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Kotor 1 and 2 Jedi Robes. Is it possible via kitbash?

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*Takes a deep breath and exhales.* There's something that I've been wanting for some time in JKA. That is seeing models using the Kotor 1 and Kotor 2 Jedi Robes. I've seen people use personal models that were never released, and with the rise of and SLOW acceptance of kitbashes in the community, I wanted to ask this because since the new EULA by Disney was released, it opened up the door for new possibilities. So...can this be done?

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i do know there is a kotor jedi customization for jedi academy somewhere on the internet archived gamefront

Those use normal Jedi Robes. I have the customization.



Why would anyone want KOTOR1 robes? They look like shit. KOTOR2 ones are fine.

Actually, to me, they look more like Old Style Jedi Robes from back when the Jedi Order was starting out. Kotor 2's are starting to look modern as the Jedi settle in as peacekeepers of the Old Republic.

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I've got quite a list for male and female, so...bear with me @@Seven. You can do them one at a time if you must, as you said, you DO have a lot on your plate and the last thing I would want to do is overwhelm you.
(Note: I'm only putting the deadlystream files here for pic references. I'm confident the robes are in the files of KOTOR 1 and 2. ^_^)

For I'd say if someone wants a Je'daii or VERY early Jedi Order Jedi.

This one definitely.

Gotta have the normal and padawan K2 robes too. ^_^

These robes are from I'd say, post Great Hyperspace War to Kotor 1. ^_^

The before with Helena is a Jedi Tunic I would say up to the Great Hyperspace war.

Yeah, tall order, I know. But...like I said, one at a time because you've got a lot to do and you're doing great work all around.

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I've got quite a list for male and female, so...bear with me @@Seven. You can do them one at a time if you must, as you said, you DO have a lot on your plate and the last thing I would want to do is overwhelm you.

(Note: I'm only putting the deadlystream files here for pic references. I'm confident the robes are in the files of KOTOR 1 and 2. ^_^)


​ http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/214-kotor-ceremony-tunics-for-jedi-robes/


For I'd say if someone wants a Je'daii or VERY early Jedi Order Jedi.




This one definitely.




Gotta have the normal and padawan K2 robes too. ^_^




These robes are from I'd say, post Great Hyperspace War to Kotor 1. ^_^




The before with Helena is a Jedi Tunic I would say up to the Great Hyperspace war.


Yeah, tall order, I know. But...like I said, one at a time because you've got a lot to do and you're doing great work all around.

Looks nice. Try and look for some kind of fan edit or update or whatever though if you can. I mean I'll still do these, it'd just be interesting to see if anyone made some nice remastered versions.

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Looks nice. Try and look for some kind of fan edit or update or whatever though if you can. I mean I'll still do these, it'd just be interesting to see if anyone made some nice remastered versions.

Well, most of them use the in game assets, BUT...there was one that remade the Jedi Knight/Master K2 Robes that made them look like a mixture of the normal K2 robes and the knight/master variants. I don't know if Deadlystream uploaded it, though as it was on Filefront and I couldn't find it before it went down. : I would've used those for post Kotor 2 to I'd say...after the Ruusan Campaign in JKA. And thank you, dude. Thank you. I assume you'd want to know which heads I want too? :)

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Well, most of them use the in game assets, BUT...there was one that remade the Jedi Knight/Master K2 Robes that made them look like a mixture of the normal K2 robes and the knight/master variants. I don't know if Deadlystream uploaded it, though as it was on Filefront and I couldn't find it before it went down. : I would've used those for post Kotor 2 to I'd say...after the Ruusan Campaign in JKA. And thank you, dude. Thank you. I assume you'd want to know which heads I want too? :)


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Alright. ^_^






For Kotor 1 male heads, the brown short haired one, the one with the goatee (classic), and the one with the mullet (Which is Revan's Canon look in Legends). For Kotor 2 male, the bearded one and the blonde haired, blue eyed short haired one. ^_^


For Kotor 1 female heads, I like the short haired blonde one along with the girl with the pony tail. For Kotor 2 female, the blonde hair and blue eyed one (If retextured could look like canon Meetra Surik), and the one with the blonde hair in a bun.


If you want to add any yourself, you're welcome to.


(Jeez, this is gonna become more like a pack. ^_^ )

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