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Master Server list Down.

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Triple posting won't make it go any faster. Merged. :)



It looks like Raven's master server is up again right now.

Looks like it worked!  :P

Jokes aside, good to know it's back up. Probably related to the Bundle, yeah. Lets hope it lasts a bit longer this time.

Circa likes this

With the new Raven master server being hosted on the Windows Azure infrastructure, it should be much better protected against DDOS attacks :)


/me ducks before it happens again


my server doesnt show and i think its because of my ip tables... does anyone know the IP to the master servers of raven? id like to white list them but i dont know the ip. masterjk3.ravensoft.com simply redirects to which when i ping, just drops my 4 packets so surely this cant be it? (i tried whitelisting it but it didnt help)


If that's what you're being redirected to then that should be the IP address. Computers/servers don't have to reply to pings so the fact that it's not responding could mean that raven have disabled the ping response.


ah well i did whitelist it but no luck... cant be the ddos protection then


why are my servers suddenly not showing up in master server but they work fine in JEDI tracker, gametracker, favourite list and others can connect etc... :(

  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm...any news from Ravensoft why is it down again? Wasn't it suposed to get DDOS protection?


Could be anything, even with the best protection you can't fully protect against DDoS attacks.

ShakeThatSalt, Vartex and Futuza like this

Ravensoft MS is vulnerable to a specific DoS type, anyone can do it literally at home because it doesn't require sending packets at very high frequency. The problem probably lies inside the application itself. I won't go into details obviously but I'm wondering if there is a way to contact them about this.


That's sad, I hope the master server will not be off for another 2 months :(


All the servers that use the alternative master lists such as hubs or ouneds means there is still some real people hosting those servers at least, someone took the time to setup use of the alternative master lists.  Only thing lost with the default master list down is over half the servers up on that list are dead and just left hosted for who knows what reason which is more depressing than the master list being down.


Considering I seen the master list show up for a split second, it's obvious that it is not only being DDOSed but the person can't even keep the list down on a constant level which means it's just a script kiddie who can't do any real achievements in life to be known and has to resort to bring down a pointless server list with programs/etc that he didn't even make in an old/dieing game.  That's as pathetic as kotf mod.  Either way they're broadcasting ips and if people want they can just foreward there DDOS antics/logs to the proper authorities and such so they can be dealt with.  This crap is as pointless as the modern swatting crap.  People are willing to use simple programs/take time out of peoples days to deal with there crap all for a risk of a mixture of attention and spending 5+ years in jail or prison.  Trust me when I say this, the people doing this are absolute morons and the more they do it the more they will slip up and be easier to be caught.  No matter how much you proxy or delete your history or wipe your harddrives, you still leave a paper trail even on the internet.


Considering how many alternatives there are in place plus it doesn't stop anyone from being able to play in the least, this is an absolute waste of time.  Boohoo they got kicked out of a clan or they didn't get council level admin or the server they play at has rules they don't agree with, big deal.  Whose the one resorting to this level of childishness, that's the real big baby for you.


Raven has probably most likely been contacted anyway and just use one of the alternative lists, see actual servers that still have a real brain behind them and hosted still in the spirit of the game itself and not just tons of dead servers left up to rot like over half the servers on the master list.

Aldro Koon and Futuza like this


Considering I seen the master list show up for a split second, it's obvious that it is not only being DDOSed but the person can't even keep the list down on a constant level which means it's just a script kiddie who can't do any real achievements in life to be known and has to resort to bring down a pointless server list with programs/etc that he didn't even make in an old/dieing game.  That's as pathetic as kotf mod.  Either way they're broadcasting ips and if people want they can just foreward there DDOS antics/logs to the proper authorities and such so they can be dealt with.  This crap is as pointless as the modern swatting crap.  People are willing to use simple programs/take time out of peoples days to deal with there crap all for a risk of a mixture of attention and spending 5+ years in jail or prison.  Trust me when I say this, the people doing this are absolute morons and the more they do it the more they will slip up and be easier to be caught.  No matter how much you proxy or delete your history or wipe your harddrives, you still leave a paper trail even on the internet.

The trouble with bot networks is sometimes the machines being used to do it are not doing so willingly or knowingly and/or located in jurisdictions outside of the USA and are thus basically untouchable unless there's some kind of serious crime the FBI or similar organization would actually be interested in.  Plus some of these 'innocent' bots being used could be held responsible, but not actually have anything to do with it.  Unless the scrip kiddy is making some serious mistakes with covering his trail, I doubt he'll ever really be caught, at least in connection to his JKA exploits.  For something like this, it isn't likely we'll actually see anyone being caught or brought down, still maybe he'll make a mistake and get convicted/caught.

JKG Developer


Considering I seen the master list show up for a split second, it's obvious that it is not only being DDOSed but the person can't even keep the list down on a constant level which means it's just a script kiddie  [...]

Now that Raven are hosting their master server on the Windows Azure infrastructure, if they are in fact being attacked, I wouldn't say it's just a script kiddie. The master server doesn't just get hosted on a single virtual server. It can move, divide and distribute itself across many servers. I very much doubt a single person would have enough bandwidth to take the server down, and that would not even constitute a DDoS anyway (the first D stands for distributed). Then again, it could be a problem with the master server application itself like @ufoooo says.

Futuza likes this

We're again, dealing with a very old game.  A bot network for something more or less obscure in the eyes of major public related people and gaming as a whole.  I just can't see a major bot network adding into this.  Perhaps a lot of older folks all compiling there resources together.  But again, what is the point?  We have ouneds and jkhub.  If those ones are still up but only 1 out of those 3 master servers is going down, this is most likely in the ballpark/field of a single person or a few others taking down one master server without the energy/resources to do other ones.  Even if all went down we have master lists.  What makes something like JK great is we have absolute control over the modding capabilities regardless.  We can adapt to the situations and even with what we have left with modders they can ALWAYS also aid in an alternative means.  Even not to long ago with gametrackers servers being attacked we still had the community and such in place to aid in those issues and remedy it now didn't we.


Old ID games from the wad era not only have there own out of game server browser BUT also master list and that probably through the years has been hit with attacks, but it is STILL up and going.  So quite honestly I give more credit to the injenuity of the community coming up with ways to survive so long as the spirit and interest is there to prolong the life of a game and in regards to JA it is obviously there, same with JO to a certain point.  I don't wanna think or assume that it is some large group cause I highly doubt it is.  We're dealing with a small minority.  Who with more advance deepweb levels of knowledge would go after/attack an older programed video game?  Such people have no interest in something like JK series as a whole and even if they did consider we even have jkhub.org up it's safe to say this is a narrow minded person/individuals who think taking the master list down will effect anything.  People around the clock are playing on some shape or form so it honestly hasn't effect a single thing.  Think about it, a lot of what is left still use the master lists, not word of mouth, to keep activity up and going not just for there servers but for all people still playing.  None of those active players want to see the game die outright because there is still a deep love for the core game regardless of how anyone plays whether it is MBII on one extreme to the basic lighter end mods of FFA to the basejka of duel servers.  Who ever is doing this is a minority even for what is left with a community, this is a minority that is most likely smaller than what is left with full forcers on ffa servers or hell even ctf and duel server players.


See the server in the ffa list with the penis emoticon or the other one with the starting ip of 184?  I seen the recent what is on your mind posted on jkhub and one of the ips posted for the ddos attack on jkhubs master list also started with an 184 ip.  Also the ips attacking even jkhubs master list was literally limited to about 4 ips or so.  I know this might border on conspiracy for some folks but it really is a small minority/crowd.  Even back to the days of botting which might still happen to some servers, those people who did that were using someone elses (luigis) content to do that.  These aren't organized or really strong/power people.  These are people who probably even visit jkhub or have others be a mouth piece to post/talk through on community forums and jkhub as well as browse these kinda forums to see the kinda reactions they get out of people.  I feel sorry for such people cause again this leaves a paper trail and honestly bot networks require knowledge to pull off, I don't see people in a game like JK with bot networks pulling off any of the DDOS with the fact you can get ANY DDOS information or potential program to do that stuff.  I feel these kinda things are done from specific peoples computers, no point proxy that crap cause it will slow up your connection to much to slow the master lists up, but considering even the hub posted shout was from specific ips which was like what I seen 4 unique ones this is a very small group of people doing this for whatever stupid reason it might be.  I think these people should openly talk cause all they do is at the most maybe piss people off, but we can still play.  If these people have a problem they should talk with it, even if it is at the hub.  I'm sick of baby sitting admins but if these people are willing to go to this exstent these are most likely people who probably played for years and are on a junkie level of burned out and miserable.


A game you knew/loved didn't go in the direction you wanted it to, we all feel that way and pain but the fact is DDOS doesn't stop a single person from playing.  They go after the master list but how many servers do people regularlly visit do you see down?  They go after the bigger target that might slow some people down but with the proper information in place, it doesn't stop anyone from getting to the community as a whole anyway which a few of us have done via the steam forums.  This is purely childish and it only ends when we either engage these people in a proper conversation or they get busted.  I would personally prefer a proper conversation because we can all learn something from one another.  If it gets to the point that borders on legal action, that is just gonna personally make there lives a living hell and I have better things to do than wish hell fire on a person who is either missunderstood, waving a dick around which borders on attention, and someone who just wants a serious discussion without all the childish crap with the community kinda is these days in a sense but things change/evolve with time we need to accept that.  We have brains/mouths and we do more justice putting them to use rather than think we're doing the greater doing doing crap which might actually kill something faster, and I outright refuse to believe anyone DDOSing for example wants to kill the game itself, no one I feel who hits skilled enough levels in JK even would do crap if it outright killed it cause what is the alternative to a game as open as the FFA variation of JK games?  There isn't any.  No cash shop crap, no p2p, no skill bars, etc.  :shifty:


If you have to restore to script kiddie levels of attention, you aren't worth anyones attention minus "oh look, the master list is back up" which is ultamitely more so what people talk about than the specific people doing this crap.  That's how much they care or have interest in the people pulling this crap.  They're an inconvinence and nothing else.  They will be forgotten as soon as they started.


Good lord, the amount of FUD and people wrong on the internet in this thread is terrifying.


I can't speak from the technical level just a general level of how I view it, like anyone else minus those who have in depth knowledge of it.  Either way, it annoys and inconvinences people and blah blah blah is the best summerization I got. :shifty:

Caelum likes this

See the server in the ffa list with the penis emoticon or the other one with the starting ip of 184?  I seen the recent what is on your mind posted on jkhub and one of the ips posted for the ddos attack on jkhubs master list also started with an 184 ip.  Also the ips attacking even jkhubs master list was literally limited to about 4 ips or so.  I know this might border on conspiracy for some folks but it really is a small minority/crowd





I lol'd at that part, glad that you admit that it may sound ridicoulous. Because it does, rofl.




I lol'd at that part, glad that you admit that it may sound ridicoulous. Because it does, rofl.


Even in the server browser you see same servers with heavily altered source code showing off servers though whatever altered roughly the same.  So obviously these are probably same people also.  What would they do if all servers, communities/clans banned them or removed them across the board even with range banned or banned on more specific levels of the persons specific computer level hardware whatever.  Drinking and I can't think of it.  But even peoples specfic computers have id based addresses, not MAC sure people who are more in depth can point that out, but if you remove and ostracize these people on that level.  Would they possibly continue with what they're doing if no one accepted them in the JA community at all?


I don't seriously see these people targeting JK2 or Dark Forces 2/MOTS so these are JA specific clowns who are acting out and my point is if these people are acting out, why?  If don't see why no one can communicate like human beings on these kinda things and come to some kinda resolution in regards to why they do this.  I see no point in why they do this cause we have plenty of options in place in spite of what they're doing regardless.  To me it is a wasted effort, energy that would be better placed in either making maps or server side mods with bug fixes that the community as a whole can make use of.  To me it is a pure waste of talent that doesn't help the community in any way to grow and thrive but rather rots it and reduces it more so.


Even the people who are stopping the master lists they must realize with all the alternatives in place even on personal computers and a community of some kind that talks by word of mouth that this is a waste of effort.  What is the real reason behind this.  If it is because the game is complete crap or corrupt, they're only really stopping the uninformed people (who again we reach out via steam with jkhub and alternative server browers to find the in game communities) from getting to the core game with servers who have the most players which don't always reflect the core community in regards to prolonging the life span of the game itself.


Basically these people are do childish levels of more harm than good, but I'm talking like literally miniscule levels of harm.  If the influx of new people was large then we would have to put more resources to reach out but I think across the board lot of us are on the same page with that anyway so again it comes down to a wasted effort to get peoples attention so it comes back to, what is the real point behind this.  Are these peoples feelings hurt, are they learning some kinda code, are they trying to exercise some kinda control, are they unhappy the game is not what it once was, and so forth.  I have no idea to people start talking about this kinda stuff more in depth.


I only pointed out an error that you made with the quoted IP part, which supposedly led you to your conspiracy theory. I don't care about the rest of your posts' content


I only pointed out an error that you made with the quoted IP part, which supposedly led you to your conspiracy theory. I don't care about the rest of your posts' content


I'm speaking generaly, I'm speaking from speculation I have no idea what conspiracy people form.  My view is it inconviences new folks but for older folks we'll make use of alternative master lists and favorite lists/direct connects to still play with folks.


I still maintain the fact these people should openly speak direclty about why they resort to these methods to pull this crap cause it has no real impact on the people actually playing anyway.  Cause the worst extreme is if they pull this crap in JK servers for an old/dieing game who knows where they might branch out from that and if they get busted by law enforcement/etc they should at least look at something like this that some people might engage with them now on these matters and such to understand where they're coming from.  It just seems like a cry for attention or trying to send a message to folks which means people who wanna talk about whatever which they can't get in there current social circles being similar mindsets to them aka wanting a more diverse opinion than what they are currently getting.  Probably wont happen, but that's just mean looking for the best in people than just general pessimism of some one being bad/evil cause it's to cool for school to be that way whatever.  I think that general mindset is crap but this is one persons view/mindset over a general crowd of folks.


I think Iggy Pop said it best, "power nerds".


So much drama.

Ravensoft MS is vulnerable to a specific DoS type, anyone can do it literally at home because it doesn't require sending packets at very high frequency. The problem probably lies inside the application itself. I won't go into details obviously but I'm wondering if there is a way to contact them about this.

E-mail at www@ravensoft.com. Twitter DM @RavenSoftware. Telephone on +1 (608) 833-5791. Post to Raven Software, 8496 Greenway Blvd, Middleton, WI 53562, United States.

Now that Raven are hosting their master server on the Windows Azure infrastructure, if they are in fact being attacked, I wouldn't say it's just a script kiddie. The master server doesn't just get hosted on a single virtual server. It can move, divide and distribute itself across many servers. I very much doubt a single person would have enough bandwidth to take the server down, and that would not even constitute a DDoS anyway (the first D stands for distributed). Then again, it could be a problem with the master server application itself like @ufoooo says.

I don't think Raven have distributed the application yet, but I could be wrong. An application-level attack makes sense as they might have had to implement a new master server if they're making use of the Azure Cloud Services offering instead of Azure VMs. Or maybe they're just running their old master server application in an Azure VM, which means the exploit would have affected the old master server too.

Regardless of the cause, the JKHub Master Server is still alive and kicking, despite the barrage of fruitless attacks that happen every now and then. So there's an alternative there for anyone that needs it :)

Link likes this

Or maybe they're just running their old master server application in an Azure VM, which means the exploit would have affected the old master server too.


Didn't mention it in my 1st post but yes, Ravensoft MS was vulnerable on the old machine as well to the same kind of attack done with the same frequency.


Thank you for their contact info.

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