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Posts posted by Xycaleth

  1. Ok some bugs:


    - There has to be another mesh object (whether it's a LOD or just another object) in the exported FBX that isn't connected to the original models hierarchy or it will come up with "failed to create GLM".

    - I can't seem to get it to compile all 3 LODs when not testing out on a player model. Is there a certain amount of model parts required or a certain number of triangles/vertexes the original model needs to be to allow all 3 LODs to be generated?


    These things aside, it looks to generate a world weapon model that matches the MD3view generated ones.

    My bad... these are caused by some pretty lame assumptions I made about the scene. Should be pretty easy to fix.


    Here's a pic of the e-11 with no scope: ..

    Yay, awesome :) I've fixed the problem with the texture path now. Will upload a new version when I add in the fixes for the other things you mentioned.

    Archangel35757 and Tempust85 like this
  2. Despite the problem with that surface, I'll make a test version available now lol. It'll help me with finding more bugs, and I can fix that particular bug along with the others that will inevitably come in.


    Download link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/874909/fbx2ghoul2.zip


    This is what it DOES do:

    • Converts FBX file to GLM.
    • Supports LODs.
    • Supports static meshes.

    DOES NOT support:

    • Animations
    • Skeletons

    How to use:

    From your 3d editor, export the model as an FBX binary file (it might work with text too? I'm not sure). Make sure to triangulate the model, and set Z as up. Drag and drop the FBX file on to the exe file, and the model.glm file will be created in the same directory as your FBX file.


    I'm not releasing this on the JKHub files just yet until I'm sure the current features are working as they should.


    PLEASE reply back with any bugs you find, and also any improvements or suggestions you have :)

    Tempust85 likes this
  3. And LODs are fixed :) I have a weird problem with LOD0 of your Stormtrooper though @@DT85. The r_hand_plate surface is in completely the wrong place :P On LOD1 and LOD2, they are in the right place though. I'm pretty sure it's not a problem with the converter either. (The little white blob below the stormie is the right hand plate.)


    Tempust85 likes this
  4. One thing I just thought of. Will this have LOD support?

    Yep, there is LOD support - if I've done it right :P I see 2 LODs on the Luke model you gave me, which are the same. Is that right?


    Don't you need to list out player joints? What about creating .surf and .skin files at compile time?

    Why would you need to list the player joints? Creating .skin files should be doable, as long as the FBX file has the correct texture paths. I can't remember what a .surf file does off the top of my head though!

  5. Would you guys want a GUI for this? There's not really much to show though to be honest. At the moment you can drag your FBX file on to the program icon and it'll spit out a GLM file, or you can use the command line if you want to specify the GLM file name.


    Adding it to ModView could be an option if I ever finish my platform port to Mac and Linux, but for now that's off the table :P

  6. I came up with my idea way before Disney started coming up with their's lol so it's not new in any sense.

    According to Wikipedia, Lucas had already planned out 12 episodes for Star Wars. Lucas' biographer believes that Disney will follow Lucas' outlines, so let's hope they really do :P



    By qualifications, what do you mean? lol.

    He's probably asking what modding experience you have had before.

    Tempust85 likes this
  7. A few more hours of work later, and we can say hello to Luke properly :D



    I just need to fix up bolts, and make the converter usable. And I made a mistake in an earlier post - this first version will only be able to export non-animated models. I haven't looked at fetching the weighting information from the FBX file yet.


    For jokes, here's some WIP screenshots while I was trying to get this to work :P



    Tempust85, Futuza and Circa like this
  8. Great work!!!  However, I notice that some (if not all...) of your tags need rotating 90 degrees about the z-axis.  For example, the hands and feet appear to be needing a rotation of 90 degrees about the z-axis (when you compare to an original model in old ModView).  But I'm sure you'll have it all sorted out soon...


    I do hope you intend to make a .GLM/.GLA to .FBX converter... or better yet, just add a "Save As" feature in your new ModView program to save it back out to .FBX   :D

    Good call on the tags ;) Not sure why that's happened. I've applied the same transformations to the tags as I have to the meshes so they should be correct (or maybe the tags were in incorrect and carcass does some weird magic to fix them up again). I do plan to make a converter back to FBX. This seems easy enough, now that I've seen how the FBX format works :)


    Probably won't add this to ModView, at least not for now. The good thing about having a standalone utility for things like this is you can create a batch script or something similar to convert an entire directory of files to GLM.


    Great work Xycaleth, keep it up! :D Is it reading off the base JKA humanoid.gla with weighting intact?


    If you need anything else, let me know. :)

    Haven't got to working on weighting just yet :) But another quick question! I'm having problems with texture coordinates as 3ds seems to export FBX with more texture coordinates than positions and normals. Are you perhaps preserving smooth groups when you export (if such an option exists)? Can you send me the model with and without smooth groups preserved if possible? Thanks :D

  9. ...how much does a master server cost to maintain really?


    I guarantee Steam sales alone monthly should be able to pay for that many times over.

    I own a server capable of running a master server. It costs me about $5 a month.


    Virtually nothing, but keep in mind that Raven is Activision's bitch to work on CoD, and CoD is in decline. Raven hasn't put out a decent game imo since Quake 4 (but to be fair I haven't played enough of the new Wolfenstein to really judge), so whether or not they're self-sustainable is questionable.

    Add to the fact that the master server is probably on company soil and they have system administrators looking after their other servers, it costs nothing (at least, not in  financial overhead) to maintain the master server.

  10. It really aggravates me off that my computer should be able to compile a large map in 60 seconds, but this old software turns it into something more like 60 minutes.


    My computer is 64 bit and I have about 64 megs of ram. Should compile this stuff in no time flat so makes me not want to map.

    Throwing more memory at your computer won't make it run faster. The limiting factor in compiling maps (and especially the lighting stage) is your CPU. This is why movie CG is rendered using multiple servers, each running the calculations on graphics card (which are very well suited to lighting calculations).

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