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NPC Animations the Protocol Droid

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I know that the protocol model uses a different set of animations...may need to look at it's entry in models/ to find out what it even has. Behaved should have it listed, you just have to scroll down, I think.


I never knew about looking for the animations so that's helpful.

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It doesn't have a typing animation, but the one you probably want is BOTH_TALKGESTURE1 in the protocol's animations.


This one is close, but not as good as the typing one. However, at a distance, it is not so bad. You'll be travelling down the rail system on the left and this is just something you'll see on your way to Imperial Base, carved into the rock wall. You can see the spark by the crosshair and from the angle traveling it'll look like the droid is messing with trying to fix it.


With the Imperial Worker, using the typing console animation and keeping his blaster makes it look like he's using a tool from a distance.



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Maybe a better solution would be to use an R5 droid. I always see those things doing this sort of job in the JK2 levels. ;)


Protocol droid will have some animation to it, R5's won't. That makes a difference. Plus, I have a tool cart there and it'd be easier for a humanoid droid to reach for something then an R5 or R2 Unit.  Yeah, I actually think like that when I do this stuff.  :rolleyes:

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