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Star Wars Episode VII Discussion

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I agree on the plot lines. I also voiced an opinion, that there is an evil guy, who is impersonating Luke (even if he were not his clone). 


Seeing Warwick Davis is good, though I doubt he will play an ewok. There is a different character played by him - in Episode I, Watto's friend.


I am eager to know, what would be the core idea in the next three episodes... In the OT it was the main philosophy, struggle against Emperor and Dark Side as well as philosophical ideas. In the prequels it was the fall of the Republic and Anakin, which would end in only one way we'd already known at the time. But here? For all reasons after great events usually the time of nothing special comes and for another decade or even more 

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The Prophecy of the chosen one, who will bring balance to the force;


From the fall of the great Republic, to the destruction of the Jedi Order, to the rise of a new Galactic Empire and 2 sith lords-
The Empire was ruthless and so the Rebels formed and alliance to restore the Republic and bring down the Empire and its ruler.

I think it may be exactly this simple:  We never got to see the actual new Republic formed. Han Solo probably went... solo,

but did Leia Organa join the new senate? if so then there must be some bad apples there too -  and what happened to Luke?

It's almost impossible to know all the details and plot twists, but basically I think this will be a story about the rise of the New Republic.


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I read, that they wanted the new film with "no New Republic ever existed". I hardly imagine that, and I am now positive, that that was wrong. The latest rumour says, that the new state was formed, while the Empire also exists elsewhere. The difference is that it is never called the New Republic, but simply the Republic. Not that bad.

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I also stumbled upon a rumour that the villain is going to bridge the whole franchise together. With no “official information”  we can only guess,

this would be a logical assumption; if this trilogy truly ends the sotry, the villain should be someone who binds the Star Wars universe together.


Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?




Palpatine: Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?

Anakin: No.

Palpatine: I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. It’s a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life. He had such a knowledge of the Dark Side, he could even keep the ones he cared about…from dying.


Anakin: What happened to him?

Palpatine: He became so powerful, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power…which, eventually of course, he did. Unfortunately,

he taught his apprentice everything he knew. Then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death…but not himself.





Max von Sydow  to play  Darth Plagueis the Wise in the new trilogy ?



We've seen that those especially strong in the Force have managed to survive beyond death in the form of " Force Ghosts "

It stands to reason that the Sith would also have a similar ability or at the very least seek some form of immortality.


Could the “Darth Plagueis”  novel  have an influence on what will transpire in Episode VII?


“In dealing with Plagueis’ quest for immortality, I originally structured part of the book as a kind of race between him and Qui-Gon Jinn, they inadvertently sabotaged one another without either of them realizing they were pursuing the same goal. In the end, Qui-Gon succeeded by making contact with the Whills- the mysterious species of immortals George Lucas mentioned in an epigraph for the first Star Wars novel.” ―James Luceno, Star Wars Insider, Issue #130, 2011

I an interview with author James Luceno published at TheForce.Net we read:


How closely did you work with Lucas Licensing on Darth Plagueis?

How much did George get involved? What advice did he give you?


“George was involved in the early stages. When the book was first proposed, I wrote to him and asked whether there was any reason why Plagueis couldn’t be a non-human, and he wrote back that Plagueis could be a Muun and sent me some artist renderings of the character. From that point on, everything was approved, as they’re saying, “at the highest level.”

James Luceno's book was published on January 10, 2012.


This IS an important clue for one simple reason — George Lucas had already been working on the Sequel Trilogy.

Plagueis’ original intentions may have been to allow for multiple Sith Lords, if not a Sith Legion, to exist at once. Perhaps different factions

— one led by Palpatine and one led by Darth Plagueis - This could easily facilitate any “secret apprentices” that may suddenly appear.



Above is and official concept art compared to a Darth Plagueis toy found from Google





What if this wasn't just a throw-away dialogue written by George Lucas to motivate the plot BUT the key to the entire Star Wars mythos?


Source :    http://www.starwars7news.com/2014/05/speculation-case-for-darth-plagueis-in.html

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Too much? George Lucas was involved in th early stages of writing James Luceno's  novel "Darth Plagueis" which was released 2012.
And then we have that image I posted , where you clearly see the resemblance between the concept art bad guy and the Darth Plagueis -toy figure.







We don't know where Anakin comes from, his mother never knew either.  Palaptine told of a way to create life, using the Force to influence the midi-chlorians.

Till now we've belived that Anakin is the center of the whole saga, what if Darth Plagueis created Anakin? that he's the man behind the curtain?

He may not appear in episode 7 other than briefly, infact it would be logical to slowly reveal him so that in episode 9 we know exactly what has been going on ever since EP1.


The story goes; Anakin was found, but no one knows his origins, he has a mom who can't exaplain either how she got pregnant, and who found Anakin?

Qui-Gon  did,  and his master was ?.... Darth Tyrannus who also most likely spoke to Qui-Gon about this aincient prophecy about a chosen one.
With Star Wars, such a massive, complex planning would not be surprising at all. And as we know, eventually Anakin ends up as a key character

in destroying the Jedi Order and the Republic, thus creating an all new Galactic Empire without the Jedi.  What do the sith want above all`? - to kill all the jedi.


Now, why wouldn't Luke be interested in finding out  more about his father and his path to the dark side? or about the fall of the Jedi?

That would also be only logical that the trilogy would mainly focus on Luke Skywalker as he is struggles to figure out the meaning of the prophecy

about the chosen one, bringing the balance to the Force and the origins of his father and who exactly were the Sith. Did Darth Sidious have a mentor?


Also if  Darth Plagueis would be the main villain for the new trilogy, it may not be played by Max von Sydow, but he would definetly fit the part.

He's just such a great actor that JJ.Abrams would not hire him only for a small part, if he is a Clone Wars veteran then he has to be an important veteran.

Spreading a rumor about him being a war veteran would also better hide the true part he was hired to play, especially if this rumour would be true....

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It would be a very foolish move on their side. The appearance of Plaguies in Episode VII (or even in IX) would diminish both the OT and the prequels. I doubt Palpatine would not see to that anyways - he managed to destroy not just the Jedi Order and the Republic, but countless cultures, worlds, even nations. I feel that Episode VII would be an illustration, that the 20 years of the Empire had its own impact on the Galaxy: you can no longer see prosperous worlds, untouched by Galactic affairs, and for the most part the previously known ideas and mechanisms no longer function or even exist.


I perceive the concept above differently. =))) it's unclear what we actually see there, but I can draw a picture of what I see there. ) Not a Muun. =)))


It's doubtful, that Episode VII would deal with anything from the Prequels. I can also say, that it was mentioned at least once, that the new trilogy would exist as if most people have forgotten the days of the Old Republic or the Clone Wars - for them it was so long ago, that they not longer deem them to be of any importance. It is also said, that VII would be tied in to the Rebels, which deals with one of the Inquisitors...


Max Von Sydow is said to play that veteran, which is not just a guy with a pistol. But actually he is a wise adviser, who who tell the new characters a bit of the past, but not of Sith-Jedi secrets. He is more of a bounty hunter or a soldier, with experience in that... I imagine someone like Canderous Ordo from KOTOR, or Zaeed Massani from Mass Effect 2.

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Another doze of very-very interesting spoilers. I must warn you that these are more specific about certain elements of the plot than others (!!!), so be careful. I am glad I am one of those people, who - the more they know, the more interested they become ;)




- Adam Driver's character starts off good, but his secret addiction - collecting artifacts related to the darkside - overtakes him eventually and he becomes a villain in the later two films. (my note: perhaps he is the aristocrat, mentioned before, probably from Serenno and a far relative to count Dooku, as some said)


- Lupita N'yongo, Driver and Gwendolyn Christie's characters are the "muscle" for the main villain, they all serve a similar function to that of The Inquisitor from Rebels. (my note: sound pretty cool)


- In what would (if it turns out to be true) be complete fan service, there is a sequence involving Han Solo having to disguise himself as - wait for it - a stormtrooper.


- Yavin IV and the Rebel base seen in Episode IV are in the new film, but no, the set shots of the Falcon and new style X-wings are not Yavin IV sets (hmmm). (So we have two Rebel bases in the film - Yavin IV and a new planet (or Dantooine, as I suggested), but perhaps one will be destroyed, so the team moves to a new location?


- Luke wears an outfit very similar to the one he wore in Episode VI. Different color this time though. He also wears a costume similar to Obi-Wan's in Episode III. (DT85 might like this one)


- There is a spectacular sequence involving the destruction of a very familiar ship, and it may or may not also be the death scene of a major character. (note: I feel uneasy, but what if it a destruction of the Falcon? It can be! I don't remember any other "familiar ship" like that, and Harrison Ford asked for the death of Han in Episode VI, so perhaps this wish will be realised here to give more dramatic effect)


- The cyborg villain is actually Luke's son. Having lost his mother (*to be explained via exposition or flashback perhaps?), he is seeking dark side knowledge to resurrect her. When Luke learns that his son has fallen to the dark side, he goes into exile to avoid the inevitable confrontation and battle with his offspring. (note: now this gets interesting! We have a new question, who would be Luke's son and wife? I wish it were Mara Jade, k=just like in the novels)


- The character of 'Kira' (*is she really the daughter of Leia and Han?) wants to stop this new found villain and knows that only Luke can teach her how, hence the search for Luke. (this one I doubt really... For some reasons why would she do that? I hope we will see an explanation on her such status of a potential Jedi and a hero. I also see the pattern from old script here - Episode IV protagonist could have been a girl (you can see her in concepts as well as an action figure)


Taken from here




Why opinion, that this is indeed a very complicated one to realise. I have so many thoughts now, and I can't remember having anything like that when I read the complete script for Episode II prior to its release. The same was with Episode III, because for the most part it included more or less already known and obvious things. But what would be here?

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A lot of what you said sounds logical and acceptable, Darth Plagueis is justa rumour, and one has to be able to draw a clear line between facts and rumours.




If Luke Skywalker would have a son in episode 7, especially one that is falling to the dark side, it's heavy, could they even deal with it in one movie?

I still like to think that the trilogy will have a united storyline to follow, as Lucas did with the previous episodes.  I also think about Rosh Penin now...


 " a spectacular sequence involving the destruction of a very familiar ship " Falcon? maybe. Death of Han Solo? unlikely, atleast during the 7th episode.

That would be a huge shock to the audience who are eager to see the origal trio from the Star Wars movie from 1977. I don't think they'd kill anyone in EP7.


Han Solo disguised as a stormtrooper, however, is something the audience would love to see :lol:





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Having looked through the above posts and rumours one more time, I just thought, that in reality Star Wars follows a path circle. It's what we see in many sources, including KOTOR. Besides, Darth Vader says the same in Episode IV. "The circle is now complete".


I am saying all this, because:


taking into account that these spoilers are partly true, then we have a reverse story - not son and his fathr, who fell to the Dark Side, but the son, who joined the evil in his attempt. I also think, that it's not a coincidence, that we see the main villain holding Vader's mask. Perhaps that's something of a hint here...


Possible, that we will know the father-son relation in the end of Episode VII.



Anyways, the prophecy of the Chosen one was fullfilled, but does it mean, that nothing else can happen? Perhaps the balance exists, but it can be broaken? The prophecy says nothig about it, but why not?

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If the movies indeed include a new generation of Skywalkers then its kinda given to see some father-son relation. The prophecy was already fulfilled in my opinion.
So many rumours flying around the internet that I find it hard to make any serious conclusions yet, especially as I find each rumour a very possible plot twist. :D


Grandson of Anakin



For the new generation to live in a universe full of ruined cities and old battlefields, where nobody wants to remember the Old Republic and the Clone Wars,

the best source of information would be a CloneWars veteran (hence the importance of Max von Sydow) he could tell all about the first suspicions about the Sith returning.

Would the grandson of Anakin Skywalker be intrigued by the Dark Side for any reason, there could be a good chance for us to learn more about the prophecy.

Not only that, he would be a powerful enemy for the entire new trilogy and not only episode 7, perhaps indeed Luke is approach to talk sense to his son?




Did Darth Sidious create Anakin Skywalker?



The Prophecy=

It was an ancient propechy, thought to have been created by the earliest Jedi philosophers, to the Jedi it meant an ideal state in which the Force existed in nature. According to Jedi dogma, the presence of the dark side corrupted and destroyed this natural balance, and the Jedi viewed it as their duty to restore it.


Palpatine revealed in Episode 3 that his master, Darth Plagueis taught Sidious a way to create life, among many other dark secrets.


So Anakin was intentionally created by someone and Palpatine organized the Trade Federation to form a blockade of battleships around the planet Naboo.

From there it was only a matter of time when there would be nagotiators send there, again, with Palaptines opinion on the desk, Qui-Gon was sent to negotiate.
Qui-Gon Jinn was influenced by Sidious via Count Dooku, about the importance of the propechy about the chosen one.  Once Anakin became a padawan, Palpatine then started to brainwash Anakin, even into beliving he could help him to save Padmé and carefully lured him to the Dark Side and blah blah we know how the story goes.


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They said, that the "veteran" would tell more than just about the Sith. I find it curious, that he survived two full-scale wars, it's as if you meet a person, who survived WWI and WWII.


As for the offspring of Luke... It would be interesting - it is clear, that this character would be "damaged" both physically and spiritually. And there must some kind of pre-story for that. Some say, an explanation would be in Episode VII.


I wouldn't like to go into investigating too much on prequels here... But Qui Gon knew of the prophecy not from Dooku, or at least it wasn't manipulated by Sidious (there was no connection yet by that time). Though it is official that Plaguies manipulated the midiclorians to create Anakin, I believe, that it was the Force, which manipulated Plaguies into experimenting with itself.


By the time of the Empire, Palpatine needed no longer any traditional Sith teachings or Rule of two - he surpassed any other of his predecessors. That is why the Galactic Empire consisted for the most part of Imperial bureaucrats like Mass Amedda and Imperial military like Motti, Needa, Jerjerrod and of course - Tarkin. However when the Empire fell, it was taken over by the secret power of Palpatine - the Inquisitors. It is possible Episode VII would evolve around someone else, but it left its mark, I think, so that is why the Empire would be different in Episode VII...

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They said, that the "veteran" would tell more than just about the Sith. I find it curious, that he survived two full-scale wars, it's as if you meet a person, who survived WWI and WWII.


Thats why I keep thinking that there must be something sinister about his character.  He is either very old, or ... maybe he is Darth Plagueis :P

Ofcourse he can really be just an old wise guy who  will lead them young ones to their own adventures, the kind of adventures that made Han Solo famous.


I've always liked his dramatic low voice, it's very iconic.



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And some new images, or well... maybe not the latest, but not yet shown here atleast;

 " Puzzlewood "








These knotted trees and winding paths of the forest, suggest a return to Dagobah

or to the Forest Moon of Endor, inhabited by the Ewoks, atleast that's the first assumption.




Pieces of film kit scattered around the beauty spot, the crew having moved out.





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It's a wonder we've seen so many pictures of so many locations... To sum it up, here is a list of probable planets, we might see in Episode VII.



- Unknown desert planet (not Tatooine, almost confirmed, and there were no jawas!) The first to be revealed, showing rusty remnants of Imperial walkers and minor cities. This was believed to be the starting point and where we see the characters of D.R. and Boyega for the first time.

- Green Planet with hangars possibly a new location, where a Republic base is located. Two characters of Driver and Christie are spotted in orange uniform and cloak respectively.

- Yavin IV (confirmed by concept art) is home to the older Rebel base, which is seen at one point in the film. The previous planet is not Yavin.

- Planet with cliffs and a tower was mentioned in a rumour and later revelaed in concept art. Filmed for three days it might include only a scene or two outside, whilst in the interior might have been filmed elsewhere.

Corellia mentioned almost a year ago, the hint was - the planet mentioned in OT and seen in SWTOR, that's what one person said.

Ice planet Roger Moore said he saw a scene in ice, and some stipulated that might be Hoth.

Possible space station the rumours from the script suggest, that the villain is building a new superweapon somewhere in the Galaxy. Somehow I recalled the unfinished episode of Clone Wars, where Yoda says, that superweapons have always been a threat, based in the past on kyber crystals of massive power.




The latest screens of a forest might suggest, that this is either part of the cliff planet of from Yavin... Or perhaps this is a new location indeed?


There would an indirect mentioning of Endor nonetheless, one concept art suggests that. Of course they might have made it out of curiosity and for metaphore purposes, but if we see such a seen with the villain holding one particular object in his hand... Then he or his agents travelled to Endor and might have come across the local population.


As for Max von Sydow - I am planning to rewatch some of his works. I already had a look on Shutter Island and Judge Dredd (old one). I also remember Robin Hood and Minority report, where he played a major bad guy. Funny I don't remember him in What Dreams May Come. Perhaps I should have a look on filmography of others as well.

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I totally agree with you; with so much concept art revealed, it's hard to say what planets exactly we'll be seeing in the Film.
If the Puzzlewood  location isn't a new planet, could it be Kashyyk? Endor was originally shot at the Redwood National and State Parks, so why not this time?

Dagobah is also a planet that could most likely be shot indoors with green screen, but ofcourse it would be nice to see as little green as possible. *fingers crossed* :D


I know I said this before, however...


Multiple sources claim that the current working title for Episode VII is The Ancient Fear. Abrams hasn't responded to this, so it remains as a rumor for now..

http://www.starwars7news.com/2014/05/speculation-case-for-darth-plagueis-in.html  quote;

"he (source) sent me a scoop that the title for STAR WARS EPISODE VII was THE ANCIENT FEAR "

"he also stated that “it refers to Max Von Sydow’s villain who makes Pazuzu look like a pussy!”


(Pazuzu was a demon, one of Satan’s minions, in The Exorcist.) so we’re talking PURE EVIL!!

This would make him the second villain of the movie alongside Adam Driver’s character, who is said to be the equivalent to Darth Vader.

And according to John Morton who played “Dak” in the Empire Strikes Back, the villain is going to bridge the whole franchise together.





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