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mod idea

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hey guys! so i want to work with some people to make a mod id wanna call:
Jedi knight four. i know we have jedi betrayal but i have my own ideas...
and also jedi betrayal hasnt posted scince 2012 (no offense ashura D: )
so i just need some.. people to help me
so i need:

an awesome modeler
A mapper
voices (alot)


so i have progressed a micro bit like really really small
like by percentage:
Maps: 0%
Script: 0%
Skins: 2%
voices: 0%

i hope you guys plan on helping D:
also 2 of the skins i plan to use have already been submitted
reskins its still pending verification as of may 25 4:09 PM
i really hope this mod idea becomes a reality
you can just comment if you wanna join or have any comments


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and also jedi betrayal hasnt posted scince 2012 (no offense ashura D: )

Do you think that may be because such a huge project is hard to pull off? If so, you may want to consider that before starting one yourself.


Also, you may want to elaborate on your idea some more. "Jedi Knight 4" is somewhat vague.


(And before you ask: No, I'm not interested to join, just giving some tips.)

Omicron and NumberWan like this
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I almost stopped reading at 'mod idea' - we all have them




But really, my honest advice is ditch this idea before you waste time making yet another failed "sequel"

You'll be far more productive and feel more rewarded by completing smaller projects.

Sentra and Omicron like this
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well this involves post-jedi academy after 5 years or so in which jaden has been missing for five years and such
so to explain better ill just tell you the contents...
so at first one of the rebel scouts tell kyle that they have found a trace of jaden on kasshyk so this brings us to the prelouge
in which you have to fight some (not modeled yet) troopers which belong to the remains of the remnant forces...
so after that you get to some sorta secret entrance on the ground... which brings us to level one
so in level one you are inside (i forgot to mention you are kyle) an old abandoned base underground kashhyk with metalic and some grassy textures on the roofs and walls
so tipicaly there are dead rebels/wookies on the floors and walls prompting this voiced cinematic with kyle saying: what the hell happened here? he hears the noise of a mutated wookie (to be modeled) now at this point ... im just telling you the story

so basically the point of this story is kyle and the new republic is looking for jaden...
so these are the only models i need:
the rebel soldier (as seen on battlefront 1,2 and starwars 6)
mutated wookie (a wookie but fatter , severed , and worms sticking out)
a detail less model (all white, no hair)
george lucas

voices of:
george lucas
rebel soldier
rebel vanguard / scouts

robot system
rax jorris

dont get me wrong im not planning some huge project just a mod consisting of 5 levels.. ok?

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dont get me wrong im not planning some huge project just a mod consisting of 5 levels.. ok?

Judging from what you have said and described, I would say it is a fairly large project, due to the numbr of models, levels, voice actors, etc you need made/done.

Rooxon likes this
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Well I'll give you an advice @ I also always wanted to make the whole JKA high detailed or at least, less blocky and looking nicer, I'll call it Rooxon's JKA HD. That's my main goal I want to achieve on this comeback to the modding scene, I relize it's going to take my years as I'm going to work all by myself all the way through, with a little test help and such things from other members. (actually it's not little help, it's what's the most important to me and I really appreciate all the help).

But here comes the important part. For such a huge idea you need to go step by step. I started with the weapons... I joined the community in the second part of april this year, and I'm already done modeling and texturing most saber weapons, including the scepter and sword. Now sometime after this I'm starting on gun weapons and I'll basically have a big part done already. After that I'm thinking about going into placeables and such things, or maybe even playermodels but I have to think how the limitations border me accordingly, as I'm doing everything detailed as it can be now.

I think you SCHOULD start working on this project, but try to learn everything you need here and do it yourself, you can get really quick and good help on JKHub. Partnering up is also fine, but it could prove difficult, especially looking as everyone can come from anywhere from the world, so there are time differences, other obligations people have and so on. It's hard to come together. Also if nothing else, even if something comes up you can't do, I'm sure someone here on the forum would be glad to help you out, I mean, that's why we're all here. To be part of this community. :)

For instance, I was 14 and modded JKA for 2 years when I did my own little SP campaign containing 4 or 5 levels also and I learned to mod roughly through tutorials on the internet and later brushed out my skills through repetative use over and over. It wasn't voiced and I used mostly entities already ingame.



But hey, I hope you'll start this, I'd like to see what comes of it, It's quite an interesting idea you have for the story.

therfiles likes this
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well the problem is i have problems making models

i dont even know how to load the skeleton from the other modeler softimage



by the way rooxon i have your hd sabers i love em alot



other wise ill just re enact the bill gates and steve jobs interview thats why i need the models D: i cant model

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@, please use the edit button on the post and don't multi-post like that, it's against the forum rules, also it's a waste of posts.. You may get warned by the staff or even punished in some way...

Thanks, I appreciate you liking my work! And it seems to me like you haven't been doing mods for a long time, am I right? Well I could point you towards some people who could answer your questions better than me, I use gmax and for now I haven't even tried any other program yet.

For basic modeling I think gmax is a good starting program and for basic skinning try gimp, it's a free counterpart of the famous Adobe Photoshop. If you're gonna do playermodels, than I'd prefer 3ds max or Cinema4D, but I think you schould rather learn Softimage or the likes. For model viewing when I texture them I use either Noesis or ModView (from the JKA SDK)

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As demotivating as it may sound, I don't think anyone is ever going to be devoted to a project together, without a strong leader (absolutely not a reference to your Hitler theme, which frankly is mildly disturbing..!). If you showed people that you understood the scale of your ideas, and that you were able to do *most* of the ground work yourself, people would be more likely to contribute. Being able to do most of the level design in GtkRadiant is one of those things, but most importantly is to present the project in a way that makes it look like you're really into this idea yourself and have the persistence to water the plants. Show the world your baby after it is born  :P. Then ask someone to raise it with you when they can see that it really wasn't just pillows under your sweater.

Tempust85, therfiles, Bek and 1 other like this
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well the problem is i have problems making models

i dont even know how to load the skeleton from the other modeler softimage


When planning a large project like this, don't just find one part of the mod you can't do and let that stop you. Do what you can, become a pioneer, get people interested, and the pieces will fall into place if you become a strong, driven leader!


Again, SP levels take a lot of work to perfect. As a modder, you go through shifts of motivation and such, so even making one level with the level of perfection and polish that I would like simply takes a LONG time.


While we hate to discourage you, we just want you to realize what an ambitious project this is. Why don't you figure everything out, learn a couple more basic skills, and prepare a presentation to get people interested.

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hehe well I think you could bring a lot of fresh energy to our site, it's full of resources. I think you can find everything you need to learn here, if not, post and we'll see what we can do about it. Also yes I agree with @@therfiles, take your time and write a full presentation explained down to the detail. Not just the story but EVERYTHING that needs work. You can click on my banner and see how I've done that, allthough I'm not searching for any partners, I've just gave the public knowledge on what I plan on doing.

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Merge the Skeleton, dude. i simply have JKA skeleton in a max file a part, and i merge to model when i start to working... with a model :P


NFor the mod. sorry but i cannot help. I working about a mod MOOOORE big of your: Legacy of Kain mod conversion by 5-6 years. Only in last 2 i see nice resultst and i end all modelling and combat voices. now i am ending the last efx before the code. i need just 1 reskin (and i wait the answer of person that request ti me), 1 model (it's building by a my friend i need just to rig) and some efx.

well, i am making that's ALL alone, however eh? map, script, etc.

Obvious it's impossible to make nosgoth world alone, so i have a large amount of material by other mod or by the games.

However you can make alone a mod, if yu want. yu can see what map you like to use and contact autor for got permission, some with models and making the script part alone. that's is the fast way. the long way is to make all by yourself.

However, yu need to considere i am working with gigabytes of material for my mod >_>

uff for my lucky i am at the end of configuring the players characters.





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