Daedra Posted December 22, 2015 Posted December 22, 2015 Something I can clear up as I realize a few people are concerned about what exactly was destroyed: Coruscant wasn't destroyed, the Republic Government (Senate included) was located on Hosnian Prime in the core worlds which was destroyed by the Starkiller. I'm glad Coruscant wasn't destroyed. I don't think they would have since they are (supposedly) bringing back Star Wars 1313, which is set on Coruscant. NumberWan likes this
Garyn Dakari Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 I'm glad Coruscant wasn't destroyed. I don't think they would have since they are (supposedly) bringing back Star Wars 1313, which is set on Coruscant.^^Agreed. I think something that could be really cool in a future episode/spinoff/videogame is this massive battle sequence *on* Coruscant. Think that Deceived trailer for The Old Republic, except without the Jedi/Sith/Temple focus, just turning a large portion of the planet into a warzone. If you're gonna wreck a planet like Coruscant, that'd be a better way to do it than simply blowing it up with a superweapon, IMO.
therfiles Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 Very interested to see what they do with the whole "first Jedi temples" concept they allude to. I really would like to see Luke try to unravel the secrets of the Jedi as he tries to figure out how to reconcile his past. Again, this isn't a perfect film by any means but I love it dearly. I put it at number 2 in my Star Wars ranking atm.
Acrobat Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 btw- Vaders mask was interesting because he never took it off...well he did finally at the end of the trilogy but then he died. Kylo Ren, leader of the Knights of Ren who aren't in the movie, loves to constantly take his mask off. z3filus likes this
Syko Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 btw- Vaders mask was interesting because he never took it off...well he did finally at the end of the trilogy but then he died. Kylo Ren, leader of the Knights of Ren who aren't in the movie, loves to constantly take his mask off. They did this to differentiate the character from Darth Vader. Kylo Ren is a conflicted, insecure, more human character than Darth Vader ("he's more machine now than man") and that's why they made him take his mask off, to humanize him. He's not the same type of character and that is refreshing because a lot of the movie is already kind of too similar to A New Hope. I do think they should have given the character a beard though because I'm starting to agree he does look like a teenager. I just watched the movie again and I like it just as much, maybe a bit more. I would rank it third behind Empire Strikes Back and A New Hope. I'd say it trumps Return of the Jedi mostly because the Ewoks kind of brought that movie down a bit, and the prequels...well, they're the prequels. I do think there were unnecessary action sequences that should have been cut or trimmed down in favor of more character development. As I said before the whole squid monster scene was completely pointless. Oh, also when Rey and Finn fly away in the Falcon for the first time, that should have been trimmed down a lot. I would have liked to see R2D2 and C3PO more, they have such small rolls.
BruceJohnJenner Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 Hands down the worst movie I have ever seen. The sad part is, the new characters were great, and the first third of the movie was terrific. Apparently originality is not a concept that J.J. Abrams is familiar with, so he literally went out of his way to rip off scenes from A New Hope. Kylo Ren was the most comical villain I have ever seen, and all of the characters from the original trilogy save for Han were as wooden as cardboard cutouts.And all of the aggravating Abrams tendencies dialed up to 11. The sets constructed from nothing but shiny chrome and red lights (unless theres a computer screen, in which case its always blue for some reason). The sound of a lightsaber now apparently needs to destroy my eardrums every time it gets activated, even though it sounds nothing like what it sounded like in the other six films. The nods to the original trilogy done with all of the subtlety of a hammer. Fight scenes that drag on forever with no change in the mood or pace of the scene (or, I don't know, the occasional line of dialogue?). A movie that drags on forever somehow cant spend more than 15 seconds dealing with why we should care about some random planets being destroyed. Characters are introduced, given 5 minutes of character development, expected to somehow play a big role in important scenes, then completely disappear for the rest of the movie. Characters participate in an emotional, complicated moment that changes the outlook of the story, which is instantly reversed for no reason at all other than shock factor, and keeping the story moving in its original (predictable) direction. CGI heavy battle scenes that last for 5 minutes but don't advance the plot at all. Musical themes from previous movies blared as loud as possible during important scenes in an attempt to make them seem meaningful. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH Im out Acrobat likes this
Acrobat Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 Hands down the worst movie I have ever seen. The sad part is, the new characters were great, and the first third of the movie was terrific. Apparently originality is not a concept that J.J. Abrams is familiar with, so he literally went out of his way to rip off scenes from A New Hope. Kylo Ren was the most comical villain I have ever seen, and all of the characters from the original trilogy save for Han were as wooden as cardboard cutouts. And all of the aggravating Abrams tendencies dialed up to 11. The sets constructed from nothing but shiny chrome and red lights (unless theres a computer screen, in which case its always blue for some reason). The sound of a lightsaber now apparently needs to destroy my eardrums every time it gets activated, even though it sounds nothing like what it sounded like in the other six films. The nods to the original trilogy done with all of the subtlety of a hammer. Fight scenes that drag on forever with no change in the mood or pace of the scene (or, I don't know, the occasional line of dialogue?). A movie that drags on forever somehow cant spend more than 15 seconds dealing with why we should care about some random planets being destroyed. Characters are introduced, given 5 minutes of character development, expected to somehow play a big role in important scenes, then completely disappear for the rest of the movie. Characters participate in an emotional, complicated moment that changes the outlook of the story, which is instantly reversed for no reason at all other than shock factor, and keeping the story moving in its original (predictable) direction. CGI heavy battle scenes that last for 5 minutes but don't advance the plot at all. Musical themes from previous movies blared as loud as possible during important scenes in an attempt to make them seem meaningful. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH Im out Yes it was garbage but Abrams and Disney are laughing their way to the bank. Disney also owns Marvel in a buy out, and is making a million iron mans, antman 2,3,4,5 and 6, xman 11,12, etc. BruceJohnJenner likes this
therfiles Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 Hands down the worst movie I have ever seen. The sad part is, the new characters were great, and the first third of the movie was terrific. Apparently originality is not a concept that J.J. Abrams is familiar with, so he literally went out of his way to rip off scenes from A New Hope. Kylo Ren was the most comical villain I have ever seen, and all of the characters from the original trilogy save for Han were as wooden as cardboard cutouts. And all of the aggravating Abrams tendencies dialed up to 11. The sets constructed from nothing but shiny chrome and red lights (unless theres a computer screen, in which case its always blue for some reason). The sound of a lightsaber now apparently needs to destroy my eardrums every time it gets activated, even though it sounds nothing like what it sounded like in the other six films. The nods to the original trilogy done with all of the subtlety of a hammer. Fight scenes that drag on forever with no change in the mood or pace of the scene (or, I don't know, the occasional line of dialogue?). A movie that drags on forever somehow cant spend more than 15 seconds dealing with why we should care about some random planets being destroyed. Characters are introduced, given 5 minutes of character development, expected to somehow play a big role in important scenes, then completely disappear for the rest of the movie. Characters participate in an emotional, complicated moment that changes the outlook of the story, which is instantly reversed for no reason at all other than shock factor, and keeping the story moving in its original (predictable) direction. CGI heavy battle scenes that last for 5 minutes but don't advance the plot at all. Musical themes from previous movies blared as loud as possible during important scenes in an attempt to make them seem meaningful. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH Im out I'm sorry you didn't like the movie bro. But I honestly don't understand a lot of your complaints. The film had incredible, tactile sets. Sets like the Star Destroyer and Starkiller base were shiny and glowy, but that is just the new First Order aesthetic (a very awesome aesthetic, imo). Look anywhere else (Jakku, the Falcon, Maz's Castle, or the Q'dar - the Resistance's base) and you'll see that the film is dominated by very physical and fleshed-out sets. I also don't see the point about that action scenes. If anything, they seemed a bit too short (except for the Rathtars...not so sure how I feel about them yet...I just don't buy them as monsters). The action sequences were dominated by interesting action moments and accompanied by great humor (when needed). As for the CGI, there were only a few moments where it was bothersome. Mainly the Rathtars and Snoke (but I'm getting over Snoke upon repeat viewings). Truthfully, there were several nods to the OT. I can see that. But they weren't ever overly distracting. Again, this is after the prequels, and people need to be reassured that the new filmmakers share their love of the OT. So did they go a bit overboard in some places? Yep. Was it needed? I think so. Again, I don't see what you are saying about the characters. Rey is incredibly detailed in her characterization. We spend lots of time with her on Jakku and we get to see her arc unfold as the story progresses. She has two main conflicts: one with her past (her parents, etc) and one with these new force abilities. I love Maz's line to her about finding her belonging in what's ahead, not behind. I also really liked Finn. He's a very authentic hero who acts initially very unlike Poe (who is our one-note B.A. hero). He's afraid and he's selfish. But he finds his place with his friends and finds that there IS a fight that can be won against evil. As for Ren, I'm still picking apart his story. Such an interesting narrative...the idea of being pulled to the light side, rather than the dark. That idea of making the pain in his life more present and dominating so that the darkness will never leave him (see him killing his father or him punching his wound during the fight with Rey). In my opinion, those are our three best new characters. Han is also spectacular. He doesn't have MUCH of an arc, but he's got some interesting beats. I love his hug with Leia towards the end. She asks him, all sad-face-like, to bring their son home. Han just stares into the sky, knowing the impossibility of the task, but knowing that he has to try to bring his son back. Good stuff. I won't lie though. Leia didn't do great in this film. She did well post-Han's death, but her performance was a bit off to me (after she met up with Han again). So while you may not enjoy some of the narrative characterizations, I think it would be silly to say that it isn't there. The score isn't like the other films'. Their are more intimate moments (ones that I've latched onto and enjoyed) rather than sweeping themes. But the music is still quite good in my opinion (minus the altered crawl soundtrack...not a fan there!) Plus, the visuals in this film were simply stunning, so the music didn't need to do as much legwork as it needed to do in the previous films. And I do see a lot of the similarities to ANH that are present in this film. They are undeniable. But like many others have already said they don't ruin the film for me. And, personally, I don't see a lot of the connections until the plot is laid out in synopsis form. When I'm actually IN the movie and experiencing the action and plot, it all feels very new and fresh (minus a few moments), and it really is. These are new characters acting out familiar beats in new situations and settings. Again, its similarities are something I saw after reflection, rather than being yanked out of the film by them. Syko likes this
Garyn Dakari Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 They did this to differentiate the character from Darth Vader. Kylo Ren is a conflicted, insecure, more human character than Darth Vader ("he's more machine now than man") and that's why they made him take his mask off, to humanize him. He's not the same type of character and that is refreshing because a lot of the movie is already kind of too similar to A New Hope. I do think they should have given the character a beard though because I'm starting to agree he does look like a teenager. I actually disagree on the beard part - though it will be Episodes 8 or 9 that solidify this or change my mind. Looking like a teen/early twenties guy, and making him very human, very emotional and unhinged, could really payoff in a big way, depending on how they play their cards for the sequels. Which I'm fairly confident they will. Ep8 I'm sure will be a lot more focused on the Force, dark and light, and I'm also reasonably sure it will, for better or worse, try to be the darkest entry in the trilogy(ala Empire). With that in mind, I'm really expecting Kylo to go deeper and darker and more powerful. In Ep7 his struggle was defeating the light in him, by the end, he just may have done that, setting the stage for him becoming a truly badass villain. And unlike with Vader, we'll actually get to see how he transforms on-screen. It was definitely a risky move portraying the main villain like they did(Especially when they easily could've gone the Maul or Vader or EU Sith route, and people, possibly myself included, would've loved it anyway), but I'm confident they know what they're doing. I guess we'll know for sure in a year and a half. Going a bit off base here, but something I'm really hoping will happen to completely differentiate Kylo's arc from Vader's, is basically everything I said above... but at the end of Episode VIII, Kylo kills Snoke and takes his place, promoting him from the Big Bad to the Biggest Bad in time for Episode IX. This is of course assuming Snoke gets a lot of development and screen time in Ep8, and sort of tricking the audience into assuming it'll be the same Emperor/Vader relationship we're familiar with from Ep5/6. I have no idea if that's what they're doing or not, but it sounds really good and fitting in my head. Syko and therfiles like this
Tempust85 Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 No offense meant, DT, but....Umm....Thats kinda weird hearing you say that considering you DID make a new Mara Jade model. Which I DID love and still use, BTW.I improved it. I liked the old canon, but now that it's scrapped I hope they think of new stuff to surprise rather than re-tell. TheWhitePhoenix likes this
Syko Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 I'm sorry you didn't like the movie bro. But I honestly don't understand a lot of your complaints. The film had incredible, tactile sets. Sets like the Star Destroyer and Starkiller base were shiny and glowy, but that is just the new First Order aesthetic (a very awesome aesthetic, imo). Look anywhere else (Jakku, the Falcon, Maz's Castle, or the Q'dar - the Resistance's base) and you'll see that the film is dominated by very physical and fleshed-out sets. I also don't see the point about that action scenes. If anything, they seemed a bit too short (except for the Rathtars...not so sure how I feel about them yet...I just don't buy them as monsters). The action sequences were dominated by interesting action moments and accompanied by great humor (when needed). As for the CGI, there were only a few moments where it was bothersome. Mainly the Rathtars and Snoke (but I'm getting over Snoke upon repeat viewings). Truthfully, there were several nods to the OT. I can see that. But they weren't ever overly distracting. Again, this is after the prequels, and people need to be reassured that the new filmmakers share their love of the OT. So did they go a bit overboard in some places? Yep. Was it needed? I think so. Again, I don't see what you are saying about the characters. Rey is incredibly detailed in her characterization. We spend lots of time with her on Jakku and we get to see her arc unfold as the story progresses. She has two main conflicts: one with her past (her parents, etc) and one with these new force abilities. I love Maz's line to her about finding her belonging in what's ahead, not behind. I also really liked Finn. He's a very authentic hero who acts initially very unlike Poe (who is our one-note B.A. hero). He's afraid and he's selfish. But he finds his place with his friends and finds that there IS a fight that can be won against evil. As for Ren, I'm still picking apart his story. Such an interesting narrative...the idea of being pulled to the light side, rather than the dark. That idea of making the pain in his life more present and dominating so that the darkness will never leave him (see him killing his father or him punching his wound during the fight with Rey). In my opinion, those are our three best new characters. Han is also spectacular. He doesn't have MUCH of an arc, but he's got some interesting beats. I love his hug with Leia towards the end. She asks him, all sad-face-like, to bring their son home. Han just stares into the sky, knowing the impossibility of the task, but knowing that he has to try to bring his son back. Good stuff. I won't lie though. Leia didn't do great in this film. She did well post-Han's death, but her performance was a bit off to me (after she met up with Han again). So while you may not enjoy some of the narrative characterizations, I think it would be silly to say that it isn't there. The score isn't like the other films'. Their are more intimate moments (ones that I've latched onto and enjoyed) rather than sweeping themes. But the music is still quite good in my opinion (minus the altered crawl soundtrack...not a fan there!) Plus, the visuals in this film were simply stunning, so the music didn't need to do as much legwork as it needed to do in the previous films. And I do see a lot of the similarities to ANH that are present in this film. They are undeniable. But like many others have already said they don't ruin the film for me. And, personally, I don't see a lot of the connections until the plot is laid out in synopsis form. When I'm actually IN the movie and experiencing the action and plot, it all feels very new and fresh (minus a few moments), and it really is. These are new characters acting out familiar beats in new situations and settings. Again, its similarities are something I saw after reflection, rather than being yanked out of the film by them. Love everything you wrote here and completely agree with everything you said. It seems to me that most people that bash the movie do so for very shallow reasons. "OMG Kylo Ren's lightsaber is so dumb!" It's like they expect the movie to be a certain way and call the movie garbage if it doesn't turn out exactly how they want it to. A lot of things people complain about the movie actually make sense if you think about it a bit. Case in point, people complain about Kylo Ren removing his mask to early on, but again like I said above its to differentiate the character from Darth Vader. These are the same people who complain that the movie is too similar to A New Hope. therfiles likes this
BruceJohnJenner Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 I'm sorry you didn't like the movie bro. But I honestly don't understand a lot of your complaints. The film had incredible, tactile sets. Sets like the Star Destroyer and Starkiller base were shiny and glowy, but that is just the new First Order aesthetic (a very awesome aesthetic, imo). Look anywhere else (Jakku, the Falcon, Maz's Castle, or the Q'dar - the Resistance's base) and you'll see that the film is dominated by very physical and fleshed-out sets. I also don't see the point about that action scenes. If anything, they seemed a bit too short (except for the Rathtars...not so sure how I feel about them yet...I just don't buy them as monsters). The action sequences were dominated by interesting action moments and accompanied by great humor (when needed). As for the CGI, there were only a few moments where it was bothersome. Mainly the Rathtars and Snoke (but I'm getting over Snoke upon repeat viewings).Its hardly your fault that I hated it. It is only a movie after all, and we all have our opinions About the sets, I thought plenty of the sets and models in the film looked good, but there is a certain visual style that pops up towards the end of the film in the first order base that literally looks exactly like some of the sets from the last two star trek movies. I'll try to find some screenshots from the two films to make my point. As for the action sequences, I totally disagree. The fight scene between Kylo and Finn/Rey near the end of the film looked sloppy in terms of the action, and felt like it went on forever. Compare that scene to Luke and Vaders duel in ESB, which builds tension with all of the pauses, and Vader verbally breaking down Lukes defenses throughout. The rathtars did seem like ugly CGI work, but I thought Snoke was much more bothersome. Just a very bland villain, already depicted as disfigured/hideous, does the classic angry raised voice at his underlings. Hes like a clown compared to Palpatine. Truthfully, there were several nods to the OT. I can see that. But they weren't ever overly distracting. Again, this is after the prequels, and people need to be reassured that the new filmmakers share their love of the OT. So did they go a bit overboard in some places? Yep. Was it needed? I think so. ... And I do see a lot of the similarities to ANH that are present in this film. They are undeniable. But like many others have already said they don't ruin the film for me. And, personally, I don't see a lot of the connections until the plot is laid out in synopsis form. When I'm actually IN the movie and experiencing the action and plot, it all feels very new and fresh (minus a few moments), and it really is. These are new characters acting out familiar beats in new situations and settings. Again, its similarities are something I saw after reflection, rather than being yanked out of the film by them.Honestly, find one plot point in A New Hope that didn't show up in this film. It was absurd. Again, I don't see what you are saying about the characters. Rey is incredibly detailed in her characterization. We spend lots of time with her on Jakku and we get to see her arc unfold as the story progresses. She has two main conflicts: one with her past (her parents, etc) and one with these new force abilities. I love Maz's line to her about finding her belonging in what's ahead, not behind. I also really liked Finn. He's a very authentic hero who acts initially very unlike Poe (who is our one-note B.A. hero). He's afraid and he's selfish. But he finds his place with his friends and finds that there IS a fight that can be won against evil. As for Ren, I'm still picking apart his story. Such an interesting narrative...the idea of being pulled to the light side, rather than the dark. That idea of making the pain in his life more present and dominating so that the darkness will never leave him (see him killing his father or him punching his wound during the fight with Rey). In my opinion, those are our three best new characters. Han is also spectacular. He doesn't have MUCH of an arc, but he's got some interesting beats. I love his hug with Leia towards the end. She asks him, all sad-face-like, to bring their son home. Han just stares into the sky, knowing the impossibility of the task, but knowing that he has to try to bring his son back. Good stuff. I won't lie though. Leia didn't do great in this film. She did well post-Han's death, but her performance was a bit off to me (after she met up with Han again). So while you may not enjoy some of the narrative characterizations, I think it would be silly to say that it isn't there. The score isn't like the other films'. Their are more intimate moments (ones that I've latched onto and enjoyed) rather than sweeping themes. But the music is still quite good in my opinion (minus the altered crawl soundtrack...not a fan there!) Plus, the visuals in this film were simply stunning, so the music didn't need to do as much legwork as it needed to do in the previous films.Reys backstory is such a tired cliche. Separated from parents as a child, forced to work in some hellhole. It would have been more interesting if they had left it as nothing at all, like if she had somehow lost her memories or something? Otherwise she was a good character. As for Ren, hey if you like him, roll with that, but I thought he was as forgettable a villain as possible. He does evil things because... he wants to be his grandfather? No explanation of why he thinks this is a good thing? And every single time anything goes wrong, he spends 5 minutes trashing the room hes in before bothering to do anything productive? I hate his character because Abrams is too lazy to develop him beyond "Hes evil because hes evil". Just tired, 1 dimensional storytelling
X1F2 Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 Loved the film. I think Rey is a Kenobi. Although her character beats really do match up with Luke, curtain things can hint at a connection to Obi-wan Kenobi. She and Kenobi are the only two jedi in the films who on their first confrontation/lightsaber duel with a darksider end up defeating said darksider (Kylo Ren,and Darth Maul respectively). They also both manage to defeat a Skywalker. Also Rey has an accent much like Obi-wan Kenobi which was what initially led me to this idea.The living on/surviving on a desert planet isn't just a Skywalker thing its also a Kenobi thing. Also Reys first force ability that she does on purpose is the Jedi Mind Trick. Jedi Mind Trick is the first force power we see pulled off by a jedi in a New Hope that Jedi being Old Ben.Any thoughts on this? Garyn Dakari likes this
Fuse294 Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 @@Acrobat Vader DID remove his helmet, he had a specialized meditation chamber built on the Executor just so he could safely remove it for a short period of time to escape the claustrophobia caused by the suit. We first see him without it when Death Squadron is chasing the Falcon and it enters the asteroid field. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpQsk9cGpIA MB2 Beta Tester / MB2 FA Assistant Dev
NumberWan Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 Now that Kylo lost his helmet on Starkiller base, perhaps he will be using something new? He also has the scars now, so probably he will be covering his face with a new mask. Or perhaps he won't need one, since Snoke wants to complete the training of his student.
Daedra Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 Now that Kylo lost his helmet on Starkiller base, perhaps he will be using something new? He also has the scars now, so probably he will be covering his face with a new mask. Or perhaps he won't need one, since Snoke wants to complete the training of his student. I read a theory that really does check out with me. This is only speculation but this is from a user on another site. "J.J. has confirmed Ewan McGregor's Voice and Frank Oz's AND Alec Guiness' are in the movie.http://www.ew.com/article/2015/12/20/jj-abrams-reveals-obi-wan-and-yoda-are-star-wars-force-awakens Take another note from this news report though... they say that Luke holds out his arm to R2 for comfort in mourning! This evermore confirms my theory that The Knights of Ren killed Luke's wife at the Jedi Academy. Luke managed to escape with his daughter Rey, and felt it was his fault for Ben Solo turning dark. He leaves a map for Rey on Jakku with Lor (someone who helped luke back at the academy) so she is safe from the Knights of Ren. This would explain the Point of View shot in the vision, it was Rey's mom about to be taken out by Kylo, but rey was standing in her place as her mom tried to defend the academy by facing the Knights of Ren and failed. This would have been where Luke was seen "mourning" his wife with R2 holding out his arm for some comfort. After this in the vision it is shown Rey as a child being sent away to Jakku. This even more confirms that after mourning with R2, Luke chose to go into hiding to protect Rey from the Knights of Ren and put 90% of the map into R2, programming a switch in the map to turn R2 back online once BOTH pieces are within close proximity, then sending Rey to Jakku where Lor went into hiding also from the Knights of Ren, also being left with the other part of the map. Lor must have known Lukes wife at some point for Luke to trust him with the map. Han and Leia feel responsible for the death of Lukes wife because it's their kid who did it. I beleive Ben Solo turned to the dark side at the academy as he felt abandoned by his parents since Leia admitted she sent him there and lost both Ben and Han, since Han went back to being the smuggler he is. But since they felt responsible, they agreed with Luke for Leia to take care of R2 with the MAP so nobody can steal R2 for the location, and Han promised to look over Rey to make sure she follows the right path and doesn't follow Bens footsteps. This changed at the start of the movie, when Lor knew the First Order was on its way to get the map, so he gave it to Poe, who gave it to BB-8. So all the while, Luke made a shrine for his dead wife (the grave he stands at near the end of the film) so he can remember her and continue to mourn her while he's isolated himself for the protection of his own daughter to not lose Rey like he lost his wife. He sensed Han when he was killed by Kylo, this only added to his mourning, but could not do anything for 1. protecting his daughter and 2. he feels responsible and guilty for Ben turning dark and losing his wife by his own doing. Then there's that epic moment at the end of the movie where Luke is looking at the statue of the hooded woman (mourning wife shrine) then turns around to see his fully grown daughter alive and well and capable of handling herself with the force. He then looks at her with both guilt of letting her go, annoyed that she has come out of her protection and sad as he is reminded of his wife as he sees Reys mom in Rey, that also with memories being brought back of his father Vader with the lightsaber. This is all speculation I have but it fits everything I've seen in TFA so far. I believe when Episode VIII begins, Luke will sit down and tell Rey this entire story, about Kylo killing Reys mom etc. This would give them a chance to talk and bond, and get motivation for Luke to set things right (as foreshadowed by TFA) and for Rey to learn the force with Lukes training. This also gives time for Kylo to "complete" his training with Snoke, and to use Vaders helmet as a replacement ( I mean, why wouldn't he? He is obsessed with Vader and even got upset when Rey told him he won't ever be as strong as Vader, so he would want to prove her wrong, plus he's got that mentality of he needs to prove himself or he gets mad). Pure speculation all of it. But it makes sense to me, I don't know." That's the entire post but it was later edited to remove some parts as it was considered as a spoiler by the site, which I don't see how since it's speculating. I believe that all makes perfect sense to me, I've seen the movie and I can confirm that there is in fact a statue/grave next to Luke in the movie. So for me this checks out pretty good. z3filus, Garyn Dakari and NumberWan like this
therfiles Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 Sounds awesome. Cool speculation! I really hope we get to see Luke's wife (either alive or dead). That would be a very interesting point to explore. As for Rey, someone online suggested that she may be the daughter of some of the Knights of Ren and Luke hid her on Jakku to keep her safe. I think it would be cool if Luke reveals that he did know her parents, but he was forced to kill them. I REALLY REALLY hope that she isn't Luke's daughter. Again, not everything needs to be connected. I think both Finn and Rey need to be new, unique characters with their own backstories. I think having Luke be her father would be the easy way out, and there are many times that it should have been revealed by the Solos in TFA if that was the case. @@BruceJohnJenner: Thanks for going into detail with some of your points. I feel like understand your criticism better now! BruceJohnJenner likes this
DrXann Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 There's a grave/statue memorial next to Luke during his reveal? z3filus likes this
Garyn Dakari Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 @: Very interesting, and it sounds very plausible. I didn't notice Luke was near a grave/shrine/statue, but I'll keep an eye out for next time. The only part of this theory that doesn't make sense to me is Han Solo watching her. He found her by accident, and then told Chewie he was going to ditch her and Finn somewhere immediately, why would he do that if he'd been watching her? And how did he find her in the first place if not by accident? While I do like the Kenobi theory, it doesn't make as much sense as the Luke one, at least not yet. And it'd be harder to explain, since she'd have to be his granddaughter and not just daughter as with Luke... then again, Obi-Wan and Vader both having rival grandchildren is perhaps an interesting angle to take. Eh, just thinking aloud now. Fun theories, regardless.
Daedra Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 There's a grave/statue memorial next to Luke during his reveal? @: Very interesting, and it sounds very plausible. I didn't notice Luke was near a grave/shrine/statue, but I'll keep an eye out for next time. The only part of this theory that doesn't make sense to me is Han Solo watching her. He found her by accident, and then told Chewie he was going to ditch her and Finn somewhere immediately, why would he do that if he'd been watching her? And how did he find her in the first place if not by accident? While I do like the Kenobi theory, it doesn't make as much sense as the Luke one, at least not yet. And it'd be harder to explain, since she'd have to be his granddaughter and not just daughter as with Luke... then again, Obi-Wan and Vader both having rival grandchildren is perhaps an interesting angle to take. Eh, just thinking aloud now. Fun theories, regardless. check the spoiler i posted just now And about your issue, I think Han doesn't want Rey to think he's an old creeper spying on her. When Rey mentioned about Luke to Han, he had a face of regret/sadness. I believe he knew about Kylo killing Lukes wife already.
NumberWan Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 @ I thought of a similar scenario to come. I also thought, that Rey was at the Jedi Academy, but too little to be remembered by Kylo, as he left probably before she was born or when she was 2. When she turned like 6 or 8 the attack occurred, resulting in the death of the Jedi and Luke's wife, while he was away. Possible Lor San Tekka (it is confirmed, that he had a bigger role than what we see in the film, and early speculation even suggests he was a good friend of Rey, who told her all the stories about the Jedi and Luke Skywalker) brought Rey to Jakku, or maybe he suggested Jakku as a hideout, or maybe he took upon the role like that of old Ben Kenobi to watch the young girl from afar. Taking her to Tatooine was too dangerous, as Kylo probably knows of Luke and Anakin's story. It is also quite symbolic, that as there was no chance to make the film in Tunisia, so there is no Tatooine. Jakku is a new place that can be shoot only in a new location. The statue, seen in the screen with Luke in the end, is also seen, when Rey moves through the old ruins. Camera somehow focuses on it on one occasion. I wonder whether it was made specifically for the film or was there already. This could mean as an old memorial of the first Jedi Temple. And now they confirmed, that they removed one scene from Episode IV: I was looking forward to seeing this one actually. Hey, and where is Consteble Zuvio without sense of humour?
TheWhitePhoenix Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 Have you guys seen all the articles about Finn and Poe? I'm all for gay characters, such as Juhani and Fenris Olin, but there was NOTHING implicating anything other than a good friendship between Poe and Finn as far as I know. It's okay to have fan shippings, but these coming from the cesspits of the internet like Buzzfeed, yeah....I wouldn't believe them if I were you. BruceJohnJenner and therfiles like this
NumberWan Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 Oh this is definitely a joke. One article posted several Concept arts, which suggest, that Luke was playing a bigger role in TFA in the initial script. More than that – Anakin Skywalker's ghost was supposed to appear somewhere in the film z3filus likes this
TheWhitePhoenix Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 I improved it. I liked the old canon, but now that it's scrapped I hope they think of new stuff to surprise rather than re-tell.You really DID make a great Mara model, dude. And on the new stuff, I guess we'll both have to wait and see.Oh this is definitely a joke. One article posted several Concept arts, which suggest, that Luke was playing a bigger role in TFA in the initial script. More than that – Anakin Skywalker's ghost was supposed to appear somewhere in the film O_O Yikes....
RecklessJames Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 Worst. Star Wars. Ever! I will only see it 3 more times... today. Garyn Dakari, z3filus and BruceJohnJenner like this
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