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I have been wanting to make a new female character for the female Star Wars fan out there, and with the nudge and suggestions from KimmyMarin, I made Jaina Solo.

As I said in the beginning of this thread all credits will be given with the file themselves should I choose to upload.





In game 



Smoo, Jeff, yeyo JK and 2 others like this

IMO if Jyn Erso and Rey ever met up, Jaina Solo would be their love child.

The making of Jaina Solo starring Jyn Erso and Rey.... That's an adult rated film I'd pay to see :o!



this model is cool




I still do not find something similar to this


I have been thinking of recreating a more modern Revan one of these days. Hopefully I can make it turn out alright...

J19 and Kuhe like this

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