Xioth Posted August 24, 2016 Posted August 24, 2016 Falon Grey's face textures, based off of actor Ty Olsson (From which the original X1, X2 and Falon Grey BF3 models were meshed off of) are coming along nicely:Not quite thereI was actually going to talk to you about that. Seeing as you are our inhouse Comic Creator! I do plan to do a comic series based off of the adventures of Jaden Korr. (After the Jedi are destroyed, set place in the new canon timeline). I've meant to offer help with your comics before, and I guess I'm offering now: Should you need help, I'm open to the idea, as I very well might come to you for aide in my own comic, respectively. I mean, that looks like a very naive teenage Falon Grey, MAYBE. But not the canon one. Just name it "Teenage Falon Grey". I'm not saying it to be rude but it doesn't look much like him.
Kualan Posted August 24, 2016 Posted August 24, 2016 in a completely unrelated topic, I've been testing out some variations for the maybe-comic. Here are the force lightning and saber cut designs as of now!Let me know what y'all think about the effects! Looks very good!
Darth Sion Posted August 24, 2016 Posted August 24, 2016 A slightly better look at Lawson. I'll give y'all a profile shot should you request it.And Gram, seeming very sinister. Also killing guards. Because that's what Dark Jedi do.Jaden was already released! He's a buggy mess, unfortunately, but playable if you can overlook the head to torso error. I'm going about retexturing regular Haplash robes with his SP clothes textures for all around better playability. In the meanwhile I've been working on custom projects, while texturing a Falon Grey face. Look up "Legends Jaden"No, I've seen the "Legends Jaden", you released.. I'm talking about the Jaden with the jacket, boots and trousers (the sort of Han Solo'esque style) version.
AuriusPheonix Posted August 26, 2016 Author Posted August 26, 2016 You can check out what I have for the comic here. In the meanwhile I'm seeing if the Quilan Vos head works better for our Falon Grey.No, I've seen the "Legends Jaden", you released.. I'm talking about the Jaden with the jacket, boots and trousers (the sort of Han Solo'esque style) version.I'm, trying to find the right torso for it! When I do, ima let y'all know TheWhitePhoenix and Darth Sion like this
Xioth Posted August 26, 2016 Posted August 26, 2016 You can check out what I have for the comic here. In the meanwhile I'm seeing if the Quilan Vos head works better for our Falon Grey.I'm, trying to find the right torso for it! When I do, ima let y'all knowWhy not get the head directly from the Falon Grey model?
AuriusPheonix Posted August 28, 2016 Author Posted August 28, 2016 After a long stint of comic making, I realized I needed some ships to accompany this new saga. And considering there are very few vehicle models right now (I have entire FLEETS worth of MD3 files but I have no idea how to transfer them over) I decided to do a recolor of the Millenium Falcon and complete retexture of the Moldy Crow. The Crow has been redone with my own personal textures I made a LONG time ago for an entirely different game. Worked nicely. The Scarlet Sparrow The White Rose Kualan, DarthStiv, yeyo JK and 2 others like this
AuriusPheonix Posted August 28, 2016 Author Posted August 28, 2016 Why not get the head directly from the Falon Grey model?Because it requires integration that I have yet to learn how to do. I've tried before in my Ajunta Pall model. The product was... not good.
AuriusPheonix Posted August 30, 2016 Author Posted August 30, 2016 Kelic is an original character, kitbashed by myself for both release and comic purposesTook a break from the comic once again to make something related to the comic. Yayyy. Kelic, a chiss mercenary who knows the secrets of nightsister magics. He is unfinished and requires some more kitbashes, but this is what I have as of now. Wears heavily modified clone armor, and utilizes a two triple barreled blaster pistols. And yes, they hurt. A lot.
ZanderNao Posted September 1, 2016 Posted September 1, 2016 Ohhh! Oh! Vehicle reskins! I love them! My goodness, that Chiss mercenary is amazing too! What are your release cycles like for such beauties?
Silas Posted September 1, 2016 Posted September 1, 2016 I'm growing immensely tired of being pulled onto this site to see you've plagiarized my work. Twice now.
eezstreet Posted September 1, 2016 Posted September 1, 2016 I'm growing immensely tired of being pulled onto this site to see you've plagiarized my work. Twice now.Can you iterate on this?
AuriusPheonix Posted September 1, 2016 Author Posted September 1, 2016 I'm growing immensely tired of being pulled onto this site to see you've plagiarized my work. Twice now.Yes, please do. If I salvaged a texture from you, let me know. I'll remove it. At this point I have so many pk3s that I can't always know who made what. Nothing here has been yet uploaded because I am making sure I have the correct permissions to do so. The attitude, however, will have to disappear if you want any form of cooperation from me.Ohhh! Oh! Vehicle reskins! I love them! My goodness, that Chiss mercenary is amazing too! What are your release cycles like for such beauties?All of these are going throught the permissions progress. I have permission to release the Ben Solo skin/kitbash. The ships textures are created by me, it's just packaging this stuff, something I'm putting off till Star Wars: Legends #1 is released. TheWhitePhoenix likes this
TheWhitePhoenix Posted September 2, 2016 Posted September 2, 2016 @@AuriusPheonix, I have to ask just one thing if I give you a character I made that I haven't used in a long time. My machinima main character. If you ever do use him, and you kill him off, which is fine with me because it's your story not mine, my only request is this: "In Sergeant Johnson's voice" Send him out...with a bang....
AuriusPheonix Posted September 2, 2016 Author Posted September 2, 2016 Shadow, I think I have a perfect place for one of such characters. I'll need many to stoke the fires of revenge TheWhitePhoenix likes this
AuriusPheonix Posted September 2, 2016 Author Posted September 2, 2016 Kelic is both an original character as well as kitbashed by me. As is the Zakuul Knight reskin. The Kylo Ren model is there to simulate a meeting between the two characters, and is not created by me.So some updates on Kelic and a reskin of the Zakuul Knight to a Knight of Ren. And Varis Ren
eezstreet Posted September 2, 2016 Posted September 2, 2016 There are several models (in this post) which have parts that other people have made, and some (such as the Kylo Ren you have posted) are other people's work entirely. If you're going to use these for comics, I understand, but please make sure to credit your sources and/or ask for appropriate permission before doing so. This thread is confusingly set up and it gives the impression that you've made these works.
AuriusPheonix Posted September 2, 2016 Author Posted September 2, 2016 There are several models (in this post) which have parts that other people have made, and some (such as the Kylo Ren you have posted) are other people's work entirely. If you're going to use these for comics, I understand, but please make sure to credit your sources and/or ask for appropriate permission before doing so. This thread is confusingly set up and it gives the impression that you've made these works.Understandable. Everything over there was comic material, only the stuff I state that I created and am trying to release are, as said, are what I am trying to release. Those textures and characters in the post you mentioned where stand-in tests to see how gimp can scratch together a scene, and the Ren model was created by Plasma and Lervish (I have permission to use the ben head for the Ben Solo model, but beyond that I'm using it for the comic). I'll tag the posts from now on so there is absolutely no confusion. I am assuring myself by reaching out to the original authors when the time comes to add them into the comic itself, and if I miss something, the creators can be comfortable in knowing I will remove the models entirely if you don't want your work used.
AuriusPheonix Posted September 3, 2016 Author Posted September 3, 2016 Admiral Pallaeon in First Order officer uniform. Go thank Jeff for the face. KyleKatarn1995, swegmaster, DTIII and 2 others like this
AuriusPheonix Posted September 3, 2016 Author Posted September 3, 2016 The Comic is now live! You can find the link here and in my signature!
Revan9190 Posted September 3, 2016 Posted September 3, 2016 Ooh! Very awesome. Just got done reading it. I'm glad you brought back Pallaeon. Great job, sir! Keep up the great work!
Xioth Posted September 3, 2016 Posted September 3, 2016 Hey, dude. It just strikes me as odd that Jaden Korr (and Gram Korr for that matter) both immediately have red/yellow and black eyes.
AuriusPheonix Posted September 3, 2016 Author Posted September 3, 2016 Jaden has blue eyes by the time of the comic, his natural eye color. During his time at the academy he had yellow eyes due to his exposure to his father's Dark Side aura. Gram has a past riddled with Sith and seeks to use the Dark Side as a force for justice. Something he only partially succeeds in. He amplifies the Dark Side projection in his appearance to reveal the true extent of his power, using it to intimidate foes. He rarely drops the facade.
TheWhitePhoenix Posted September 3, 2016 Posted September 3, 2016 Jaden has blue eyes by the time of the comic, his natural eye color. During his time at the academy he had yellow eyes due to his exposure to his father's Dark Side aura. Gram has a past riddled with Sith and seeks to use the Dark Side as a force for justice. Something he only partially succeeds in. He amplifies the Dark Side projection in his appearance to reveal the true extent of his power, using it to intimidate foes. He rarely drops the facade.My guess: He drops the facade during moments he wants to appeal to someone to try and get them to listen to him. Like an emotional moment.
AuriusPheonix Posted September 3, 2016 Author Posted September 3, 2016 I did not make these models as they are TFU ports for the comic.A small preview for a plotline point coming up within the next 2 issues. Furthermore, this is now going to become my kitbash/skin depot only. Further comic discussions will be taking place in this THREAD, one that is specific to that subject as to remove the confusion of these posts. Penekowski, swegmaster, KyleKatarn1995 and 3 others like this
Silas Posted September 6, 2016 Posted September 6, 2016 Can you iterate on this? The skin which he stole (reference from the photo here) is a model I've been working on since early 2014 to be used in my roleplay community (::JEDI::, Azatha and Magsul can corroborate). This is the second time he has stolen the textures from it, despite the previous time being instructed by Barricade24 to remove it. This time I might add to remove the .pk3 as well so he doesn't ignorantly do the same thing again, even though siphoning textures from another persons work, regardless of whom it's from; is plagiarizing and there's no acceptable reason for him to do so and claim it as his own. Yes, please do. If I salvaged a texture from you, let me know. I'll remove it. At this point I have so many pk3s that I can't always know who made what. Nothing here has been yet uploaded because I am making sure I have the correct permissions to do so. The attitude, however, will have to disappear if you want any form of cooperation from me.All of these are going throught the permissions progress. I have permission to release the Ben Solo skin/kitbash. The ships textures are created by me, it's just packaging this stuff, something I'm putting off till Star Wars: Legends #1 is released. My attitude is more than warranted and frankly is my prerogative given you're a serial offender in regards to siphoning and stealing textures from other people and claiming it as your own work. It's pathetic and it worries me even more that the basis of this current pack you're working on is likely nothing more than an eclectic collection of dozens of peoples work shoved into one. You have done nothing but put it all together. You do not have my permission and I request you delete the .pk3 (silas) if you are so blatantly scavenging through your data-bank of .pk3's to search for textures you could and should be developing and designing on your own. Co-operation from you is an obligation, considering the fact you're breaching the rules of this website.
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