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Posts posted by Xycaleth

  1. The reasons I can think of off the top of my head:


    1) Gets rid of needing carcass to compile models

    2) Do not need to export to .XSI format, you can export straight to .GLM

    3) Should allow Maya users to make models for JKA

    4) If .GLA export is implemented at some stage, this will allow Maya/XSI/3ds Max users to take advantage of any changes to the Ghoul2 format. Otherwise, only Blender users would benefit.

    I always felt there was a lack of any tutorials or documentation on how to use carcass and assimilate too. I plan to provide full documentation with this converter too :)


    Not to hijack a thread, but y'know what I'd really love? An ase to md3 or obj. converter that will preserve texture and shader information for JKA. Do you have a request list? :D

    I'd be happy to look into it, but I can't make any guarantees as to if and when it's started/finished :P
    Szico VII likes this
  2. Like ensiform said, the emotes (taunt doesn't count as an emote) are only supposed to work when you are duelling someone. Taunt can be used at any time.


    Regarding forcenext/forceprev, can you check that you're using the keys which are bound to forcenext/forceprev. It might be that you're using customised binds which aren't set in OpenJK.

  3. To be honest, said "hacker" is probably nothing more than some kid who has nothing better to do and thinking he's "leet" by running one of probably numerous getstatus flood scripts circulating around the interwebs. If I were you, I'd send a report to his ISP (though from the information you've given, I don't see how you could know who this is) as a warning as he will probably continue attacking other servers anyway.

    katanamaru likes this
  4. In simple terms it's exactly the same as a lightsaber works. You have a model attached to the player, and the saber damages anything that touches it when you're swinging it. The same can be applied to the whip, so the whole model does damage. The difficulty with a whip is it needs to be animated as well, which the code doesn't support. In an ideal world the whip wouldn't even be animated and would bend/flex using some basic physics system but that would be some way in the future :P

    Tempust85 likes this
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