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How to delete part of the mesh by simple selection?

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Okay, so here's the case. I'm doing some modeling in Blender, and I found some work hard. Take a look at this: http://scr.hu/22as/st7ah

Okay, so I took model from spanki's pack, with Anakin hair meshes on it, and I wanted to add fedora. However, which is obvious, one mesh works his way on another one, so it all looks like crap. My plan is to duplicate all of the see-through meshes, and delete few parts on the duplicats. However, I still found it hard to complete. 
I can delete either faces, edges or verts from mesh, but I would really like to just select the whole area (for example with square selection, if something like that exist) and delete it from that point. Why can't I just work with 3 basic selections? Well, it's not really accurate and making it look good is very hard. Have you got any ideas of how can I pull it off?
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Okay guys, thanks to your posts I finally managed to get the effect I wanted...... buuuuuut it is never that easy ;D. Look at what do I have here: head, head_back and hair untouched, their duplicates: head_face_fedora, head_back_fedora, hair_fedora and the fedora mesh itself: head_fedora. The duplicates are basically cut to the point I want them to be. Their names are, for example:


Object name: head_face_fedora_0

Object data: head_face_fedora_0

Ghoul 2 Properties name: head_face_fedora.


All the same pattern. However, when I export my model, and go to the default.skin file to make some settings, it won't work. Here is how it looks right now: http://scr.hu/22as/ud4b9. I go to the modview, and it doesn't read new surfaces, like they are not here (I mean it says that "surface xyz does not exist"). It's all set to right hierarchy (linked), so I have no idea what to do. Anyone experienced can help me out with this one? 

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Is there even something called head_hair_fedora on the model?  You've listed head_face_fedora, head_back_fedora, hair_fedora, and head_fedora, but I see no head_hair_fedora.


You can also pull down the console in Blender by dragging the window underneath the File Add Render etc bar.  If you export the model and scroll down in the console, you might see something highlighted in red if it's wrong.

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I'm sure every needed mesh is on its place, I might have been saying it wrong but I believe that's not the case.

Here is what the console says (I'll be honest, it doesn't say anything to me)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Przemek\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.66\scripts\addons\jediacademy\JAG2Operators.py", line 177, in execute
    success, message = scene.loadModelFromBlender(filepath, self.gla)
  File "C:\Users\Przemek\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.66\scripts\addons\jediacademy\JAG2Scene.py", line 86, in loadModelFromBlender
    success, message = self.glm.loadFromBlender(glm_filepath_rel, gla_filepath_rel, self.basepath)
  File "C:\Users\Przemek\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.66\scripts\addons\jediacademy\JAG2GLM.py", line 979, in loadFromBlender
    success, message = self.LODCollection.loadFromBlender(rootObjects, surfaceIndexMap, boneIndexMap, skeleton_object)
  File "C:\Users\Przemek\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.66\scripts\addons\jediacademy\JAG2GLM.py", line 850, in loadFromBlender
    success, message = LOD.loadFromBlender(model_root, surfaceIndexMap, boneIndexMap, armatureObject)
  File "C:\Users\Przemek\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.66\scripts\addons\jediacademy\JAG2GLM.py", line 787, in loadFromBlender
    success, message = surf.loadFromBlender(available[name], boneIndexMap, armatureObject)
  File "C:\Users\Przemek\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.66\scripts\addons\jediacademy\JAG2GLM.py", line 533, in loadFromBlender
    for vertexIndex, uv in zip(face.vertices, [ uv_loops[face.loop_start + i].uv for i in range( 3 )]):
  File "C:\Users\Przemek\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.66\scripts\addons\jediacademy\JAG2GLM.py", line 533, in <listcomp>
    for vertexIndex, uv in zip(face.vertices, [ uv_loops[face.loop_start + i].uv for i in range( 3 )]):
IndexError: list index out of range

location: <unknown location>:-1

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