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Posts posted by Xycaleth

  1. I haven't tried your mod, but the problem with the lack of saber system manual intrigues me. A problem I've found with other saber system rewrites is that even with a manual or videos it's difficult to understand how to make good use of the saber. A good idea (if not now, then perhaps in the future), would be to have an in-game tutorial telling and showing you how the new saber system works. Completing certain tasks would green light the player, and they can progress on to the next part of the tutorial. Maybe it could be Kyle or some other Jedi teaching you :P

    Boothand and Serenity937 like this
  2. As long as we dont make money - release the game for free, make it open source, and change everything in the assets folder that we plan on using.

    The GNU GPL doesn't prevent you from making money. As the licence states:


    To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.


    For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.



    We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the software.

    So you can still sell your software, and only then do you have to make the source code to those who own the software. But from there, I think the people with your source code at then at liberty to distribute it for free (I'm not certain on this).

  3. It's likely due to the error you see in your console saying "Com_sprintf: overflow of 66 in 64". This can mean one of your surface names, shader names, model names, etc is too long - the limit is 64 characters, but something is 66 characters. I would start with looking in your .skin files first, and check that your surface names and your shader names are all below 64 characters long.

  4. item_enviro - sheld wall (?) in jk the camera turns on (as in case of mind trick 4) = no exit in OpenJK - crash game. in sp

    So to clarify, using the shield wall item in SP causes OpenJK to crash? What does this have to do with cameras?
  5. You will most definitely not want to be using visual studio 6. If you want to compile the code then download the express edition of visual studio 2013 and update the code so that it compiles under that. From a technical standpoint, visual studio 6 is a buggy and broken piece of software.

  6. @@TheReferee can you describe what modding or game development experience you and each of your current team members has had in the past? And what mods you (and your team members) have worked on in the past which has been released?


    This isn't a stab at you, but all too often people have tried to make "the next biggest thing in JKA" (and I'm guilty of this as well) but end up abandoning it half way through due to the lack of experience both in developing and pushing the mod forward to completion. Ideas for something bold and new aren't the problem. The problem is the ability to execute the ideas.

  7. You're correct on the prefixes you've guessed. bg_ means both games (shared between server and client).


    Regarding client and server side in single player, the main distinction is in what each handles (and this applies to multiplayer as well). The server handles all of the game logic (e.g. should this player be able to walk forward, did their lightsaber hit something, what should the AI do next, and so on) and sends this information the connected players (or player in single player). The client side is responsible for handling the visual representation of the game.

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