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Long time lurker, finally joined!


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Hi, everyone! Thought I would finally join the modding community. I go by Tavik, though that's not my real name - I came up with it for my player character when I was first playing KOTOR. I'm a bit of a jack of all trades of JO/JA modding, having some experience in almost every aspect of modifying the game. I've been helping Barricade24 by tweaking and frankensteining models for his skins, like the Skeletor request that he's been working on. Anyway, thank you all for making the JK community a great one and I'll see you all around the forums!

Onysfx, Barricade24 and Rooxon like this
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Sorry for a bit late welcome, but I was away for quite some time. I'm glad I see people still joining in here, even though it got a bit quiet during my leave. Anyhow, once again welcome and feel free to partake in anything you see interesting! There's actually a lot of things going on, some of them have just taken breaks because of the new college year starting. That's at least what's happening in my country.

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