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Posts posted by ent

  1. If it had 2 channels before then it wasn't mono. That's literally what mono means: one channel. For some reason Audacity is stupid and doesn't list a file as stereo when it should. You should just go by the fact that you have 2 channels, not what it says. If you have two channels, split them both to mono and delete one. Then save as mono and all is well.

    Or mux them - that's how stereo-to-mono is usually done.

  2. Only if you are capturing with FFmpeg.

    Change mme_pipeCommand from "ffmpeg -f avi -i - -threads 0 -preset ultrafast -y -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 23 %o.mp4 2> ffmpeglog.txt"

    to "ffmpeg -f avi -i - -threads 0 -preset ultrafast -y -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 23 C:\full\path\with\filename.mp4 2> ffmpeglog.txt"

  3. Make compilation rules yourself then.

    Open every vcproj file and check what files are used for compilation. There are also compilation flags for compiler and linker.

    Use all of those to compile.

    You can try to automate it if you just base your compilation rules on openjk ones (for example: https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/blob/master/codemp/cgame/CMakeLists.txt).But you will need to modify it to match SDK files and folders.

  4. It's not about start and end scale, it's about incompleted scale. Because the result width after rotation relates to cos of the angle applied to the given width and it also relates to sin of the angle applied to the given height (both original width and height affect the result width because the image got rotated).

    Tempust85 likes this
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