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How long have you been a part of the JK community?

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Since 2009 for me. Discovered smash bros characters fighting eachother with lightsabers on youtube, found out the game was Jedi Academy. That's why I got it.


Then I discovered makermod, became a builder for many years, played through dark forces I, II, and jedi outcast, and since then have been part of the JK community for quite some time :).


P.S: I used to be a crazy palpatine fan by the way, even more so than I was before I joined JKHUB.






Flynn, Link, Bek and 1 other like this

I feel like Obi-Wan Kenobi in A New Hope!! Ive been with the JK series since 98. Started playing online with Dark Forces 2 and Mysteries of the Sith on MSN Zone! Counted down the days until Jedi Outcast was released. Played the Leaked version of Jedi Academy, not sure how many people remembered that! Then been with Jedi Academy ever since!! I have my periods of where I play the game, but I miss the glory days the excitement of Star Wars with other fans of the game.


I remember that!  I remember not liking it, lol.


I remember that!  I remember not liking it, lol.



It was mostly siege gameplay. I have the files around here somewhere just finding them is the thing. lol


It was mostly siege gameplay. I have the files around here somewhere just finding them is the thing. lol


The one I had was SP and I can't remember any MP... at least I never did MP until it was officially released.


There was a SP demo for both JK2 and JKA. The JK2 one was cool because it was basically a bonus mission.


It wasn't a demo, it was the full game that had been leaked.  It was beta or alpha.


I'm a bit late to the game, I first played got my hands on JK2 during either 2007 or 2008. Didn't discover MP until a few months later because my launcher didn't include MP as an option, but of course it was still a part of the game.

I got JK3 2 years later on the PC just because I wanted to play with VM's Vader model in SP. Yes, I got the game just for that. The model was amazing to me, at the time. I very rarely play jk3 MP.

I even had the Xbox version of JK3 prior to getting the PC version, and I bought JK2 for the Gamecube two years ago because I wanted a console experience for JK2. Gave that shit away pretty quickly. 


I bought the game about 1 week after release JK2 that is but it didn't work on my computer.  My friend kept playing for a year or so and I had acquired a new computer and went out and bought the game again and it worked the second time and I have always kept my interest with JK2.  I never played dark forces but I will play most Star Wars games I see.  I remember playing 'ol Rebel Assault back in the day which I still have a copy of and Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds I also have a copy of and will pick up and play every once in a while.


Back when I started playing JK2, My friend who played lived 5 hour drive from me and it became a past time of ours, We would conference call eachother and we got our other buddy Jres to join in, then I one day decided to start up a clan since we used a clan name to identify each other when we didn't have a clan I decided to make it official and recruit some clan members.  Today, I have logged into multiplayer once in about a year or so.  Lately it's kind of just become a hobby to revisit GTk radiant and fool around with making some areas, Now I have a few custom maps I have been working on for a total of almost a year now off and on (minus work done previously back in the day) that I keep saying aren't far from being completed.  I just remember joining my first clan and this guy told me to download something, when I did it was my first custom map I had ever seen.  I remember telling the guy I want to make maps that day and since then I have probably worked on about 100 custom maps or so.  Most of you guys just know of a few maps I have published, years ago  my old clan had 6 dedicated servers just for our clan and one public server.  One server was dedicated to custom maps and I would test a lot of stuff with clan members back in the day I would make.  Those were some good times.  I actually turn 40 years old this year!  Some people like to crochet and solve crossword puzzles as a hobby at my age but for some reason I still enjoy building stuff in Radiant :)  If nobody was still playing these games I probably would not put much effort into making new stuff for them but since I have received such an enjoyment playing these games over the years I'm glad I could find some time to give something back to a commmunity that is still holding on to what I enjoyed about the game for so many years.  I have a little something new I have in store for you guys I hope to let ya know about soon.  I hope it may get some other people interested in mapping with the influx of new players to JK3 recently.  I want to end this insanity but for some reason I keep getting drawn back into it lol.


Most games lately are all kill, kill, kill with respect to mmorpg's which are all grind, grind, grind, kill, kill, kill, grind.  SWTOR I actually like the fighting pretty well in that game compared to say JK3 in some respects.  I have a few f2p charracters in that game still.  I did subscribe for 6 months or so and had a few max level characters.  I haven't played SWTOR in a while but JK2 always brings me back :)  SWTOR has gotten pretty bad with all of the f2p stuff you can buy in game from the developers, that's where they make most of their money now.  "Want a new cool mount?  Well give us real currency for some fake currency and you can buy stuff that has a chance of dropping that new mount or item you want.  And don't worry, if you don't get the mount you want just send us more money and we will give you more fake currency to buy more stuff.  That gets old pretty quick.  JK2 and 3 will live on forever!


....oh.....and May the 4th be with you!  (which isn't too far away)

  • 2 weeks later...

I feel like Obi-Wan Kenobi in A New Hope!! Ive been with the JK series since 98. Started playing online with Dark Forces 2 and Mysteries of the Sith on MSN Zone! Counted down the days until Jedi Outcast was released. Played the Leaked version of Jedi Academy, not sure how many people remembered that! Then been with Jedi Academy ever since!! I have my periods of where I play the game, but I miss the glory days the excitement of Star Wars with other fans of the game.

Haha I use to play DF2/MotS on MSN Zone too, Valley of the Jedi was a fun map, even though dueling sucked at that time. Played from the release of Jedi Outcast and met Darkstar, Soulkeeper, Incognito, a few others and we formed Master. I've played ever since, had a couple of hiatuses one shortly after the release of JKA, and one recently. I remember my clan on MSN Zone for MotS was {DSW} Drunken Saber Warriors lol


I used to go to a neighbor's house to play Dark Forces on his computer. That wasn't even in the 21th century. It's been far too long.


I've played the games since mid-2000s


Never really took part in the community, although nowadays I'm playing around with the textures for my own personal amusement

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