape is what you want. the clipping here could also be reduced with some slight retouching you could make these two tris cancel each other out by adding the green edge and removing the two red ones. I think you may have overbulged the wrists now - that's all I got for the moment @@ChalklYne The topology looks pretty solid and the shape is good too! - may benefit from some asymmetry - but that could be tweaked later!
  17. @@ChalklYne https://sketchfab.com/models/94a01696c6d644ccba28131571eb8dcf see that number? The One highlighted in green? take that sucker and stuff it into some sketchfab tags: [sketchfab]94a01696c6d644ccba28131571eb8dcf[/sketchfab]
  18. @@Xeby @ Please keep it civilised, I don't like the way this is evolving at all.
  19. I was literally citing the canon source on the power of kylo's saber @Kylo went even further into star wars lore and rudimentary physics than me with his last post here.
  20. @@ChalklYne the animation seems very "floaty", there is no weight in its steps - in fact it looks like it's just paddeling in mid air with its feet. Are you using a Shadow rig to animate this or are you just moving the bones individually?
  21. If you go to the image lsit in your account and you click a thumbnail, you'll get this popup: That's how you can access the automatically generated size variations of your image on imgur
  22. They mostly do so because a lot of the stuff that is requested and shared here contains ported material that will not be hosted on this site.
  23. @@Xeby there is one thing that makes no sense to me: Why did you even bother making this thread if you are just going to ignore any other suggestions than your own?
  24. 1. There is a shader parm to make surfaces with that shader nonsolid, that's what I would use. 2. I think the best way will be to use light emitting shaders instead of placing random point lights. This will also force you to think about where you place your lights. When it comes to compiling there isn't a single "best" preset of command switches you should use. It mostly boils down to personal preference and how much time you are willing to invest into the compile. 3. Iirc you could do this with a func_useable linked to a movetarget entity.
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