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EPVII Stormtrooper

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Model download:

<a data-ipb="nomediaparse" data-cke-saved-href="http://www.mediafire.com/download/cl3e3f03f6709o0/Hoffy" href="http://www.mediafire.com/download/cl3e3f03f6709o0/Hoffy" s+z6+riot+control+baton.7z"="">http://www.mediafire.com/download/cl3e3f03f6709o0/Hoffy's+Z6+Riot+Control+Baton.7z



Looks quite traitorous. 

Darth Sion likes this
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Might be best to stop giving suggestions for things DT can port, guys. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he's made it clear that he doesn't do that and always makes things from scratch and it can come across as disrespectful to suggest the hard work a modeller puts into their projects can be supplanted with something that remains a mildly controversial grey area.

Jeff and Jolly like this
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The porting requests should really stop as a whole anyway. While the admins here may have decided to allow it on a tentative basis, you're not going to find many people here that know HOW to do it, actually be WILLING to do it, as regardless it is in violation of the EULA, likely for both JK/A and the source games.

Jolly likes this
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I used to port early on (KOTOR heads slapped on HS Kenobi anyone? :D), but I don't anymore. Sure it's faster to port something, but less rewarding than to make it yourself.


I'll make sure there's no more ports in MBII but tbh, I haven't checked to see if there is any in there now. :P





Yeah, I'm guilty of using 3d reference to help with proportions but not to 'trace' around it.

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I used to port early on (KOTOR heads slapped on HS Kenobi anyone? :D), but I don't anymore. Sure it's faster to port something, but less rewarding than to make it yourself.


I'll make sure there's no more ports in MBII but tbh, I haven't checked to see if there is any in there now. :P





Yeah, I'm guilty of using 3d reference to help with proportions but not to 'trace' around it.


That's why I put Quote marks around the word Trace because I couldn't think of the correct term at that moment. 3D Reference is the correct term. :)

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