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reclutamiento 2033

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Again, ENGLISH and not some Google translate thing . . .



If you cannot respect us by speaking the general language we ALL are speaking here (read: the English language), then I don't see any particular reason or reasons why we should respect you or even help you for that matter !! Hopefully the staff will pick this up further . . .


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Your statement of asking him to respect us by speaking English seems a bit disrespectful to him from my pov @@Apprentice :P


Back to the topic, I doubt anyone would take this up, as 1. the language barrier,  2. Most modellers are too busy with other things atm, and 3. You have just had Szico already fulfil two fairly large requests of converting models for you

Futuza and eezstreet like this
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Again, ENGLISH and not some Google translate thing . . .



If you cannot respect us by speaking the general language we ALL are speaking here (read: the English language), then I don't see any particular reason or reasons why we should respect you or even help you for that matter !! Hopefully the staff will pick this up further . . .

Well, that's a bit harsh, don't you think?


Google Translate is fine. It's great for people that don't want to take years learning how to speak a language. :P


He's been posting this request over and over, so I think he may just be desperate. I'd help him if I could.

Futuza, Omicron, Asgarath83 and 1 other like this
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Your statement of asking him to respect us by speaking English seems a bit disrespectful to him from my pov @@Apprentice :P

Well, that's a bit harsh, don't you think?

Nee, vind ik van niet. Ik ben en blijf van mening dat wanneer je een boodschap uitdraagt (of een vraag stelt), dat het gedaan moet worden in een taal dat OF wij allemaal kunnen spreken OF in een algehele taal welke lokaal gebruikt wordt, bijvoorbeeld in dit geval de Engelse taal. Ik vind het een teken van zeer weinig respect hebben wanneer er een persoon consequent dit niet doet en (in dit geval) herhaaldelijk zijn verzoeken doet in een taal wat maar misschien twee personen hier spreken.


Als deze persoon zich niet de moeite neemt om zijn verzoek en/of boodschap voor IEDEREEN kenbaar en vooral verstaanbaar te maken, waarom zou ik of ieder ander dan de moeite nemen om te gaan luisteren naar deze persoon en/of deze te helpen ?? Vertel het mij maar !!

Asgarath83 likes this


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Nee, vind ik van niet. Ik ben en blijf van mening dat wanneer je een boodschap uitdraagt (of een vraag stelt), dat het gedaan moet worden in een taal dat OF wij allemaal kunnen spreken OF in een algehele taal welke lokaal gebruikt wordt, bijvoorbeeld in dit geval de Engelse taal. Ik vind het een teken van zeer weinig respect hebben wanneer er een persoon consequent dit niet doet en (in dit geval) herhaaldelijk zijn verzoeken doet in een taal wat maar misschien twee personen hier spreken.


Als deze persoon zich niet de moeite neemt om zijn verzoek en/of boodschap voor IEDEREEN kenbaar en vooral verstaanbaar te maken, waarom zou ik of ieder ander dan de moeite nemen om te gaan luisteren naar deze persoon en/of deze te helpen ?? Vertel het mij maar !!

Why does that make you not respect him though? Just because he does not speak your language doesn't mean he doesn't deserve respect. It's not his fault that he doesn't know how to speak English. Just like I don't know how to speak Dutch.

Jeff, Futuza and Omicron like this
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for save models by a Church? O.o

well, there is The Sith cathedral map and some other maps about cathedral and churches, maybe he want download it, edit it, and build some custom level SP with models kidnapped inn the jails of the cathedrals?


Okay, maybe i need to be serious. Exactly, WHAT do you want @ ?

tutorials? suggestions? some people that work on your models \ skins \ map?

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Why does that make you not respect him though? Just because he does not speak your language doesn't mean he doesn't deserve respect. It's not his fault that he doesn't know how to speak English. Just like I don't know how to speak Dutch.

You're missing the point and at the same time, it proves mine. Nowhere do I speak of the fact that I don't respect him. What I did spoke of, was the sheer disrespect @ had for asking his questions in his native language rather then the English language. Again, a language most of us don't speak just as you don't speak Dutch and if you allow this to happpen, I can guarantee you that mayhem will ensue because no-one will be able to fully comprehend what the other is saying and that will be a situation you certainly do not wish, want or otherwise. Just look at the next example:


Okay, maybe i need to be serious. Exactly, WHAT do you want @ ?

tutorials? suggestions? some people that work on your models \ skins \ map?

I rest my case . . .


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for save models by a Church? O.o

well, there is The Sith cathedral map and some other maps about cathedral and churches, maybe he want download it, edit it, and build some custom level SP with models kidnapped inn the jails of the cathedrals?


Okay, maybe i need to be serious. Exactly, WHAT do you want @ ?

tutorials? suggestions? some people that work on your models \ skins \ map?

someone help me with models or for better understanding 
shaders to put my models
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