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Doors that open automatically?

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So I'm working on a map, and I want to have an automatic door which opens as the player gets close. In the old DF2 game I did this by making "pressure plates" on the floor and conencting them to the door.
I know it is possibe to makethis in JO/JA but I cant seem to remember the process exactly and I cant find a tutorial on how to do it.
Normally I make my door and set it which the up vector for movement, and make it activateable.
I'm assuming its a trigger box base though? Have triggers boxs on either side of the door linked to the door so when player overlaps with the box it sends the trigger to the door and "open sesame" ?

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JK Hub - [Editor: Zero Raven]

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If you just have a func_door with no targetname a trigger for opening and closing it will automatically be created, no need to do anything else. If you want to place the trigger manually (and again, you usually don't need to) use a trigger_multiple and set both the target and the target2 to the func_door's targetname.

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You can add targetnames and a trigger if you want.  Sometimes it is better to make triggers for the door depending on the doors angle and how fast you want it to open so a player can go through the door "at speed" without being interrupted.  The only key and value you would need to add to the trigger (other than the target) would be a small wait time.  At the very least add a wait time of 1.  In my experiences with Jedi Academy, triggers will be triggered in milliseconds and if a wait time isn't added to the door trigger you may have problems getting through the door.

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You can add targetnames and a trigger if you want.  Sometimes it is better to make triggers for the door depending on the doors angle and how fast you want it to open so a player can go through the door "at speed" without being interrupted.  The only key and value you would need to add to the trigger (other than the target) would be a small wait time.  At the very least add a wait time of 1.  In my experiences with Jedi Academy, triggers will be triggered in milliseconds and if a wait time isn't added to the door trigger you may have problems getting through the door.

Just setting a target and a wait sucks. Use target2 and a toggle door instead.

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I prefer to use categorized dynamic Icarus scripts for my doors( Ex: double_doors.ibi, single_door.ibi, double_rotating_doors.ibi, single_rotating_door.ibi, etc... ). That way I can have a huge amount of different types of doors, and adjust lines in a script accordingly.


To me, it's easier to setup entities to properly use dynamic scripts, and then just change the one script, rather than changing KVP's on large amounts of entities.

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There are many ways to make a door open the way you want it to open.  Make a test map and experiment.  Find which one you like and use that one.  Don't let someone tell you that one way "sucks" when it works the way you intend it to work.  You have many examples here so test em out.

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