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Star Wars Episode VIII Discussion

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Quote from cinemablend.com, over 9 months ago;

A young fan at J.J. Abrams’ Tribeca Talks: Directors Series discussion with Chris Rock at the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival built up the confidence to say to The Force Awakens director, "I was just going to ask whose Rey’s parents are?" This was met with rabid applause from the audience, before J.J Abrams then tried to comically dismiss the question by telling the person who asked it to "get out." But the filmmaker couldn’t keep his mouth completely shut, as he then added:


 Rey’s parents are not in Episode 7. So I can’t possibly tell you who they are at this moment. But all I will say is that this is something that Rey thinks about, too.

So you can forget about the theory of her being Kylo's sister. This also rules out Luke Skywalker as her father. [edit; -> ] And it doesn't make any sense at all, I've watched that film so many  times, and she's a stranger to them all, no matter how you put it, EXCEPT for Kylo who clearly recognized her, as you mentioned. But that doesn't give any ground for the theory that they would be siblings. There have been so many theories about her identity, one was especially interesting, it said that Rey is actually the reincarnated chosen one, in other words, she is Anakin. It sounds absurd, but at the same time, a very cool idea. We've never seen a saber "call to a Jedi" like in the movie, so it was a really special moment in the entire saga. And the vision she has is not exactly her vision, it's as if the saber itself shared some memories with Rey. Doesn't really fit into the StarWars as we know it, but I'd accept it, if the Force itself created a life form, a boy who would balance the good and evil, then wouldn't it make sense that his saber would have some sort of a fingerprint on it, some sleeping powers, that only the presence of a chosen one would trigger? This would also explain why Kylo seemed to recognize her (or rather him) because he was such a fanatic, and clearly a believer of the chosen one legend, he admired his grandfather, he kept talking to him, like some of us pray to god. I know, it sounds weird. But it makes sense. So she's not Anakin, she doesn't have his memories, she is THE CHOSEN ONE reborn. 

This would also explain why she was able resist Kylo's mind reading, Kylo who himself is one of the most powerful force users of all time, being the grandson of the chosen one, same as Luke is probably THE most powerful Jedi after Anakin, it runs in the family. There should be close to zero people who could resist Kylo's mind reading, be it a sith or a jedi. And Rey even somehow backfired it, and read Kylo's mind. It was the Awakening of The Force. 

This theory sounds nice, and I wish it was the truth, but it's all speculation until the first trailer. It would also mean that Kylo wouldn't probably stand in her way, whatever she wants to do. I'm not sure how Snoke would fit into all this. Because we don't know who he is, if he's a powerful jedi, ex-jedi, sith or just a guy who knows his shit. If he's not a force user, then I'd expect him to die in episode 8, with someone else even more dangerous taking his place.

I don't know.

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Well, Daisy Ridley hinted, her parents are in Episode VII, though "you have to look carefully". She didn't say they do appear physically, it's simply that there was something, which will become much clearer when we watch Episode VIII. Personally they all play jokes and trickes with us :) Before Episode VII, when someone edited the TFA page on IMDB, that Daisy Ridley is playing Jaina Solo, she made some kind of tweet, that you shouldn't believe all the things in Internet, just as shouldn't trust the Wiki Lady (can't remember the exact quote).


As for Han Solo - I don't believe Rey is his daughter. His reaction is that of a mentor, rather than of her father. I can also say, that this move was quite nostalgic - looking on Finn and Rey, Han probably is thinking, that he's already been through all this some 34 years before, when and old hermit named Kenobi boarded his ship with a farm boy and two droids. This is where I see the similarity - that even without mentioning Luke Skywalker, Han feels, there is much in common between the two situations.


And Rey is probably reminding him of his younger self, which will be revealed in the new spinoff movie about Han Solo, I assume.


There is been a huge rumour, that Rey


is actually the reincarnation of Anakin Skywalker, who in turn still exists as a Force Ghost and would be seen in Episode VIII. So Rey is just the new Chosen One of sort, though she might not be called this way by people in the film, as the prophecy - as I believe it - is forgotten, because anyone who knew about it, are actually dead. So the new people in the Galaxy simply won't know what that actually means.



The most foolish idea was that Rey is the daughter of Luke and Jyn Erso from Rogue One. Now that the movie is out, this idea was dropped out (at last). Some believe Rey is the gran-grandaughter of Bastila Shan (quite silly), just like during Episode III production people believed Anakin was the descendant of Revan. I don't believe everyone should be connected.


The family idea however was always one of the primary ideas in Star Wars, even if we remember other storis, be it Kyle Katarn (his father killed by the Empire), Dash Rendar (his family killed by Black Sun I think), Mission Vao (her brother), and the recent Ezra bridger from Rebels TV series.


Aside from all this I am wondering about two other new characters in Star Wars, and new planets.


The already mentioned Benicio Del Toro, who is a villain, and Laura Dern who is important to the plot, but not entirely a good person, but against the Dark Side. There is also one more female character, who will be with Finn in this story. The locations, recreated with Dubrovnik architecture and 1920s style in clothes suggests a very new peculiar world, while other places are unknown, showing only a modern entrance in Coruscant style.


The most recent rumour suggests, that Luke will recall his duel with the Knights of Ren in the Vader's Castle on Mustafar.


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Okay, re-watching the movie again, I thought I'd detail my proposed plot -- that I think will be the plot after TLJ is released -- to document my thoughts and for your entertainment:




* Leia and Han had two children: Ben (later Kylo Ren) and Rey.

* Luke never had a spouse, or children (that appear in TFA, at any rate).

* Due to the emerging/increasing threat of their enemies, with a heavy heart, Leia and Han decided to hide their children on Jakku, under the protection of foster parents.

* When Ben came of the right age, he joined Luke's academy and was trained under him, with the approval of his parents (in light of his heritage, and perhaps in the Dark Side threat they face), while Rey stayed on Jakku.

* During Ben's training, an undexpected turn of events took place at Luke's academy, and Ben took an active part in this turn of events, joining the knights of Ren in overthrowing the academy, and betraying their teachers and fellow students.

* In light of failing Ben's training, and allowing him to fall to the dark side, Luke ran away to solitude to contemplate on his own actions and the nature of the Force (in a similar fashion to how Yoda and Obi-Wan did before him).

* On the other side, in the meantime, Rey's foster parents were overthrown by a greedy, immoral, and opportunist merchant by the name of Unkar Plutt, who had them shipped off planet, and practically stole their child, Rey -- without her knowledge of this -- leaving her parentless and fighting for her own survival.

* The events of TFA take place.


Worthy of note:

* Rey had pilot training while she was young (perhaps one of her foster parents was a famed pilot?). That, added with her knowledge of mechanical parts, used for scavenging, contributes to her knowledge of ships and mechanical tinkering.

* Kylo Ren knows who Rey is, and that makes it all the more insulting for him that he was beaten by his younger sister.

* Luke's lightsaber flies into Rey's hands because she is stronger in her connection to the Force (more confident), and not tainted by the Dark Side, whereas Kylo is neither confident, nor Light.

* Luke left a map of his location, well hidden, perhaps in hope that Rey may one day come to see him.

* The events that took place with Ben soured Luke's relationship with Leia (and Han), and in his heart he never forgave himself for failing his role as a Master to his nephew.

* When Rey arrives to the base, with the second piece of the map, R2D2 is activated (based on Luke's programming), providing the piece that completes the map.

* Also, worth noting that Luke left a piece of the map with Rey's foster parents, which ended up in the hands of the old man at the beginning of TFA -- who must have been a close friend of theirs.

* Leia and Han know that Rey is their daughter. Han truly figures this out on the ship when Rey asks about the Jedi and the Force (which appears to us as if he were amazed by the Jedi and their ways, when he is really enthralled by seeing his daughter again), and Leia knows it from the start (Han most likely told her off-screen). However, they both pretend they don't know in light of how difficult it would be to explain, now. Instead they opt to kindle her, showing her their love, without saying anything -- hence the instant connection between Leia and Rey in that hug.


Watch the scene outside the Falcon between Rey and Han with this knowledge again, and tell me that Han does not know she is his daughter. ;) It's clearly evident on his face that he knows, and he's just being himself, and playing her. That's why he 'adopts' her into his crew, and why he trusts her with a gun and tells her he 'knows' she can take care of herself -- because he does know, he knows her mother, Leia. It's all an intricate play because they can't just tell her straight out.


This also explains Leia's affectionate plea to Han that he bring their son back (as well), to unite the family once again, and her great sorrow when he fails to do that.



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Okay, re-watching the movie again, I thought I'd detail my proposed plot -- that I think will be the plot

* Leia and Han had two children: Ben (later Kylo Ren) and Rey.

* Due to the emerging/increasing threat of their enemies, with a heavy heart, Leia and Han decided to hide their children on Jakku, under the protection of foster parents.

* When Ben came of the right age, he joined Luke's academy and was trained under him, with the approval of his parents (in light of his heritage, and perhaps in the Dark Side threat they face), while Rey stayed on Jakku.

* On the other side, in the meantime, Rey's foster parents were overthrown by a greedy, immoral, and opportunist merchant by the name of Unkar Plutt, who had them shipped off planet, and practically stole their child, Rey -


* Rey had pilot training while she was young (perhaps one of her foster parents was a famed pilot?). That, added with her knowledge of mechanical parts, used for scavenging, contributes to her knowledge of ships and mechanical tinkering.



* Luke left a map of his location, well hidden, perhaps in hope that Rey may one day come to see him.



* Also, worth noting that Luke left a piece of the map with Rey's foster parents, which ended up in the hands of the old man at the beginning of TFA -- who must have been a close friend of theirs.


1-2) You better watch that movie again. And this time focus on how Rey remembers being left on Jakku; You can clearly see Unkar Plutt's hairy moisty hands. Rey was left there alone, probably even sold as a slave, but she was definitely with Unkar Plutt from an early age, and I find it hard to believe that piece of garbage gave Rey any piloting lessons. Her many skills can simply be explained with what we already know; she's is force sensitive, and those kind of people usually had an unusually good luck with things, and a way of understanding everything that would be too complex to the normal people. In short, she flew well, she fought well, because she was strong with the force.





3-4) I doub't he was playing hide and seek with Rey, c'mon.  But your theory is as good as they come, since the whole idea of him living in exile, and the good guys being looking for "missing piece of a map" sounds just too f*** disney to me,   I can't wait to hear what kind of shit they come up with to explain that AND R2's sudden wakening.



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1-2) You better watch that movie again. And this time focus on how Rey remembers being left on Jakku; You can clearly see Unkar Plutt's hairy moisty hands. Rey was left there alone, probably even sold as a slave, but she was definitely with Unkar Plutt from an early age, and I find it hard to believe that piece of garbage gave Rey any piloting lessons.



And what makes you think that isn't the scene where Rey's foster parents are being shipped off by Plutt's hand? :P That's how I see that scene. I can't see that being anything else -- other than the utterly boring back-story that they were her real parents, and just didn't care for her.


I think she received her introduction into piloting from her foster parents, before they were shipped off (when she was very young). Then she continued to learn on her own every chance she got -- since that reminded her of her early childhood, of her (foster) parents, and gave her a sense of future (hope) and identity.




Also, she was never made a slave. She served Unkar, but she was technically always a free person -- well, as free as you can be when you're dirt poor and without a home on Jakku... I have a feeling he kept her around and raised her, as he had probably done with a lot of other children -- for cheap, manual labour.




I think Plutt set up and sold out Rey's foster parents for some extra income and opportunity -- without her knowledge. All she knew is that they went away, preumably to be back one day, but in truth they were sold into slave labour, or wrongly imprisoned as criminals, or something like that. She was too young to know, and Plutt could have told her anything...



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I wonder what that teaser will show us, the source you provided says;





Disney is working on a behind-the-scenes reel, which could be released before Star Wars Celebration Orlando in April. The reel would include the first scenes from The Last Jedi shown publicly.




While they can't exactly give away the plot, they're hopefully going to reveal something that will get fans screaming and jumping, I hope.  But damn it if they're just gonna show Luke standing on a rock - _-

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Oh by the way, here's a concept art of the ship that we actually saw taking off in Rey's flashback. As you can see, there's a child with 2 adults (parents). There was probably going to be a scene where either Rey is remembering that moment when her parents left her, in a dream or perhaps part of the vision she had at Maz Kanata's place. Who knows. 



just like she was supposed to be living inside an AT-AT wreck, where she had an actual ship instead of that lollipop speeder;



....which as some of you might remember, apparently even had a set built for ! 


There's obviously so much more written about Rey and her background.  I wonder if any of the stuff meant for Ep7 will be somehow included in Ep8.

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Too bad J.J.Abrams said there won't be any director's cut for Episode VII. But yes, TFA had some curious concepts, showing various places and characters in a different style. Rey looked the same most of the time, though in some occasions she fought different kinds of Kylo Ren (or perhaps someone else?). I am of course talking about the concept from below. 






We might assume, some of these will land in Episode VIII eventually. Some of them are visually quite appealing, including architecture.


But let's not go away from Episode VIII, as the last comments stick too much to The Force Awakens, which has its own thread.

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Well, they do tie in directly... *shrugs* :lol: But I get what you mean. :)

Well, we have to stay true to the topic. :) This is where I want to add from a quote by Mara Jade from Mysteries of the Sith "Being an honest Jedi". )))


As for Episode VIII, it's been confirmed, that some actors who played backstage characters, return for Episode VIII as well.


Unkar Plutt is sure to reappear, but I doubt he is having a vendetta against Rey, like Phasma is supposedly to have hers against Finn. It is far more likely, that the memory of Rey, showing her parents and perhaps the destruction of the Jedi, would involve multiple people from her past, including Plutt. I actually feel, that this is the chance for Han Solo to have a glimpse appearance as well, though even if it were true, they might use sort of old footage or unused scenes from Episode VII here



It is also interesting, that


Supreme Leader Snoke is believed to appear with a much larger role in this Episode. It is more curious, that unlike TFA, Snoke will appear as a large animatronics humanoid, not CGI. If there is a scene where he is walking – I would definitely like to see that. In any case his true role isn't clear just yet. He is the Leader, but do others in the First Order actually know of his existence?


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But let's not go away from Episode VIII, as the last comments stick too much to The Force Awakens, which has its own thread.

At this point we can only speculate what will happen in Episode 8, and to do so, we must take into consideration everything we know about Episode 7. So it's really not off topic to discuss Rey's parents and her background in order to form theories of how the character will develop in The Last Jedi, based on what we know from Episode 7.


As for Snoke, it's almost obvious that the next episode will be much like   AotC & ESB, meaning that it will somehow favor the bad guys. I'm sure we'll get to see more of Snoke, hopefully they'll reveal his identity.  Which brings me back to a theory that I've been thinking about since the announcement of the title;  that perhaps the title is not about Luke, but instead it's about Snoke.  Nothing to back up this theory, but  Snoke could also be the last jedi from before the infamous order 66.  Maybe he's a survivor of the temple raid. He could be anyone really, but it just keeps haunting me that he's seen the rise and the fall of the empire..  

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It is also interesting, that


Supreme Leader Snoke is believed to appear with a much larger role in this Episode. It is more curious, that unlike TFA, Snoke will appear as a large animatronics humanoid, not CGI. If there is a scene where he is walking – I would definitely like to see that. In any case his true role isn't clear just yet. He is the Leader, but do others in the First Order actually know of his existence?


found an image of that







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The official encyclopedia for Episode VII says, that Snoke is about 1000 years old, who witnessed both the rise and fall of the Galactic Empire. It is also said, that he had at least one more apprentice aside from Kylo Ren, perhaps even before him.


I like none of the theories, which somehow try to explain his persona, because in most cases they either contradict the already known stories (the new Canon novels as well), or change the perception of certain events (birth of Anakin Skywalker, death of Mace Windu) or diminish the significance of all other episodes (all of I-VI). I stick to the idea, that Snoke is a completely new character, never seen or heard before. Lawrence Kzadan was once asked about Snoke being Plagueis, but the response was like "who?". It doesn't mean they might not try to rewrite the story after all, making Plagueis this kind of humanoid... But it diminishes the role of Palpatine then, who was undoubtedly the #1 villain Star Wars.


In any case I feel, that the authors of the new film will have an enormous task of explaining Snoke's existence, in order it to be quite reasonable and believable.

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The official encyclopedia for Episode VII says, that Snoke is about 1000 years old, who witnessed both the rise and fall of the Galactic Empire. It is also said, that he had at least one more apprentice aside from Kylo Ren, perhaps even before him.


I like none of the theories, which somehow try to explain his persona, because in most cases they either contradict the already known stories (the new Canon novels as well), or change the perception of certain events (birth of Anakin Skywalker, death of Mace Windu) or diminish the significance of all other episodes (all of I-VI). I stick to the idea, that Snoke is a completely new character, never seen or heard before. Lawrence Kzadan was once asked about Snoke being Plagueis, but the response was like "who?". It doesn't mean they might not try to rewrite the story after all, making Plagueis this kind of humanoid... But it diminishes the role of Palpatine then, who was undoubtedly the #1 villain Star Wars.


In any case I feel, that the authors of the new film will have an enormous task of explaining Snoke's existence, in order it to be quite reasonable and believable.


Empathy; this has got to be a genius move otherwise it won't work.

They need to make us care about this character. 

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There is article, which summons up all the theories on Snoke. One is particularly interesting and is the closest thing, I believe to be a true story of Snoke. Here is the excerpt:





The recent novel Aftermath, the first in a trilogy by Chuck Wendig, tells the story of what happened in the months after Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. During the story, the remaining Imperial fleet commanders gather on Akiva to discuss how the Empire should handle its defeat at Endor and the rise of the New Republic. One of the new characters introduced is Yupe Tashu, who served as an adviser to Emperor Palpatine. He was a dark side historian, though he could not use the Force himself, and believed strongly in the powers of the Force. He wanted to follow the teachings of the Emperor, and he recognized that the Sith had found strength in hiding in the shadows and then striking when the enemy least expected them to. He also said this:


«No Sith remain. And the lone Jedi that exists—the son of Anakin Skywalker—possesses an untouchable soul. At least for now. We must instead move toward the dark side. Palpatine felt that the universe beyond the edges of our maps was where his power came from. Over the many years he, with our aid, sent men and women beyond known space. They built labs and communication stations on distant moons, asteroids, out there in the wilds. We must follow them. Retreat from the galaxy. Go out beyond the veil of stars. We must seek the source of the dark side like a man looking for a wellspring of water.»


Aftermath is part of the Journey to The Force Awakens series, so it seems unlikely that the story would introduce a detail like that only for it to never pay off. My guess is that Supreme Leader Snoke is from beyond the galaxy, perhaps from or influenced by the source of the dark side itself, and has been watching the galaxy for a long time. That would fit with Serkis saying that Snoke is a new character, and it would mean that the seeds for Snoke’s true nature have already been planted in the post-Return of the Jedi storyline.




But of course Episode VIII might not include anything of it at all, even if something similar is implied. It is possible, that Snoke's backstory is irrelevant to be told in the film, but will focus on Rey instead (obviously).


While people ask Daisy Ridley about Rey and her parents, I am actually more interested:


-How many Knights of Ren are there? It is strongly implied, that Benicio del Toro plays the role of another Ren Knight, who was possibly in the Order even before Kylo.

-What is the structure behind the Knights in the vision (look at the right upper corner)?



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