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Posts posted by Xycaleth

  1. Are the deluxe maps part of the BSP? Or a separate file?

    Yep, part of the BSP file. But they're stored in such a way that remains compatible (I believe) with the vanilla renderer.


    By cubemaps, I mean environment mapping. Course, if that's supported without anything extra, I'll probably be happy as well. I see there's stuff in rend2 for "cube mapping" but I'm not sure what that is. My guess is environment mapping?

    Ah yeah I remember now. Yeah, rend2 supports environment mapping so you can place misc_cubemap entities around the map, which act as the environment probes, i.e. the locations from which environment maps should be generated. I'm not sure if these are dynamic or not though. I imagine they are.


    By BSP format, do you mean RBSP or IBSP? I suppose you could add support for IBSPs as well, I don't see why you couldn't per se. I'd be behind supporting both formats as IBSP would provide many benefits in terms of graphics capability.

    RBSP format. As far as the plain rend2 renderer goes, I don't plan on adding IBSP support because it's extra work that doesn't really give many benefits.


    Why such a low cap on the number of dynamic lights? And by shaders emitting light, I mean dynamic lights. So for instance, computer monitors on kejim_post and various cairn levels would emit blue light that flickers slightly on maybe one of the terminals.

    I should have been more clear. That's 4 - 8 dynamic lights which can cast dynamic shadows. I don't think having more dynamic lights than that, which don't cast shadows, should be a problem...


    Also, what about the limits on vertexes? Is there any difference in the number of vertexes per object that's supported? Currently you can't go any higher than 1024 per object, which is a significant limit. I know you mentioned multithreading the renderer. Are there any significant bottlenecks in rend2 that limit performance with high numbers of vertexes? I believe you mentioned that ghoul2 transforms are a significant impact. Have these been alleviated at all with the prevalence of Ghoul2 being handled via VBOs (and therefore on the GPU)?

    Vertex limits are remaining the same for now. I've moved the Ghoul2 rendering completely to VBOs in rend2 but there's not really much performance gains from it at the moment - FPS is either the same or worse in most cases. There's a lot of work to be done to get rend2 to the frame rate I want to see and I'm not sure what parts are slowing the renderer down at the moment.


    You mentioned that graphics cards for years have been able to do non-power-of-two textures. Are there any significant consequences for disabling the non-PoT limit, other than perhaps load times? This could be quite excellent for things without mipmaps, as they tend to get stretched on screen in ugly ways.

    I don't think there will be any noticeable differences.
  2. @@eezstreet I hope to support deluxe mapping but it will need support from q3map2 as well (I think?). Q3map2 does generate deluxe maps but I'm jot sure if it will generate them for JKA maps. It might be something for later rather than sooner. To answer what it is, it's essentially a normal map for the lightmap so that it doesn't seem so static when lights shine across the map surfaces.


    I'm not exactly sure what you mean by cube maps in this context, and as I'm on the bus right now I'll reply with more information later on today.


    There won't be any changes to the BSP format for conpatibility sake.


    I'm hoping dynamic lights will be able to project shadows, but only for up to say 4 or 8 lights. I don't see why shaders won't be able to emit light... Will need to look into this as well :P

  3. When you go through the area portal, the game has to suddenly draw a bigger chunk of the map. This can cause your computer to pause for a moment while it processes all the new data, which can cause the screen and sound to pause for a split second. There's nothing you can do about it, apart from not using area portals, but that's a bad idea in itself.

  4. All I'm saying is that you'll end up porting it to SP, and then rend2 in MP will change drastically (which it will) and you won't bother porting those chanes across. And then we have the problem of two versions of the same renderer. Or alternatively a shit load of work will need to be done again to get the two renderers compatible even with each other.


    Xycaleth, my max scene contains a simple player model, using a poly, uvw and skin modifier on all the geometry. Everything is weighted and linked. Compiling with carcass works. I still haven't figured out the problem with your fbx converter.

    Do you mind PMing me your FBX model so I can take a closer look at what the converter's trying to do? Thanks :)

  6. @@AshuraDX Doesn't look very good :/ Try opening Dependency Walker again, and then press F7. You should see a dialog window pop up. Just press okay, and it'll try to run the converter. Can you copy/paste the contents of the log window after you've run it into a post please? :)


    We will get this working eventually :P

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