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[Idea] JAMod - Singleplayer Modding System

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The idea is that you have the core of the system being one DLL file, and then various plugins which are made with an SDK which serve as plugins to your JAMod system. You can then configure the plugins and the system via an INI file, allowing you to further customize the game.


My question is, if I made such a system, would anyone be interested?


Some of the available plugins at launch:


- Weapon Mod System (externalizes damages, etc)

- Saber Mod System (disables some special moves and allows for modifiable damage)

- CVar unlocker (unlocks all cvars)

- script_targetname fixer (changes the script_targetname of the player from "player" to anything you want)

- Galak Fix

- JK2 Waypoint Fix

- More..

Fighter, Sentra and therfiles like this
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- Weapon Mod System (externalizes damages, etc)


Who wouldn't want this? Us SP modders will drool over this!


- CVar unlocker (unlocks all cvars)


Seems cool...can you give an example of a 'locked' cvar? It seems like there is a workaround for most of them, at least the ones I know.


- Saber Mod System (disables some special moves and allows for modifiable damage)


For sure. Could we add moves too?


- script_targetname fixer (changes the script_targetname of the player from "player" to anything you want)


I don't exactly see how this is useful...


- Galak Fix


Always good to have some more NPC types to work with.


- JK2 Waypoint Fix


Haven't muddled to much with waypoints...sounds good, though.


- More..


More! Force power modding. Adding displays to the weapon huds and forcepower huds. Move the position of things in the hud that are hardcoded. (things like the weapon selecting - you use scroll for it)


Very excited!

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Seems cool...can you give an example of a 'locked' cvar? It seems like there is a workaround for most of them, at least the ones I know.

There's literally dozens of UI and test cvars which aren't shown by the game due to them being hardcoded as ROM. The engine interface already makes it easy to add new cvars on the fly.


For sure. Could we add moves too?

I don't know any way which this would work out, save for some really weird file formatting.


I don't exactly see how this is useful...

All of the JK2 scripts are targetted at "kyle" instead of "player", and therefore most of the scripts in JK2 don't work.



Always good to have some more NPC types to work with.

Actually, the NPC type wasn't bugged, Raven just moronically left the NPC entity blank for no reason (it's okay anyway, it's just another simple NPC entity with nothing really fancy added to it. more of a macro than an actual entity)


Haven't muddled to much with waypoints...sounds good, though.

JK2 has more waypoint entities than JKA does..for some reason.



More! Force power modding. Adding displays to the weapon huds and forcepower huds. Move the position of things in the hud that are hardcoded. (things like the weapon selecting - you use scroll for it)

Force power modding would have to be tailored to the actual change (force repulse? sure.) or completely rescripted in their entirety in order to be remotely usable by the modder. Not very cost effective I'm afraid.

As for the HUD, that is a possibility, yes. I tried to get the JK2 beeper thing for the datapad working again and all the objectives to be working properly but the HUD code just doesn't like me. There was a fun little comment in the code for the datapad though, and it kinda made sense why they got rid of it.

As for other HUD stuff, we'll see. It will most likely rely on how much scripting stuff I can put into the game.

therfiles likes this
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You can't change out PK3s ingame. The PK3s get loaded whenever a map gets loaded (you'd have to do a vid_restart for this, and the cvar unlocker would do the same thing...just make a script that goes "set fs_game "blah";vid_restart" and it should work.)


I don't know why you would want to change them out ingame anyway. That's just me.

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i was thinking if u maybe wanted to have more weapons. like.. umm.. more guns i guess i mean. like. what if u wanted to use the physics of the e-11 blaster on more than one gun model, that way u can have tons of "different" guns to swap from. but if u gotta restart theres no point. sorry dude

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yeah. hey what about adding new breakable style in the func_breakable portion of gtkradiant. u know how u get glass, i think stone, metal..ropebreak... maybe is there a way we can have more of those? i like to make nice breakable stuff in my maps and i need the option of making more breakable styles instead of modding the base ones

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  • 2 weeks later...

Eez, this could be very helpful for tons of SP modders. I'm sure the folks over at Jumansoft would love to have it, and plenty of other TC mods. Heck, this could probably help you with Galaxies. I know that Galaxies is probably consuming a lot of your time, but if you ever get around to this, I'll be first in line to download.

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wait, so its not like modifying the SP code, cuz u have a whole new core? im not good with coding, but in lamens, is it like that? kind of working around the no SP code, by creating a whole new Sp engine? or more like adding coding to the existing engine? sorry im code n00b

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wait, so its not like modifying the SP code, cuz u have a whole new core? im not good with coding, but in lamens, is it like that? kind of working around the no SP code, by creating a whole new Sp engine? or more like adding coding to the existing engine? sorry im code n00b

In layman's terms, you're replacing bits and pieces of the core with code that you've written yourself. Usually whole functions, etc.

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