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Error in MD3View using md3 exporter for 3DS Max

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I notice that all of the models I've exported using this exporter, gives me a set of errors when loaded in MD3View - here's from one of my md3s:

Internal logic error. Not at tag position when we should be. (164 should be 155)


Internal logic error. Not at surface position when we should be. (164 should be 155)


Error in

"C:\etc etc\GameData\base\models\weapons2\jtb_flashlight\flashlight.MD3", mesh "":''


Error loading mesh, found "ligh" instead of "IDP3"!



Other md3s I've exported give similar errors, however only this one has needed to be loaded into MD3View.

It happens no matter if I export tags or not. Flashlight is only one mesh and has UVW Unwrap.


Also happens with mrwonko's MD3View.






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How about you supply a model for us to reproduce it with? In general, it's not necessarily a problem with the model, MD3View doesn't support MD3 quite correctly, if stuff is not in the expected order it gets confused (but the format totally supports this).

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I don't know what's causing it, but my tags aren't recognized as tags. Have tried naming them with a number of prefixes, like *parent, tag_parent, parent, based on different sources, and no change when taking tags from imported weapons. In MD3-/ModView it displays as normal surfaces rather than tags. I don't know if going via Noesis affects this, or what really determines that it's a *tag*.


Any ideas?

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I see. Any suggestions for what I could use to export with tags? The exporter for Gmax doesn't support it either. Is blender the only option? It would take some time to learn. Also, it gave some script/code error when trying to choose "Enable addon" that kind of scared me away from it for now.


What do people usually use when making new weapons, or sabers even?

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 The exporter for Gmax doesn't support it either.

Why do you think that Gmax doesnt support tags? I just made a simple cylinder(UVW mapped it), added a tag_blade1 and exported it. Everything shows right in MD3View. I saved model as glm and loaded it in ModView - everything is okey here too, tag_blade is shown in tag surfaces section. Didnt try it in game though...

Btw I used exporter by Chris Cookson, not sure about version (its shows "Export MD3 v1.0 by Pop N Fresh").

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Why do you think that Gmax doesnt support tags? I just made a simple cylinder(UVW mapped it), added a tag_blade1 and exported it. Everything shows right in MD3View. I saved model as glm and loaded it in ModView - everything is okey here too, tag_blade is shown in tag surfaces section. Didnt try it in game though...

Btw I used exporter by Chris Cookson, not sure about version (its shows "Export MD3 v1.0 by Pop N Fresh").


I use the same exporter. Could you check if it registers tags named flash and parent? I'm unsure about the correct prefix (could be *parent or tag_parent or just parent for all I know), but those tags are needed for weapons.

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the correct prefix it's "tag_" when yu export the models, md3view and modelview read the "tag_" as "*"

for your issue: mmm, md3 models mesh not need to be in hierarchy for objects. sometime can be unexpected error about that.

I suggest you to use blender 2.64 and the mister wonko md3 exporter. Blender can export fine and if yu on Edit-> select mesh -> custom properties set the key "md3shader" and the relative path of your text, yu have the texture applied on Md3 models. my 3d max not apply texture or material, even if i specify the path and file.

it's better if you use 3d max for modelling the md3 and after you export into blender on 3ds format with NO hierarchy or you get some trouble into the position of model origin. also yu need to rescale to 1 the model into blender because blender scale it into 0.001 xyz scale.

ah, OBJ can give you some trouble and model can be rotatted. if yu use as export format. ASE it's good export format for blender 2.64 but yu can get trouble with Uvmapping texture distorsion. so make on 3d max, name the tags as "tag_NAME" export in 3ds, import on blender, seth the texture path of every mesh, export on MD3. yu get it! :)

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How strange. Now that I'm on another computer, Gmax seems to export tags fine using tag_name. I'm almost sure that's the only thing that changed. Oh well.


I didn't wanna use blender, because it's such a radically different UI and it doesn't install my exporter, but no need to worry about that unless I ever need to use it :)

Also, DT, Noesis didn't seem to have tag support, so that wouldn't get me where I needed, I think.

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I use the same exporter. Could you check if it registers tags named flash and parent? I'm unsure about the correct prefix (could be *parent or tag_parent or just parent for all I know), but those tags are needed for weapons.

Just wanted to say that I checked tag_parent and tag_flash (everything exports right), but I see your tag export problem is solved... well, nevermind then)

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