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Quick mockup of the dialog box to edit floor options. Still need to add text box for grid size, but that's what I imagine it will look like roughly.



Please add a checker size or grid size option-- preferably matching the available grid divisions of GtKRadiant-- i.e., multiples of 2.


Like wise, IMO, I think the custom floor height should slide in increments that also match GtKRadiant divisions. A spinner box with a number display (so you can just type in the #) would take up less room and give you a numerical readout as well.


Also, would you add a grid size spinner box control (increment in multiples of 2)-- could control both the checker size and grid overlay size.


Nice work!

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Also, would you add a grid size spinner box control (increment in multiples of 2)-- could control both the checker size and grid overlay size.

What's the difference between checker size and grid overlay size? Do you mean for the checkered pattern and the wireframe grid?

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  • 1 month later...

Ah, sorry. After taking a break from everything this completely left my mind. I'll make sure I come back to it, but no updates for now. If people don't mind a half-working version, I can release what I've done so far. It includes a half assed fix for transparent textures (like on Chewie), the problem with it being that you can sometimes see all the way through the model where the texture is transparent.

Omicron likes this
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Ah, sorry. After taking a break from everything this completely left my mind. I'll make sure I come back to it, but no updates for now. If people don't mind a half-working version, I can release what I've done so far. It includes a half assed fix for transparent textures (like on Chewie), the problem with it being that you can sometimes see all the way through the model where the texture is transparent.

I'd love to tinker with the Mac version, if you want testers. :)

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Here's the build for Windows. You'll probably find a fair few things unfinished, but it should be useable on the whole:
OS X build to come soon.



I get "This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "windows". Reinstalling the application MAY fix this problem" when I attempt to run this version of Modview. Is the .zip missing a couple of dependent files/directories?

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It works! That 'platforms' directory looks like it has done the trick. Looking good so far, am liking the extra touches. Things like visible floors There are a couple of things that I noticed right away though;


- For models that have multiple varieties with surfaces, etc (such as the Clonetrooper packs), this version of Modview does not seem able to read when a particular surface has been turned off in the .skin file, instead choosing to load all surfaces on a model regardless of the skin - leading to a lot of untextured white surfaces being activated.

- No option to 'Prompt for GLA overrides during GLM load'. Will this feature be included in a future version?

- No option to view surfaces as double-sided or not.


It also feels like this version loads more quickly and smoothly than the base version, which is always a plus!

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Mac version opens successfully and I opened a model, but surfed off parts of models aren't actually hidden. Not sure if that's something you have yet to get to or not. Excellent work so far though!


Feel free to use the icon I made for my Wine version by the way, or let me know if you want me to make a new one:


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