swegmaster Posted June 10, 2016 Posted June 10, 2016 oh, again.bsp -> map -> ruined map with no light and no texture uvmapping. unuseful map.well technically, it still has some use, yes you have to do lighting and texturing, but thats not too hard to do, lighting is kinda easy
GPChannel Posted June 10, 2016 Posted June 10, 2016 well technically, it still has some use, yes you have to do lighting and texturing, but thats not too hard to do, lighting is kinda easyokay i will do it but cmon please somebody help me....
Asgarath83 Posted June 10, 2016 Posted June 10, 2016 well technically, it still has some use, yes you have to do lighting and texturing, but thats not too hard to do, lighting is kinda easy well technically, it still has some use, yes you have to do lighting and texturing, but thats not too hard to do, lighting is kinda easy For a map so big and huge like that, is pratically impossible to reply the same light entities in the same position and with the same light style of origina cullen 's work.about the textures... is a painful work. too much for me.i can help for entities, but i will not redo a map by zero.if someone is so kindful to retexturize and re-englight the map okay... but in another case, a decompiled map is not much useful.it's so much wait for author source map file? o_o @@GPChannel. why you want this map? i decompiled the night version and i place waypoints, and t2_rogue original entites. but it's again all to do. it's not ready, it's map broken and am just ent-modding it.if you wanna join the team and retexturing all map and reput all light entiteis. well, welcome on board. if not, i not see why you want a decompiled map. eezstreet, Cerez and Darth Sion like this
GPChannel Posted June 10, 2016 Posted June 10, 2016 For a map so big and huge like that, is pratically impossible to reply the same light entities in the same position and with the same light style of origina cullen 's work.about the textures... is a painful work. too much for me.i can help for entities, but i will not redo a map by zero.if someone is so kindful to retexturize and re-englight the map okay... but in another case, a decompiled map is not much useful.it's so much wait for author source map file? o_o @@GPChannel. why you want this map? i decompiled the night version and i place waypoints, and t2_rogue original entites. but it's again all to do. it's not ready, it's map broken and am just ent-modding it.if you wanna join the team and retexturing all map and reput all light entiteis. well, welcome on board. if not, i not see why you want a decompiled map.Because for The Force Awakens mod i want to recreate some maps...for example the academy maps...i think that is so boring that Luke always spoke just in one area. i decided that i will create some outside little maps for this and so on You know that is why i want them... swegmaster likes this
Asgarath83 Posted June 10, 2016 Posted June 10, 2016 Because for The Force Awakens mod i want to recreate some maps...for example the academy maps...i think that is so boring that Luke always spoke just in one area. i decided that i will create some outside little maps for this and so on You know that is why i want them... Man, really... if depend by myself, i will pass the map. but the map is not mine. we got author permission for making a conversion for t2_rogue replace mission, but for use his work for another mod... you need to ask to author before.Secondly: the map is without light entities and uvmapping of texture is broken. it's not much playable in this state.if you get author permission and you have so time and strenght for fix all graphical issue of the map it's okay.But we need too the source file map for this project, so, if you fix uvmapping and light of the map. after you need to resend to us for end this work. mmm... i am not pretty sure all this is okay with intelletual map properties and jkhub forum policy regard this.@@eezstreet , what i need to do? i not feeling good about that. i not want to share a map without author permission for a project extern to the project we are working. Cerez and eezstreet like this
eezstreet Posted June 10, 2016 Posted June 10, 2016 I think it's doubtful that someone would get Sith J Cull's map decompiled and fixed. Even if you did, you still need permission from him to use the map in that fashion. But you need his permission to ent-mod his map too.It might just be easier to wait for source. I don't understand what's so urgent about this project? Cerez and Asgarath83 like this
Asgarath83 Posted June 10, 2016 Posted June 10, 2016 I think it's doubtful that someone would get Sith J Cull's map decompiled and fixed. Even if you did, you still need permission from him to use the map in that fashion. But you need his permission to ent-mod his map too.It might just be easier to wait for source. I don't understand what's so urgent about this project? MMe too.I get some personal problem, specially about my heal. In summer i cannot do so kill amazing painful hard work like re make a map.hot weather is killing me @-@i will end the waypoint and point combat net and i will pass the file to @@Cerez for the rest, i think we'll waiting the source Darth Sion and Cerez like this
Darth Sion Posted June 10, 2016 Author Posted June 10, 2016 I think it's doubtful that someone would get Sith J Cull's map decompiled and fixed. Even if you did, you still need permission from him to use the map in that fashion. But you need his permission to ent-mod his map too.It might just be easier to wait for source. I don't understand what's so urgent about this project?It's not the fact that it needs to be done so "urgently" (as you put it) and obviously James has things he needs to do himself, due to his daily life schedule and such. So yes, this certainly isn't something that's gonna be done over-night. But if you can at least make a start on certain things, as @@Cerez said.. It will speed up the process a bit.
Asgarath83 Posted June 10, 2016 Posted June 10, 2016 okay i placed the waypoint. now i need to connect the network for NPC AI walk \ runningi also locate the rakto room hideout... it's on top of a starway, the first door on left, in the bottom of the halls of a little motel. this place however can be easily reach at level begin, so i think is better to seal out the door . the door will unlocked only after jaden get information by upper city cantina and apartments. i have an idea for a little plot of the mission. 1 landing pad scene with rakto escape.2 fight on rancor arena for unlock swoops3 coming to lower quartier section with a little swoop race with swoop biker that chase and hunt jaden4 smuggler quartier with smuggler fight and cantina conversation. the bartender send jaden to upper city. he lie : rakto is hidden just in the backward of cantina 5 : jaden go to upper city and fall into a trap with human merc and saboteur teams, sniper etc etc.6: after defeated, he ask in the second cantina. the bartender send him to search a rakto worker into the apartment on the roofs.7: the rakto worker reveal to the jedi the true rakto hideout and give him the key for enter.8: rakto, because understand is near to be captured, spawn his special cards: cultistcommando and assassin droids for all lower smaggler quarter.@@Cerez @@Darth Sion what do you think of the plot? What can i do know?1 ending the waypoint network2 place the NPCs entities.3 pass the file to Cerez for entity modding.4: adding the civilian models and ambience tracks.5: after entity are inside the map i can give some hand with the minor scripts. what is not possible to do know:- remove and replace padme ship. this is possible only with source file. Darth Sion and Cerez like this
Asgarath83 Posted June 10, 2016 Posted June 10, 2016 Okay waypoint network completed to 95% >.<now i am pretty tired. it's all day that i work on the map.so i go to bed. good night.@@Darth Sion if the plot is okay, next step is to put all NPCs. after that i pass the map \ ent file to Cerez too. Darth Sion likes this
Darth Sion Posted June 10, 2016 Author Posted June 10, 2016 i have an idea for a little plot of the mission. 1 landing pad scene with rakto escape.2 fight on rancor arena for unlock swoops3 coming to lower quartier section with a little swoop race with swoop biker that chase and hunt jaden4 smuggler quartier with smuggler fight and cantina conversation. the bartender send jaden to upper city. he lie : rakto is hidden just in the backward of cantina 5 : jaden go to upper city and fall into a trap with human merc and saboteur teams, sniper etc etc.6: after defeated, he ask in the second cantina. the bartender send him to search a rakto worker into the apartment on the roofs.7: the rakto worker reveal to the jedi the true rakto hideout and give him the key for enter.8: rakto, because understand is near to be captured, spawn his special cards: cultistcommando and assassin droids for all lower smaggler quarter.@Cerez @Darth Sion what do you think of the plot? What can i do know?1 ending the waypoint network2 place the NPCs entities.3 pass the file to Cerez for entity modding.4: adding the civilian models and ambience tracks.5: after entity are inside the map i can give some hand with the minor scripts.Alright, sounds good.. I'll have a read through it, later on tonight and let you know over the weekend. @@Cerez, wanna add any input into this? Any ideas/suggestions? **Edit**Yes, I like that plan. There's some good ideas there and you have a pretty good grasp of the level, too. I can't really see the context of the level, because I'm only using "noclip" to move around and see what areas there are. But with you opening the map, itself.. You can plan it out, more appropriately. The main thing is, as long as it starts off in the same way that it does in the base game (minus the bridge explosion, of course) and finishes with Racto being captured (again, as he does in the base game) so the end result of the level matches the base game, I'm happy. Are we going to skip/cut out the 4 Assassin Droids from the level plan or did you want to add them in, somewhere? I don't mind if we skip that part. While we're on the subject of it, though. I thought I'd pull a YouTube link to the base mission, itself. So as to give a guideline on certain parts and how it plays out. It might be worth you both watching this, @@Asgarath83 and @@Cerez.. Particularly at the end with Racto setting those Assassin Droids on you.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-in2lTnZgt0 I also just had the idea, that IF WE DO decide to add in the Assassin Droids, somewhere. We could maybe ask @@Psyk0Sith, if we could have his permission to use his Jedi Hunter Droid as a replacement for the Assassin Droids. That way, it'd give them a much better, updated look, to match the standard of the map, itself. What do you think, @@Asgarath83 & @@Cerez? Cerez likes this
Cerez Posted June 11, 2016 Posted June 11, 2016 Whew... looks like I've been out of touch with things -- my notification box here just exploded. >.<' Ok, sounds good. Again, though.. This is just a draft copy. I do still need to explain a little bit more, but didn't have much time last night, when I was posting those screenshots, as it was getting on towards 4am. But I'll get the extra information added to it by this weekend. @@Cerez, is there anything you wanna feel like adding or something that would be a good idea? I do kind of feel that it'd be a good idea to make use of the Swoop/Speeder bikes, upon entering the City area (from the landing platform), to get from one point, to another, but again.. This is open to suggestion and changes. Otherwise, it's gonna make it un-necessarily much harder than it needs to be, by changing the whole map. So I would think that the first port of call, as it were.. Once entering the map, properly, from the Landing platform, making use of the swoop/speeder bikes to get from point A to point B, is gonna be a good idea. Ahh yeah, the dialogue with the Bartender.. I'm sure in some way we could use some dialogue that's already in the game's base sound assets... I'm going to leave the mission planning up to you, @@Darth Sion. You seem to have a pretty good idea of where you're going with this. Take in our suggestions, and see how it'd work best to make sense game level design and storywise as well (I'll gladly be your critic on the latter). I will also gladly take care of the cinematics adjustments, and any additional scripting we need for the mod to work. So no worries there, @@Asgarath83, I've got you covered. Why do we need a second bartender conversation? What does the second (or first) bartender have to do with the mission? I would say the undercity bartender would be the one involved, and the surface bartender just a regular joe, not actually involved in the criminal plot. Okay waypoint network completed to 95% >.< now i am pretty tired. it's all day that i work on the map. so i go to bed. good night. Darth Sion if the plot is okay, next step is to put all NPCs. after that i pass the map \ ent file to Cerez too. It's no rush. Take it easy, Asi. I was only thinking of how we could actually accomplish this without having to use the source, as -- as you noted yourself -- this is quite a large project. You've actually chosen to do a lot more than I was hoping for, and taken care of a large part of my work, too. Can't say I'm complaining... (Thanks.) I would have said that the civilian NPCs can be placed in even after via ent-modding, but I suppose it is easier in GTKRadiant -- and yes, this should be done as the final step after all the enemy NPCs have been defined and placed appropriately. I can script their animated poses and behaviour. For the sake of not clogging up the action, I recommend keeping most of them stationary, with only the occasional walker. This would be a stylistic choice in the design to prevent needless mission obstruction by a mindless, moving NPC crowd. Important: If you can, please make sure you label every NPC (and entity) added, so I can find what is what in the code when scripting them. We'll also need an SP player spawning point, as the map currently features a variety of MP spawning points instead. But you need his permission to ent-mod his map too. Indeed, absolutely. This is why I keep stressing that without permission from SJC the finished work cannot be distributed publicly. At the least, we need SJC's permission in the use of his map for this mod to go public. there is just one problem, Darth Sion... the padme ship XD i cannot remove that in any way without editing the map. is a giant set of Brushes, not an MD3. there is not an entity for padme ship, sorry. i cannot remove without the source file map. I was afraid of that. What if we were to simply re-texture Padme's ship into a crummy looking (public transport, or for-hire) shuttle? Edit: I like the Jedi Hunter Droid idea -- it does fit with the new generation assassin droid concept, and it would pose a more interesting challenge in the form of a lightsaber battle, although it does take away the electric shield challenge, unless we can somehow transfer the electric shield (and behaviour) script to these droids. (I'd have to look into it.) eezstreet and Darth Sion like this
Cerez Posted June 11, 2016 Posted June 11, 2016 I am thinking that perhaps the rancor holding area in the depths of the swoop track would better serve as our catching/meeting place with Racto, as there is room there to battle. Plus, it's a real underground scene. Darth Sion likes this
Asgarath83 Posted June 11, 2016 Posted June 11, 2016 @@Cerez @@Darth Sion AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH...19 notification! Thanks to alls, guys! My notify box is exploded LOOOOL .okay got with other.1 Spawn point: i have already placed an info_player_start near padmé ship cerez into the landpad.2 final assassin droid battle:; off course we keep it. they can also have some bad weapons like concussion rifles or rockets. 3: the new battle droid can be a nice saberist, assassin droid cannot use saber for what i remember. but i am not sure if they are with force shield. the shield is hardcoded for class assassin droid of NPCs... AND NEED a bubble shield model into the model itself of the GLM of the droid. also, i know for my expeirience that a saberist character with bubble shield activate and saber actiate NEVER turn off the shield. it is turned off only for melee and shooter. so i suggest to put the new model jedi saberist droid shield into the final fight and shooting asassin droids spared in the maps.4 final battle in rancor arena? this is fine.I have a suggest for making that:when jaden go into the apartment for capture rakto, he use a gas trap or something that stun jaden and he defeat him.dissolvence.jaden awake into the rancor room (closed and blinded by the rest of level XD is the boss room) and here he fight against saber droids and rakto. he ever dreams to take down a jedi in a close combat and demoster to himself to be more smart of a jedi. XDalso i suggest that rakto use a BIG ARMORED personal shield (can do with icarus with SET_ARMOR 1000 ) and shooting jaden with some heavy distructive weapon in altfire mod by a protected postation XDwhen the droids are killed and also rakto heal turned to zero, will start the end cinematic of his capture.also, in rancor arena, we can put some autofire turret blaster on the roofs XD like on jedi outcast when kyle meet reelo first time.so rakto is not just a criminal, but it's really a good crime lord and fierce opponent.civilains: some pedetrians into the streets, and static civilian in the cantinas. and we are okay. 5 Padmé ship retexturing. okay i can do that. yes, get sense that jaden for capture rakto not arrive stupidally with the jedi z95 but hidden in a commercial transport. maybe that carry stolen stuff or droid part for rakto itself "rakto, there is a deliver for you?" "oh, the droid shipment is arrived" "rakto finds jaden XD " Darth Sion likes this
Asgarath83 Posted June 11, 2016 Posted June 11, 2016 Waypoint network completed.Now i can put the Enemy NPCs i will use as targetname "team1" "team2" "team3" etc for every team of opponente.bye. Cerez likes this
Cerez Posted June 11, 2016 Posted June 11, 2016 AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH... 19 notification! Thanks to alls, guys! My notify box is exploded LOOOOL . MWUHHAHAHA! Revenge is sweet! Serves you right for exploding mine! the shield is hardcoded for class assassin droid of NPCs... AND NEED a bubble shield model into the model itself of the GLM of the droid. also, i know for my expeirience that a saberist character with bubble shield activate and saber actiate NEVER turn off the shield. it is turned off only for melee and shooter. Ah, that is a problem... :/ This is also one of the major problems with JKA's extensible design. All moves, and special features, animations, and effects tend to be restricted to particular classes and models, and cannot be simply applied to any class or any model. This shield, for example... there's no reason why it should have to be restricted to the assassin droid model, yet that's the way it was implemented in the game. In that case, I don't think we should get rid of the old assassin droids, but perhaps place the new models along with them somehow? It doesn't have to be only one manufacture of assassin droids, right? The story doesn't explicitly say there was only one design that was manufactured. (Or does it?) I have a suggest for making that: when jaden go into the apartment for capture rakto, he use a gas trap or something that stun jaden and he defeat him. dissolvence. Just keep in mind guys that we can't really create new animations. We'll have to use the existing animations, so don't stray too far from the original story. so rakto is not just a criminal, but it's really a good crime lord and fierce opponent. Racto is a small-time gangster (as far as I remember) in the story, so we shouldn't take it too far. The assassin droids themselves are quite the protection for him if he can use the time to put himself into a safe and inaccessible area. Especially if we implement the new breed, as well. We need to keep it in line with the rest of the game's difficulty to truly blend it in as a replacement for the Coruscant mission. 5 Padmé ship retexturing. okay i can do that. I can help with this, as well. yes, get sense that jaden for capture rakto not arrive stupidally with the jedi z95 but hidden in a commercial transport. maybe that carry stolen stuff or droid part for rakto itself "rakto, there is a deliver for you?" "oh, the droid shipment is arrived" "rakto finds jaden XD " I like this take. Great story idea! Perhaps we can place two of Racto's men at the ship's entrance (unloading the shipment). And then as Jaden walks out, previously a stowaway, they all turn surprised, and the short dialogue with Racto ensues, whereupon he flees to safety, and the two men attack -- aided by a few of Racto's personal droid-guard (the new models)? (That would justify them being scattered throughout the lower levels later.) Instead of a bridge explosion, we have a droid (and personal guard) ambush serve as a delay to add to the baddy's (already planned and prepared) quick getaway time. Thereafter Jaden needs to find Racto's hideout while fighting off his men and his guard, and finally, once he is found, face the dreaded assassin droid ambush trap. Edit: Also, @@Asgarath83, don't forget the snipers. There are plenty of great places in the undercity for snipers to "climb up to" and position themselves. And they have plenty of reason to be there, being alerted to Jaden's arrival and approach by Racto. Darth Sion likes this
NumberWan Posted June 11, 2016 Posted June 11, 2016 Well, this looks interesting. The very first time I played JA many years ago, when I tried this mission on Coruscant, I felt joy and excitement, but when the mission began – I was disappointed to say the least. The architecture doesn't look like Coruscant at all, the very design is quite simplistic and poor. The very mission isn't much fun, as it includes only jumping and shooting your enemies. Taking all this into account, even the Coruscant level in The Phantom Menace video game looked far better than this. We can assume, it's a lower life part of the city-planet, but still no. It doesn't look that way. The textures and coloring are all wrong. So I had the idea of making a very different Coruscant map, preserving the original plot of JA, while changing the whole area to look differently, showing hovering streets among the buildings, where droids and pedestrians would be walking, not realizing, there is a battle coming soon, while other corners are dark and full of mercenaries. In order to get to Racto the Player is supposed to solve a few puzzles on various levels of the district and finally arrive at the doors of Racto. Also I had an idea of 2 sub quests, which would allow an easier path to the designation point, should the Player try to resolve these. All these could be solved with the current level of Force powers and difficulty, set by JA for this tier. Darth Sion, Numfast and Cerez like this
Asgarath83 Posted June 11, 2016 Posted June 11, 2016 @@Cerez @@NumberWanwell... notifications make me happy XD more notification make me surprised. ROTFL.okay... now, seriously.for original coruscant map i ever thinked that: coruscant is a PLANET. not a city. a Planet covered by a GIANT city,. a city of THOUSAND of kmq of extension.So also, if is not matching with movie look, the t2_rogue level never disappoiting me. simply can be another place of coruscant in some other continent thousand of kilometers distant by senate and jedi temple area.the bad difference is architectonic, if the palace would be like the coruscant palacen, and not these skyscrapes would be better. i ever thinked to corellia and not to coruscant. t2_rogue seems set up on Coronet. >_>i see coronet in rogue squadron 3d and was identicaly at t2_rogue concept. However, let we back to the project.now the map is properly wayponted network and miss just of entity of the history.so... mmm...okay, i can set up the landing pad entity.some rodian shooter should be okay-and okay, more snipers into the lower quartiers. XD i see lower quarters get 3 levels: the lower is a large dockbay, the medium get the cantina, the upper get a large square... i suppose i can place snipers in the upper level and maybe one in lower level. Cerez: about assassin droid model shield... i know how work the shield.my first attemp with modding was to test with a default humanoid models ALL class of AI and see the different of behavour. every class with 2 npc: one shooter, and one saberist. i discover a large amount of interessant things XDthe shield is SPECIFIC for CLASS_ASSASSIN_DROID, also a model with no shield act like if get a shield. i tryed this infinite time. simply, there is not a bubble shield. but touched the body of the model. the model get his body full of energy. if you touch it when "shield" is activate, you get electrocuted and lose health simply touching the shooting NPCS.a saberist class assassin droid never put down his shield. it chase jedi and electrocute him and never use the saber with swings :\the model of original assassin droid is not configurated for used the WP_SABER wp saber not work on that model on a humanoid model with CLASS_ASSASSIN_DROID into NPC file, the body is covered by energy and saber is not used. simply enemy chase player and try to electrucute it by touch.technically every models can get bubble shield, if they are CLASS_ASSASSSIN_DROID as NPC setting. and they get the properly mesh around his body in their model adding the bubble shield can be done with blender or max. the shield is rigged to thoracic bones and hierarched to torso mesh.shield however need a texture (applyied into a SKIN file) and shield effect is defined by a .SHADER.so with frankensteing is possible to make also a reborn with a bubble shield . he use it if he s ASSASSIN_DROID as class. h Cerez likes this
Asgarath83 Posted June 11, 2016 Posted June 11, 2016 Upgrade: entities on landing pad are placed: 2 fake rakto , 1 fake jaden, 2 rodian shooters 1 assassin droid and 3 cams for the first cinematic. the door that lead to swoop race is locked now, it's unlockable with scripting when the first assassin droid is died.i also save in map apart a copy of padmé ship, so is possible to easyly isolate the texture name used for it.They are: Loaded Texture: "textures/Asjc_coruscant/big_floor_1" Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_coruscant/light_broken" Loaded Texture: "textures/Asjc_starship/hold_door1" Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_starship/wall_panel" Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_starship/wall2" Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_starship/wall" Loaded Texture: "textures/Asjc_coruscant/base_2" Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_coruscant/landing_pad2" Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_coruscant/ship_top" Loaded Texture: "textures/Asjc_starship/hold_floor1a" Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_starship/hold_door2" Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_coruscant/dome1" Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_starship/hold_floor2" Loaded Texture: "textures/Asjc_homestead/flare_white" Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_coruscant/landing_pad1" @@Cerez the starship folder of cullen pk3 i suppose contain the texture of the ship. there ore however some texture that i am afraid are shared with map scruture, too >.< this make retexturing difficult. can get unpredictable effect on map. Now for swoop race trace i am pretty confused: i never understand how really works the swoops mercenaries on t2_trip. in the decompiled map i see just there ares human_merc entities near to swoop vehicle. how work it? the mercenary automatically run and go inside the nearest a swoop when they detected the player or there some special parameter or script for making this? @@eezstreet maybe do you know? little question guys: you want that jaden see rakto inside the ship or when he quite from the ship into the landing pad? or maybe rakto find jaden inside the ship in the first cam sequence and into the last there is jaden into landing pad that see rakto escape?(maybe after a little fight with the two first rodians)@@Darth Sion @@Cerezi wanna end this thing as soon as possible and pass the stuff to Cerez, so if i can have a nice plot for place the NPC in every sector in the correct way should be great. Cerez likes this
swegmaster Posted June 11, 2016 Posted June 11, 2016 Upgrade: entities on landing pad are placed: 2 fake rakto , 1 fake jaden, 2 rodian shooters 1 assassin droid and 3 cams for the first cinematic. the door that lead to swoop race is locked now, it's unlockable with scripting when the first assassin droid is died.i also save in map apart a copy of padmé ship, so is possible to easyly isolate the texture name used for it.They are: Loaded Texture: "textures/Asjc_coruscant/big_floor_1" Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_coruscant/light_broken" Loaded Texture: "textures/Asjc_starship/hold_door1" Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_starship/wall_panel" Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_starship/wall2" Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_starship/wall" Loaded Texture: "textures/Asjc_coruscant/base_2" Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_coruscant/landing_pad2" Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_coruscant/ship_top" Loaded Texture: "textures/Asjc_starship/hold_floor1a" Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_starship/hold_door2" Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_coruscant/dome1" Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_starship/hold_floor2" Loaded Texture: "textures/Asjc_homestead/flare_white" Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_coruscant/landing_pad1" @@Cerez the starship folder of cullen pk3 i suppose contain the texture of the ship. there ore however some texture that i am afraid are shared with map scruture, too >.< this make retexturing difficult. can get unpredictable effect on map. Now for swoop race trace i am pretty confused: i never understand how really works the swoops mercenaries on t2_trip. in the decompiled map i see just there ares human_merc entities near to swoop vehicle. how work it? the mercenary automatically run and go inside the nearest a swoop when they detected the player or there some special parameter or script for making this? @@eezstreet maybe do you know?the human merc is automatic, i believe almost any enemy npc will go for a swoop excluding droids, and reborn/cultists Cerez and Darth Sion like this
Asgarath83 Posted June 11, 2016 Posted June 11, 2016 the human merc is automatic, i believe almost any enemy npc will go for a swoop excluding droids, and reborn/cultists Oh, many thanks! good to know
Asgarath83 Posted June 11, 2016 Posted June 11, 2016 Yep, it works. pretty funny XD the merc is smashed against rancor arena door ROTFLWell i go. i will continue tonight with swoops enemies. Cerez likes this
NumberWan Posted June 11, 2016 Posted June 11, 2016 The NPCs will ride the swoop, if there is a way point leading for them to go to it. Also anger script helps sometimes. They will try to use the vehicle if they are alerted by the Player. As for Coruscant looks, I would still change the form of the buildings around it. There've been several games, where Coruscant is presented in a far better way. Here's some list: -The Phantom Menace VG (includes landing platforms, Tourism bureau, Mall and Lower Coruscant Underworld) -Star Wars: Obi Wan (shows a much larger area of a lower district of Coruscant, criminal activity) -Star Wars Rebellion (the first in its kind to show the Imperial Capital before the prequels; good to see the City Line (sky)) -Shadows of the Empire (darker quarter of the Black Sun HQ, not just dirty sub level, but a separate region of Coruscant) -SW The Old Republic (set before 3600 BBY shows several regions, both more civilized and more criminal ones – Senate, spaceport, Jedi temple, etc). -Galactic Battlegrounds (there are several Coruscanti props, which I used myself for inspiration, when I create my Coruscant levels) Perhaps Racto doesn't live in a clean area – it must still be shady and dark. His office can be on the top of a building, but it's purpose can be not that obvious for outside citizens and transport. Structures around it can be even quite new and in good shape, while deeper levels (where the entrance for Racto can be located) are dirty, old, with rusty tubes and old constructions. The droids can be there. Here are some pictures to think about Cerez likes this
Darth Sion Posted June 11, 2016 Author Posted June 11, 2016 @@Cerez @@Darth Sion AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH...19 notification! Thanks to alls, guys! My notify box is exploded LOOOOL .okay got with other.1 Spawn point: i have already placed an info_player_start near padmé ship cerez into the landpad.2 final assassin droid battle:; off course we keep it. they can also have some bad weapons like concussion rifles or rockets. 3: the new battle droid can be a nice saberist, assassin droid cannot use saber for what i remember. but i am not sure if they are with force shield. the shield is hardcoded for class assassin droid of NPCs... AND NEED a bubble shield model into the model itself of the GLM of the droid. also, i know for my expeirience that a saberist character with bubble shield activate and saber actiate NEVER turn off the shield. it is turned off only for melee and shooter. so i suggest to put the new model jedi saberist droid shield into the final fight and shooting asassin droids spared in the maps.4 final battle in rancor arena? this is fine.I have a suggest for making that:when jaden go into the apartment for capture rakto, he use a gas trap or something that stun jaden and he defeat him.dissolvence.jaden awake into the rancor room (closed and blinded by the rest of level XD is the boss room) and here he fight against saber droids and rakto. he ever dreams to take down a jedi in a close combat and demoster to himself to be more smart of a jedi. XDalso i suggest that rakto use a BIG ARMORED personal shield (can do with icarus with SET_ARMOR 1000 ) and shooting jaden with some heavy distructive weapon in altfire mod by a protected postation XDwhen the droids are killed and also rakto heal turned to zero, will start the end cinematic of his capture.also, in rancor arena, we can put some autofire turret blaster on the roofs XD like on jedi outcast when kyle meet reelo first time.so rakto is not just a criminal, but it's really a good crime lord and fierce opponent.civilains: some pedetrians into the streets, and static civilian in the cantinas. and we are okay. 5 Padmé ship retexturing. okay i can do that. yes, get sense that jaden for capture rakto not arrive stupidally with the jedi z95 but hidden in a commercial transport. maybe that carry stolen stuff or droid part for rakto itself "rakto, there is a deliver for you?" "oh, the droid shipment is arrived" "rakto finds jaden XD " Some very good ideas and I like them, but let's not make it too complicated or complex. Obviously it does want to be somewhat of a challenge. To be honest, I wouldn't just mind the Jedi Hunter Droids on their own, without any personal shield. Maybe capturing Racto in his room could be the final part of the mission that completes the objective/s (done by cinematic obviously) and then Jaden encounters these Jedi Hunter Droids, maybe 2 or 3 of them (trying to apply a bit more of a realistic perspective) at a mid-point or 3/4 through the mission, as they're a trap, set by Racto to either slow Jaden down or try to stop him, completely.Ah, that is a problem... :/ This is also one of the major problems with JKA's extensible design. All moves, and special features, animations, and effects tend to be restricted to particular classes and models, and cannot be simply applied to any class or any model. This shield, for example... there's no reason why it should have to be restricted to the assassin droid model, yet that's the way it was implemented in the game. In that case, I don't think we should get rid of the old assassin droids, but perhaps place the new models along with them somehow? It doesn't have to be only one manufacture of assassin droids, right? The story doesn't explicitly say there was only one design that was manufactured. (Or does it?)No, I've looked through the actual "mission briefing" and before the mission starts (Still on the mission menu system) and it says: "We have received anonymous information that a large number of assassin droids have flooded the black market recently. These droids have been banned for a number of years and no public companies produce them. Lannik Racto, a small-time crimelord on Coruscant, is suspected to be manufacturing these new droids. Capture Racto so that we may determine where his factory is." (Then Kyle has his dialogue) "Hey Jaden. You should be able to handle this no problem. Small-time thugs like Racto are usually very intimidated by the sight of a lightsaber!"Just keep in mind guys that we can't really create new animations. We'll have to use the existing animations, so don't stray too far from the original story. Racto is a small-time gangster (as far as I remember) in the story, so we shouldn't take it too far. The assassin droids themselves are quite the protection for him if he can use the time to put himself into a safe and inaccessible area. Especially if we implement the new breed, as well. We need to keep it in line with the rest of the game's difficulty to truly blend it in as a replacement for the Coruscant mission.Agreed! Cerez likes this
Asgarath83 Posted June 11, 2016 Posted June 11, 2016 @@Darth Sion @@Cerez okay guys. I'm really fought but I want to say this.Following a malaise had today I realize that I am pressing too much on my body. It may seem like an excuse or drivel but in real life I have health trouble not indifferent. Usually massive and stressful jobs as the map editing I keep them in the cold months when my health problems are less pressing. Unfortunately in the summer months my illness reached its peak, so really with the best will not think I can keep this thing quickly. I was hoping to at least place all entity and the NPCs, but at this point I think at this point i will place the point combat, i will up the map decompiled and will pass it to you two private message. I'm sorry I can not do anything at this time of year.@@Darth Sion seen much you want this project, I think you can take over the reins of the situation. ultimately abbisogno only esttrarre the Jedi Academy PK3 files from the game, put them in an internal "base" folder gamedata \ base and compile there all the loot, set yourself up gtk radiant 1.5.0, charge up the map and place the NPCs you want the points of the map you want. then pass the file to Cerez and she will take the size of the map and will merge to the original of cullen with ent modding. At that point, she takes care of cinematic and scripts and will fix the textures of Padmé's ship and voila you're done. I remain at your disposal for advice and technical support.Now I place the Point Combat all over the map in the most strategic locations in which to shirk the shooter and you step everything.Good luck and sorry, but just the heat can not do it. >. <Map is heavy, is not how to make two lines of code, or riggar a low poly model, or have special effects or shadering to some model or sword. It requires a lot of energy for me. is all interdipente and interconnected and need to be very lucid on what you are doing. entities need to interface properly to the Icarus script and is not a small job.I regret not being able to get us another, but it's the wrong time of year for me to do these things. PS: sorry for my grammar. i used google translator for this message >.< Cerez likes this
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