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target_speaker volume

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Is there a way to adjust the volume or range of a sound? For instance. I have a forcefield sound that you can hear almost through the whole area I have mapped, but then I place another target speaker with an ambiant loop in it, yet, I only hear this for maybe max 192 grid units and than its gone (fades out very quickly, while it is pretty loud) So is there a way to extend it, more to speak. 


I opened the sound textfile, showing me all the sound files. Does anybody know what the last numbers mean for each file, for example the one I use


generalSet cairn_energy
timeBetweenWaves 0 0
loopedWave ambience/cairn/cairn_energy
volRange 240 250


I have this running as a soundSet in a target speaker. What is this volRange? Does this mean the sound only plays for over 250 units from the map around the target_speaker?

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Is there a way to adjust the volume or range of a sound? For instance. I have a forcefield sound that you can hear almost through the whole area I have mapped, but then I place another target speaker with an ambiant loop in it, yet, I only hear this for maybe max 192 grid units and than its gone (fades out very quickly, while it is pretty loud) So is there a way to extend it, more to speak. 


I opened the sound textfile, showing me all the sound files. Does anybody know what the last numbers mean for each file, for example the one I use


generalSet cairn_energy
timeBetweenWaves 0 0
loopedWave ambience/cairn/cairn_energy
volRange 240 250


I have this running as a soundSet in a target speaker. What is this volRange? Does this mean the sound only plays for over 250 units from the map around the target_speaker?


You can't adjust the sound on the target_speaker in these games. I've been down this road with my first map a while ago. Those numbers are the units the sounds should be audible from. I think I tried to modify the soundSet text file w/ different rages but it didn't work


When you hear it all over are you checking the global checkbox? That'll make it audible all over the map. 






For instance. I have a forcefield sound that you can hear almost through the whole area I have mapped, but then I place another target speaker with an ambiant loop in it, yet, I only hear this for maybe max 192 grid units and than its gone (fades out very quickly, while it is pretty loud) 


Explain this a bit better cause i'm confused on what you are asking :) Are you comparing the same sounds ?

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Explain this a bit better cause i'm confused on what you are asking :) Are you comparing the same sounds ?



i am using a forcefield soundset on my func_usable

localSet forcefield
timeBetweenWaves 0 0
loopedWave ambience/prototype/forcefieldhum
volRange 253 255
radius 300

I can actually hear it from pretty far (as soon as I step up the elevator when I spawn I can hear the hum from far away and when i get closer it gets louder, but not as in very loud, but its a present active sound you can hear). 


volrange 240 250 means that the volume will be chosen randomly between 240 and 250 - full volume is 255. You probably want to set the radius to something larger - if it isn't given, it defaults to 250.


I can set a radius on this within the target_speaker?

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i am using a forcefield soundset on my func_usable

localSet forcefield
timeBetweenWaves 0 0
loopedWave ambience/prototype/forcefieldhum
volRange 253 255
radius 300

I can actually hear it from pretty far (as soon as I step up the elevator when I spawn I can hear the hum from far away and when i get closer it gets louder, but not as in very loud, but its a present active sound you can hear). 



I can set a radius on this within the target_speaker?



Load the sound file into Audacity, drop the amplification, and that may help.

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